(Ed.'s Note: The City of Brownsville commissioners approved the authorization of two public hearings Aug. 22 and 29 to discuss the proposed ad valor tax rate that will exceed the effective tax rate. Finance Office calculations indicate that the city will collect an additional $962,183 in 2018. The hearings will be held in City Hall chambers
The effective tax rate is a calculated rate that will provide the City with about the same amount of revenue it received the prior year to properties taxed in both years. If property values rise, the effective tax rate will go down and vice versa. Taxable property values in 2017 increased 2.82 percent over property values in 2016, and thus the City’s 2017 effective rate decreased.)
Now if only property owners will pay the fucking taxes, juan!
Property taxes are political, just like other taxes. The city commission and city officials know that most people will not protest an increase in their property taxes....some who are illegal and don't want to make waves, some don't feel the increase is out of line, others who feel their property is growing in value and others who "trust" the city and county. Property taxes are political...and most increases in property taxes mean that city managers get by free on tax hikes. I believe every home owner should learn about the way property taxes are calculated and take advantage of all forms of protest. Look at all the possible exemptions and determine if you qualify for property tax exemptions. The job of every person in the property tax office is to diligently seek to increase property values.
Here we go again.Ask not what your city can do for you, Ask what you can do for the city. And then everyone wonders why the men are sailing cocaine and the women are doing tricks. To pay taxes. Stupid people
The county always balances out to zero - they sell the property for the amount owed and the affected party has a grace period to cure the debt with the new owner of the debt.
Even when the comments don't make any cents I steal know what there saying
The money is badly needed for more bike and hike trails. The number one issue in Brownsville. Who cares for the taxpayers, the city father's need know how to spend taxpayers money building more outhouses for illegals.
Its not that the comments don't make "cents" - its that your are very stupid to understand.
And Im not surprised you wrote that - I don't think your joking.
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