By Tad Hasse
Special to El Rrun-RrunI’ve been getting far more than my share of automated robo-calls “begging me for this”, and “the house will fall if I don’t act soon”, and all the other Chicken Little crap that goes hand-in-hand with party politics.
The Republican Party of Texas is a grassroots organization. I’ll both take them on their word on that, and in this case, hold them to their word on that. What was causing all this robo crap on my phone was an organization bent on telling me I had to get in line to pass a slate of bills, on faith alone. I seem to recall “We need to pass it before we know what is in it”, pushed before with some catastrophic results.
I'm kind of violently middle of the road. I will not be bullied to walk down a narrow ditch, nor will I accept bullying from those walking their ditch on the other side of the road with both sides screaming manically for me to get out of the road and get into their ditch.
I heard a disgustingly stupid description of middle of the road Republicans used by other Republicans: “Roadkill”.
We have a State Convention coming up and I'll doubtless be a delegate. Let’s see who there that wants debate on the brilliant strategy of disregarding the statistical average of 70 percent of the voters that comprise the middle of the road.
Want a simple example? A significant part of the Texas Republican party is dedicated to...secession. Really! I’m serious and not joking. Time, effort, and money is being devoted to this...silliness. A plank "actually" made it through the platform committee last convention and had to be contentiously removed on a floor vote.
What a waste of time, energy, and resources! I don't want the phrase "Shit like this is why you lost" flung at us, and I will not sit idly by and let that happen.
“You! Yea, you over there in that ditch with a hog ring through your nipple! Quit wagging your genitals at me like a battle flag! And, you in the other ditch! Yea, you! The one who takes his bible only to public meetings! Quit giving a platform and time to that guy with the hog ring in his nipple! We have more important things to fix!”
Now I see Jim Barnes out of Hidalgo County spewing opinion on how things should run in Cameron County every chance he gets and some of our own dumbasses thinking this is somehow reasonable. We won’t return to Frank Morris litmus tests of sheep like platitudes. We won’t return to meetings where the agenda was a hymnal at the Church of My Aren’t We All So Republican. Puritan Witch Hunts were the order of the day and I won’t take it, especially from someone who doesn’t even vote here.
I notice Frank…err Jim taking pot shots at my chairman Morgan Graham and also taking out his “purity scope” to see if Carlos Cascos measures up. Both Morgan and I have our differences, but agree where it is important, as is the same with Carlos Cascos. I don’t speak for them, but I will defend them if they are being maligned, as is the case with you.
A "small" piece of information that "may" be germane to the discussion is a tinsy-winsy little fact that may have gone unnoticed by you: EVERY ELECTED HOUSE REP FROM "BOTH" OUR COUNTIES ARE ALL "DEMOCRATS"!
Morgan Graham is not doing enough to remove House Speaker Strauss?
Well, duh you dumbass! You may as well ask why Hidalgo County doesn't get rid of Maxine Waters...what’s that? You can't because you don't vote for her? Well, DUMBASS, county chairs don't choose the House Speaker, either. This is simply fake news, pushing some weird ass agenda upon Cameron County and you don't even live here!
Now before you start slinging any Democrat collaboration crap at me, I’m going to say flat out what many have heard me say before: Compromise has never made a good idea any better. Let that sink in.
And…..since "when" has the Tea Party become the organization of social action? Instead of y’all running your mouths about bathroom bills and other dog whistle issues that have "nothing" to do with local taxing and spending problems in our own back yard, open your eyes and fix those.
How about you do something about direct theft from the people to fund corporate handout partnerships with sales tax and fuel tax dollars?
“You! Yea, you over there in that ditch with a hog ring through your nipple! Quit wagging your genitals at me like a battle flag! And, you in the other ditch! Yea, you! The one who takes his bible only to public meetings! Quit giving a platform and time to that guy with the hog ring in his nipple! We have more important things to fix!”
Now I see Jim Barnes out of Hidalgo County spewing opinion on how things should run in Cameron County every chance he gets and some of our own dumbasses thinking this is somehow reasonable. We won’t return to Frank Morris litmus tests of sheep like platitudes. We won’t return to meetings where the agenda was a hymnal at the Church of My Aren’t We All So Republican. Puritan Witch Hunts were the order of the day and I won’t take it, especially from someone who doesn’t even vote here.

A "small" piece of information that "may" be germane to the discussion is a tinsy-winsy little fact that may have gone unnoticed by you: EVERY ELECTED HOUSE REP FROM "BOTH" OUR COUNTIES ARE ALL "DEMOCRATS"!
Morgan Graham is not doing enough to remove House Speaker Strauss?
Well, duh you dumbass! You may as well ask why Hidalgo County doesn't get rid of Maxine Waters...what’s that? You can't because you don't vote for her? Well, DUMBASS, county chairs don't choose the House Speaker, either. This is simply fake news, pushing some weird ass agenda upon Cameron County and you don't even live here!
Now before you start slinging any Democrat collaboration crap at me, I’m going to say flat out what many have heard me say before: Compromise has never made a good idea any better. Let that sink in.
And…..since "when" has the Tea Party become the organization of social action? Instead of y’all running your mouths about bathroom bills and other dog whistle issues that have "nothing" to do with local taxing and spending problems in our own back yard, open your eyes and fix those.
How about you do something about direct theft from the people to fund corporate handout partnerships with sales tax and fuel tax dollars?
That Regional Mobility Authority right there in your "own" county is sucking road funds from the State Legislature and the Texas Dept. of Transportation to build toll roads that people have to pay for AGAIN every time they drive on them and continue to pay maintenance AFTER they are sold AND the State even collects the tolls for them.
Yea, right under your nose and in your face this is happening. To add further insult, the level of corruption in that program is nothing short of legendary. Unless my understanding of the purpose of the Tea Party is grossly off base, I would question what you have done to stop this wholesale theft in your county.
I love heated discussion over what we can do. I loathe wasting time arguing over things we "can't" do, and have no truck with chest beating pontification. I leave the virtue signaling to those idiots in the left hand ditch.
I love heated discussion over what we can do. I loathe wasting time arguing over things we "can't" do, and have no truck with chest beating pontification. I leave the virtue signaling to those idiots in the left hand ditch.
Say no to drugs!
I have no said them all!!
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