The Brownsville Independent School District rumor mill is hitting on all eight cylinders that City of Brownsville commissioner – and BISD staff member – has ironed out a deal with trustee Carlos Elizondo, also the city's fire chief, that would make Longoria the district's Public information Officer in return for protection for Elizondo.

Critics have pointed out that the city's personnel policy manual prohibits a city employee in an administrative position from serving in elected office in subdivisions within the city's jurisdiction. The justification is that there is a major potential for conflict of interest in such an arrangement.

Longoria, who moonlights as a DJ on the side, apparently feels he has the gift of gab and the flair to handle the PIO gig. If he was to land it, he would be in charge of a $300,000-plus budget while drawing somewhere around $100,000 or more for his salary.
Elizondo, on the other hand, would have Longoria as his protector from other city commissioners who might actually take the city's policies serious and want to scrutinize his relationship with a local unlicensed ambulance service and the company providing EMT courses at the BISD.
It seems like a marriage made in Browntown.
Conflict of interest is all over this.
Your obsession with Elizondo is lame, bro.
Is Rick Longoria properly certified to qualify for the Public Information Officer? I don't think so and if he is thinking that he can swing his pull
to keeping Elizondo out of trouble with the district, I doubt that. Have you noticed that he has taken a back seat at the commission meetings and keeps quiet more now that Cesar makes more sense than even Blue Jean Mayor?
Drue was not pushed out. If she left for any reason it was probably because she was caught between too walls - her loyalty to her boss and her friendship with one of the board members.
Me too!!
Why wait for elcection day, in Brownsville less than 10% of registered voters actually vote. No sense on voting.
The word on the street is that Atkinson wants Longoria in the job to kèp eye on super,
Are you freaking kidding me? Longoria has zero experience as being a working member of the media. How will deal with the media should something major happen at a BISD school like the incident at Cummings Middle School where a student was shot and killed by two BPD officers- one of them was his brother.
Please BISD, hire someone with experience if you believe in your district and its students.
Longoria,how much can a man sell his soul?
He's got to go.
Sylvia does not need another snitch on board. She already has many for that is the way she works, including Rio Hondo, where everyone calls her the "The Bull" because she comes after people like a bull attacking the matador and bullies people around because she is the one in charge. Poor Smilie if he doesn't follow through and removes her before it is too late for him. Rick has much to hide so he should not have the audacity to be pointing fingers. Besides, what do they think they can pin on Zendejas. She is brighter and smarter than all of them put together and knows where he limits are, since she is hired by the board. Pero es major una tonta que dos. Rick, do you honestly think you can do the job? I don't think so! Better stay where you are in a cushiony job where your new principal will probably love your baby face.
Rick, sorry but it is time for you to hand down your Charro Days shirt to your beautiful daughter to wear at the next celebration or you need to start using the bike trails your comadre Rose has inundated the city with. See how you can connect the trail from you home.
Rick Longoria fits right in with Mayor Tony Martinez...both are arrogant, worthless and unashamed. Longoria is unqualified for anything, but it is that that makes him qualified for politics in Brownsville. He obviously seeks to use his position to pressure for a new job. We saw that with Melissa Zamora...another failure for this community. Personal gain is what Longoria seeks for his public service. Too bad for those who live here.
Disgusting. Why didn't you include the nude photo of him playing with the light saber?
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