Brownsville Observer Blog
City Attorney Mark "It's Legal" Sossi, the proverbial "cat with nine lives," may have reached the end of his employment with the City of Brownsville. Of course, that rumor has circulated before.
An action item on the agenda for the August 15 City Commission meeting opens the way for a vote on Sossi's continued employment with the city:
C) Consideration and ACTION to evaluate the City Attorney and Legal Services of the City of Brownsville and to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (Commissioners J. Tetreau/B. Neece)
Never a good hire by the City of Brownsville, Sossi's resume' is littered with theft, malpractice and incompetence, including a $167,363 judgement for pocketing funds intended for his previous employer, the Willette & Guerra Law Firm, stealing another $20,711.66 from the Texas Workforce, intended for employee unemployment benefits, a $100,000 tax lien from the I.R.S. as well as two malpractice lawsuits from Brownsville residents who thought retaining the City Attorney in private practice might be a good idea.
Sossi's magnum opus, however, has to be his highschoolish power point, at Mayor Martinez's behest, against the broadcast of the public comment of Brownsville taxpayers at City Commission meetings.
Sossi, perhaps possessed by some despot's demon, argued that blocking the broadcast of public comment would lead to a greater diversity of commenters. Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler all applauded from their graves!
Mr. Sossi, an ill-advised hire during Pat Ahumada's last term as mayor, has proved to be the gift that keeps on taking, blocking governmental tranparency at every possible turn, resisting democratic principles as if they were carriers of the Zika virus. Sossi has morphed into the city's enabler, including the unethical mayor, certain city commissioners and the challenged, but overpaid, city manager.
The recent brouhaha over an ambulance service operating within the city, allegedly without proper licensing, may, finally, be Sossi's undoing.
Theoretically, if Commissioners De Leon, Neece, Tetreau and Munguia vote to terminate Sossi, a tie-breaking vote by Mayor Martinez will be unnecessary. In that scenario, Commissioner Gowen may choose to simply side with the majority so as not to be linked with Sossi's shenanigans in perpetuity.
Personal issues could indeed make Commissioner Longoria the lone holdout, or not.
City Attorney Mark "It's Legal" Sossi, the proverbial "cat with nine lives," may have reached the end of his employment with the City of Brownsville. Of course, that rumor has circulated before.
An action item on the agenda for the August 15 City Commission meeting opens the way for a vote on Sossi's continued employment with the city:

Never a good hire by the City of Brownsville, Sossi's resume' is littered with theft, malpractice and incompetence, including a $167,363 judgement for pocketing funds intended for his previous employer, the Willette & Guerra Law Firm, stealing another $20,711.66 from the Texas Workforce, intended for employee unemployment benefits, a $100,000 tax lien from the I.R.S. as well as two malpractice lawsuits from Brownsville residents who thought retaining the City Attorney in private practice might be a good idea.
Sossi's magnum opus, however, has to be his highschoolish power point, at Mayor Martinez's behest, against the broadcast of the public comment of Brownsville taxpayers at City Commission meetings.
Sossi, perhaps possessed by some despot's demon, argued that blocking the broadcast of public comment would lead to a greater diversity of commenters. Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler all applauded from their graves!
Mr. Sossi, an ill-advised hire during Pat Ahumada's last term as mayor, has proved to be the gift that keeps on taking, blocking governmental tranparency at every possible turn, resisting democratic principles as if they were carriers of the Zika virus. Sossi has morphed into the city's enabler, including the unethical mayor, certain city commissioners and the challenged, but overpaid, city manager.
The recent brouhaha over an ambulance service operating within the city, allegedly without proper licensing, may, finally, be Sossi's undoing.
Theoretically, if Commissioners De Leon, Neece, Tetreau and Munguia vote to terminate Sossi, a tie-breaking vote by Mayor Martinez will be unnecessary. In that scenario, Commissioner Gowen may choose to simply side with the majority so as not to be linked with Sossi's shenanigans in perpetuity.
Personal issues could indeed make Commissioner Longoria the lone holdout, or not.
No, as you said before, 9 lives cat and it will survive.
Have the BPD escort him to his car as soon as he is fired so he cannot retrieve files
Hire ROCA SHERGOLD. Jim Mattox boy
Sossi has to go
Since Da'Mayor has followed Sossi's guidance for so long, firing him is not likely to be supported by Tony Martinez, but the Commission now has a couple of members who may override the mayor's desire to keep Sossi. Or, the mayor may make the decision to fire Sossi appear to be the other commissioners. Sossi is a DICK and reflects the defensive nature of Da'Mayor's office; and Sossi also reflects the lack of leadership and failed tenure of Da'Mayor.
Rick, something is wrong for I have noticed that at the last couple of commission meetings you have kept quiet in your corner. Whatever personal stuff you have, you took an oath to stand for the city and it is time to act now. Don't let Tony dictate things.
NONMBRE NOTHING WILL GET DONE.Just like San Bene PURO HOT AIR.They put stuff on the agenda for Executive session and then POP. Puro TAPANDO EL OYO AL Macho. Dont worry SOSE you will be okay but if push comes to shove you can always apply in SAN BURITO.
John Shergold, seriously?
Is about time Sossi is a dick
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