Sunday, September 24, 2017


By Juan Montoya

Even as the dust settles from the bombshell delivered upon the political panorama by the anonymous release of a four-hour long recording of City of Brownsville Commissioner Cesar De Leon at a private gathering in a ranch belonging to a local district judge where he uttered the "N" word and disparaged political figures across the local spectrum, rumors of the existence of even more surreptitious recordings are surfacing.

There are rumors that the tapes deal with the operations of the Brownsville Fire Department involving not only De Leon, but also commissioner Jessica Tetreau, former fire chief Carlos Elizondo firing Capt. Margarito Gracia, and other well-known political figures.

The Brownsville Herald carried an editorial today where it blandly states that "De Leon has learned a hard lesson about modern-day politics: Don't assume that all private actions and statements will stay private. Nowadays, almost everybody carries a mobile phone that can capture conversations and video images. Such devices can gather memories – or evidence – and one never knows when the record button has been pressed."

Others in social media say Elizondo – whose pending demotion at the time he recorded De Leon at 357th District Judge Juan Magallanes' ranch is mentioned as being the motive for recording the compromising remarks to stave off his firing – is literally loaded for bear with recording devices.

"He is outfitted with electronic devices like a military listening post," commented one wag.

(Another quipped that "at the recent reelection fundraiser for Magallanes at the same place where the recordings were made, visitors were stripped of recording devices as a requisite for getting on the premises. A sweep of the ranch for electronic recording devices was done before starting event. Anyone seen recording was to be shot on the spot"...That, of course, was not true.)

A commenter on Facebook who knows Elizondon and his wife well accused him of carrying not only his cell phone, but also recorders disguised as a pen, a cross pendant, and even the ubiquitous dark shades that they say can record audio and video.

Image result for carlos elizondoSources close to the events that transpired last week say that Elizondo recorded the De Leon rant on one of these devices and used his cell phone several times during the four-hour period. They says that apart from Elizondo, De Leon and Armando Magallanes, there was another person there, a local resident named Joe Barrientes, who used to work in local banking.

But aside from De Leon and Elizondo, there is little uttered by Magallanes or Barrientes. As we have heard it, Magallanes was asked by Elizondo to set up the meeting with De Leon at the ranch so they could discuss matters related to his employment as chief of the fire department and how they could work out an arrangement using his vote on the BISD as a bargaining chip.

In other words, Elizondo was bargaining with De Leon to protect his city job in exchange for his vote on the BISD on a number of issues.

This is exactly the reason why the city's personnel policy manual prohibits its employees from holding elective public office with another entity that lies within the jurisdiction of the city. Still, the city commission – and City Manager Charlie Cabler – have failed to implement it and give Elizondo the ultimatum to either stay with the BISD or keep their city jobs.

The release of the first snippets from the total recording focused on the racist utterances by De Leon disparaging the intransigence of two black Asst. DAs in refusing to negotiate plea bargains with his clients and insisting on jail sentences instead. Then the following snippets dealt with the unflattering characterization of  his colleagues on the city commission, the BISD board, other lawyers and judges, and some local residents. All of them were meant to embarrass De Leon and no one else could be heard in them. These were professionally-done recordings on MP3 format that not just any kid on a PC can produce.

But then someone (no one knows who) heard other things concerning individuals with whom they had an ax to grind and decided – probably without Elizondo's knowledge or approval – that the full tape should be released. We understand that these individuals wanted to focus on a $40,000 referral payment made by local attorney Louis Sorola to Mark Sossi while the latter was with the Willette-Guerra law firm. Sossi would eventually be made city attorney but had reached a settlement in court to repay Willette et al $167,000 in fees that he deposited in his own account instead of in the company's.

The people who released one of the tapes wanted listeners to think that Sorola had done something illegal. Sorola has said that they had it wrong. He and his legal associates actually paid Sossi (and Willette) $75,000 for the referral, not $40,000, in the normal course of doing business.

Regardless, the genie was out of the bottle and what was revealed was a seamy underside of Brownsville politics that many of us only suspected. Were there jobs for favors handed out of the city manager's office, favored firms vying for contracts with the Brownsville Public Utility Board (Armando Magallanes is a member, having being appointed by De Leon), and undue political influence being applied on the various entities affecting the outcome of public policy?

Of course there were, as the substance of the recordings attest. God only knows what the other tapes lurking out there will reveal.

The Herald editorial sanctimoniously observes that "...officials, and those who aspire to be, must recognize that their actions and statements are matters of public interest. Unexpected recordings might create grief for some politicians, but if they help voters make better-informed decisions on Election Day, they can serve the greater good."
Image result for emma perez-trevino

Now that the messenger has been duly chastised, let's turn to the message. Children and drunks, the Mexican dicho says, always tell the truth. We have a golden opportunity to hold these leads up to the light of truth and see if the worst of our suspicions were true. And if they were, let the processes of justice be brought to bear on them and extirpate this cancer from our governmental entities.

(All the while, Elizondo's local and cyber sycophants continue to work the race card to divert attention from these obvious and  egregious abuses of official power.)

The silver lining to all this is that it has set the investigative hormones flowing in journalism sleuth Emma Perez-TreviƱo, who – like the old milk-wagon horse – has heard the clanging of squalor and corruption as it slouches through the political landscape and is champing at the bit to chain the rascals to the pillory. If anyone can, Emma – pictured here putting a novillo through its paces – can.


Anonymous said...

That is nothing. The san benito police chief has over 500 recordings floating out there in public and some people have them. And they are not good.

Anonymous said...

Extirpate the cancer of double dealing, crooked politics, payback and kickbacks from Browntown politics? You just gotta be pulling my leg! It that happened there would be no Browntown politics and you would have nothing to write about.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely shameful, magallanes should have at least apologized for his disgraceful brothers behavior and De Leon, this lack of shame, goes to show the low barometer used for his morality. In other words, no moral compass.
I feel shame for these people, but more shame for Cesar, as he was more then likely set up, by no other than Armando, just wonder what is Armando to loose if Cesar finds out dealing or what is he to gain by getting him out. Classic magallanes strategy. CLASSIC.
I hope and pray De Leon keeps away from that terrible case of human. Armando, you are just a bad apple, and your taking your blood down with your actions. A good place in hell is reserved for you.

Anonymous said...

In the duration of that 4 hour recording, Elizondo can be heard receiving a total of 38 phone calls from Jesse Weenes asking to get out of having to work EMS. Weenes, who reportedly suffered a mental breakdown last year after a non-emergency transfer interrupted his afternoon nap, has been reported to have been constantly asking the former chief for a variety of accommodations. When asked to comment on the incident, Weenes responded "Har-di-ta-ba-huaahhhh" and then was interupted when a ravenous pack of wild dogs burst into the room, bit onto the back of his neck, and dragged him away.

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Herald had a "pussy editorial" which failed to point out that while locals want to get rid of a rock because its connections to the Confederacy, that the same should be true for a City Commissioner who uttered such racist and bigoted language. That rock in Washinton Park has never said a word, but Cesar de Leon has proven to be a racist and a bigot because of his his rant about two black prosecutors in the DA's office. He should resign NOW. He is a disgrace to this community....even more of a disgrace than that rock. Why would the Herald pussy-foot around this issue? Why would the Herald not call for his resignation? Regardless of why the tapes were made or who made them.....Cesar de Leon is a bigot and a racist....he should resign.

Anonymous said...

Resign Dog! Ah the position lands you money. Che vato.

Anonymous said...

De Leon has been getting involved in BISD politics, which is why Elizondo asked for the meeting. De Leon wanted to expand his power for his re-election by swinging the political pendulum towards Atkinson and Pena. This is why de Leon is telling Elizondo he better start changing the way he votes on the BISD Board. If an investigation is ever launched, it will most likely reveal that Atkinson has been putting pressuring Cesar to force Elizondo to resign from the BISD Board or forced to resign as Fire Chief. The pressure put on by Atkinson led to Elizondo getting demoted, but not forced to resign from the BISD Board. If the investigation is launched it will most likely lead to Cesar and Ben pressuring Cabler as Akinson's requested in an effort to gain control of the BISD Board. Atkinson is power hungary and wants her brother and family members to benefit while she is on the Board. Atkinson also wants control in order to get rid of the superintendant. I say a full investigation should be launched, which will reveal the many shady backroom deals Cesar has been doing, along with the mayor, cabler, tetreau and others. Cesar should do the right thing and resign, because he is not fit to serve and has proven he is not fit to serve. Cesar is not a kid and purposely put himself in the position of trying to be a powerful political figure who can force people like Elizondo to do his bidding so he can gain politically, but he messed up. Now he should resign.

Anonymous said...

Now if only Emma could write. Too thick. Not a crisp writer at all!

Anonymous said...

juan, the following suggestion in another post is a good idea, but add George Gavito for fixing cases and his dealings at the port. Add Luis Saenz for the wife beating allegations in the past and theft by credit card, plus his influence that was used to buy Joe de la Garza no criminal charges. I am sure you can add many more to the list suggested in another post, which is below.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Juan, you should do a write up on the biggest fuck ups by local politicians and ask readers to rank them.

The Abel Limas scandal
Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa beating her elderly husband
Ben Neece getting stabbed by his equally high wife
Cesar De Leon being a full blown racist
Pat Ahumada's multiple DWIs
Erin Hernandez's marriage waivers
Ernie Hernandez's buddy hiring practices
Pete Sepulveda's private road paving
Eddie Lucio being a homophobic idiot
Rene Oliveira's hit and run

I can't pick a favorite!

September 24, 2017 at 10:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Those of you that have never made or thought of a racist remark raise your hand right now. No one can raise their hand! Well there you have it. No one is perfect! The ones that make a BIG deal of the racist remarks are probably the most racist of them all! Point is, get a grip and get on with yourselves, for everyone at one time or another has made racist remarks and even put down their own race & culture. Get over and be done with this! Ya basta!!!!!!!!!!!

tax payer said...

Where is our school board president Cesar Lopez and Dr. Zendejaz did they go underground to avoid facing the music.

I say a full investigation should be launched, which will reveal the many shady backroom deals Cesar has been doing, along with the mayor, cabler, and others.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:34 pm, you don't get it. This is not about anybody, this is about a lawyer, a sitting elected commissioner who admits doing wrong knowingly and uses racist slurs. This is about a commissioner who perjurs himself when he took his oath of office when he swears not to have promised anything in exchange for votes and he admits to have promised ELIZONDO the fire chief position if elected in exchange for his support. This is about meddling in the governance of another public entity, namely BIAS in exchange for protection. This is about what was said on the tape that is incriminating, but also about Other Unknown things Cesar has been doing as a commissioner that are unethical and illegal. This is about the character of a man who is supposed to hold himself to a higher standard with no one having to hold his hand. Cesar should know and does know better, but he chose to be a racist and made it clear the higher standard does not apply to him. This is not about ordinary people, this is about who represents me and all the citizens of Brownsville. Cesar has failed the test of public servant and must resign, but he feels entitled and will not, which is why our community must speak out against the racism Cesar stands for.

Anonymous said...

Call the Texas Rangers they have to investigate Mando Magallanes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The RANGERS ain't gonna do shit. Aren't those the ones that investigated the tax - man. How did that go ?

Anonymous said...

Nice picture you posted to your blog from Judge Magalanes Facebook. Did you not notice that Cesar Deleon is in two of the pictures wearing a white shirt? Damn, this Judge continues to hang out with this crooked, racist person as if nothing? We all know his buddy DA will not look into any of this. The Texas Rangers need to be contacted to look into all of this.

Anonymous said...

Why is Jesse Weenes Perez crying like a little bitch all the time. This pendejo needs to be fired from the department. Este puto can't even do his job. When is the city going to fire his ass? He is a disgrace to our department and needs to be replaced by someone with balls that can do the job.

Anonymous said...

Survey says....Where are the Texas Rangers?!

Anonymous said...

Not all of us are elected officials, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, magallanes set him up. Ur trying to confuse people, they are not stupid, I hope you realize

Anonymous said...

So those offended by the racist remarks or by the shit he talked about local business owners, who are our relatives or friends, should not care because you tell us we're not focusing on the main issue? That's important to us and we will do everything in our power to get him out of office. Whatever issues he has with Elizondo and any other politician can be worked out between themselves but he's a piece of shit for ranting about the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

The Texas Rangers, the FBI, and the OIG have been notified of the corrupt District Judges, corrupt DA's and nothing is been done

Anonymous said...

Cesar de Leon's racisim and derrogatory slurs and mindset against the DA's black prosecutors dates back to the mindset against the Buffalo Soldiers in Brownsville who were accused and dishonorable discharged just for being black. Goes to show how some things have not changes.

Anonymous said...

Cesar De Leon demonstrates racism against African Americans by using the N-word and against Mexicans by calling them "mojados." Downplaying and spinning it is just as bad. You know that, Juan.

Cesar, you're finally getting that attention you always crave. To bad it's not the good kind. Tetreau has the same problem. She loves attention but cannot control her uneducated self so she constantly messes up and pays for it. Go away you self-centered fools.

Anonymous said...

Mine was Tetreau's domestic brawl. "I am a city commissioner. Please come help me. I locked myself inside a room after giving my husband some vergasos. Come now. It's the house with the escalade and BMW outside. Did you hear me? An escalade and BMW are in my driveway."

Lol even before getting arrested she was concerned with bragging about her cars. Nice mugshot, Al Bundy.

Anonymous said...

A este millennium se le acabo el gas. Cesar renuncia ya vato

Diego lee rot said...

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Bob Marley

Anonymous said...

Elizondo. ..along with his wife, are the ultimate crookes

Anonymous said...

Jessica and Cesar are prime examples of going against their oaths of office, which explicitly prohibit returning political campaign favors, with board appointments as one example. And they wanted to start an ethics committee, hahaha. Los marranos se juntan para rascarse la espalda uno con el otro.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone transcribe the tape and upload that? Also, DeLeon mentions he is friends with Montoya in the tape as if in his back pocket. Where does that leave this blog and its credibility to report the truth? The Rangers will not do anything because protocol is for the DA to have interest first and since he is compadres with Magallanes this will NEVER happen.........The best way to get this out in the open is to send it transcribed to the national media showing not only the discrimination but the strong arming and the puppeteering and all the corruption at multiple levels. Getting DeLeon out is only the beginning of what needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

How can you still be harping on Elizondo and not acknowledge the shit DeLeon and the Magallanes clan are doing? Get this through your head..NO DEMOCRAT IN THIS CITY HAS COME OUT AND SAID DELEON AND HIS WORDS AND ACTIONS ARE UNACCEPTABLE AND NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!
The Democratic Party Chair of Texas, Gilberto Hinojosa lives here and has not said one damn word! I WILL NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to send them to el rrun rrun so all can hear.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Diego! Where's your photo shop, Marley photo?

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, Cesar de Leon is a racist and bigot....proven by his comments.
He should resign now. If the other city commissioners don't support his resignation, they are guilty as he is. Guilt by omission. De Leon should resign. His apology is not enough. We can't remove rocks from the park as racist and not remove a racist commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we agree. Elizondo and his wife are the ultimate "SCUMBAGS". His wife probably didn't expect to be embroiled in this spectacle but, Carlos doesn't give a shit. He will take her down for the BITCH that she is to everybody. Cindy is an arrogant and very mean person and EVIL, just like Carlos. She doesn't care about BISD students, she only care's about being High Society.

Anonymous said...

If EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO is going to report on this Brownsville fiasco, believe me, she will get to the bottom of all that's going on behind close doors at BISD, CITY, PUB and County. She also is very much against RACISM. EMMA is an accomplished journalist and has her own "DEEP THROATS". From a journalist to a journalist, Emma go for it, time has come, it's the right time, it's your time. Brownsville corruption is ripe for it. Juan and Emma, suerte from Boston , Mass.

Anonymous said...

Hurray if Emma Perez-Trevino is getting involved. Trevino will get to the bottom of all this. CORRUPTION and RACISM in Brownsville,Texas finally and nationally brought to light. De leon and Elizondo are good as finished if Emma Perez-Trevino is involved. Arriba Emma! Sacale los trapos a estos rateros de nuestra communidad. Ya no los queremos!

Anonymous said...

Cesar, there are many out there presurring you to step down, well don't! We elected you and you stay Put! You haven't committed any crime, you only spoke the truth, those that don't like it can go suck an egg!
Carlos Elizondo should be terminated immediately, #1 cheating on the test and not wualified to be fire chief, 2.conflict of interest being on BISD Board, 3.charges brought up by firefighters!
Mayor and commissioners due your due diligence! Do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

You all are so full of crap! Cesar Deleom is not A racist! I ner mmany of you have said nigger, spic, wetbacks, pendejos,mojados, mallate, etc. Does this make you a racists? Cesar was recorded at a pachanga were everybody there talks shit! Cesar would never talk that way in a courtroom or in a public place, why because he's not A racists! Talk is cheap! Get over this and focus on the criminal Carlos Elizondo!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobre nothing will get done in Brownsville just like in San Benito with the police chiefs 500 personal recordings. To many people involved.

Anonymous said...

Comment made by one of his last standing supporters. They're dwindling down by the dozens!

Anonymous said...

To Carlos Elizondo - you are right in the middle of this fiasco and you have disappointed many people. For one, it is obvious that you are caught between two walls and can not determine which one is to your benefit. If you so strongly believe in what Dr. Zendejas is doing for BISD, as you have said countless of times, why did you allow Cesar to run on and on and including her in that filthy conversation and taping. You should have put a stop to that if you are any kind of a man, but instead you chose to spread it around, no matter who it attack, right or wrong. If you represent BISD, you should not have allowed such dirty comments to be made. The contents of the tape were shared with me and I turned it off for I was not about to sit and listen to that type of a conversation coming from elected officials (or anyone else). I told the individual that he should not be sharing this tape for it is a form of sexual harassment when he sends you material that addresses people with that type of language. I will certain block anymore of this guy's emails. What a mess and how degrading can anyone get when he or she has to resort himself to that type of language. Carlos, your emails will also be blocked from my computer, so I refuse to be any part of any of your comments and concerns. You may want to consider leaving town and removing your family from having to face this shame.

Anonymous said...

A gay who hasn't come out of the closet is still a gay.

Anonymous said...

Tito Mata defending Cesar de Leon's racism is no surprise. He kisses every elected official's ass. Tito, do us all a favor by digging a hole and jumping in.

Anonymous said...

uh yes it is racist dumbass. At a panchanga or not u dont speak that way especially if you consider yourself a professional, which obviously he is not. I wont be surprise if his law degree is penciled in like the rest of the shit is in brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Ano ymous 12:37 pm, it appears you are try to deflect for De Leon s slurs and foul language by blaming ELIZONDO. You cannot control what anyone says or does. You can only control and be responsible for what you say and do, so why are you blaming ELIZONDO for what Cesar De Leon says. ELIZONDO did not do as Cesar instructed him to do regarding the voting and everything else De Leon was demanding. Could it be you are in the Atkinson camp and do not want others to hear how De Leon was pressuring ELIZONDO to swing the political balance towards Atkinson so she could control the board and fire Zendejas? I think so! You are not appalled, you are a manipulator.

Anonymous said...

Both idiots are to blame for each others indiscrepencies without or without foul language. You are right you can not control speak, but you certainly do not have to pass it on to others through the media. Yes, I understand that Sylvia may be behind this since to fire Zendejas is her dying wish and she has made that quiet obvious, but if she is as smart as she thinks she is, she should know better than to think she will be able to fire Dr. Zendejas since she has no grounds for that. She has tried to undermind her from the first time she sat her fat seat on the board, next to blabber mouth Minnie, but it will be a cold day in hell that Zendejas will give anyone any thing to hold against her. She in turn, should start compiling a list of those who do have one thing after another that should remove them from the board. Her interest is to do her job in making our schools known throughout the nation and that is what she was hired to do, like it or not be some of you. But that is not the point. The point is that Carlos is not loyal to the organization he serves and neither is Cesar.

Anonymous said...

Everyone talking shit.... see, that's the problem, more people were in the room and they knew this recording was taking place. Everyone quiet, let De Leon talk all to him self. Come on, don't be so dumb, this was a magallanes strategy.

Anonymous said...

... And you try to get from statements confirming that there was a deal for getting the fire chief job and that Carlos knew of Estrada working on cablers house... In exchange for an appointed and unqualified position.
Elizondo is not loyal to anyone except the dollar bill. And yes that includes you Cindy.
