Monday, September 25, 2017


"Please enlighten me on how Ernesto de Leon is involved in this fiasco? Is this the same viejito that ran to Channel 5 so he could get himself on TV reporting some company? How is he involved? Is he related to Cesar de Leon or que?"

By Juan Montoya
It happens all the time if you happened to be named Garcia, Rodriguez, Gonzalez, or any of the other common names, like Garza, etc.
People will often mistake you for someone else because of your last name.

Sometimes the notoriety will follow you just because your good name name happens to be one in the news.

That's the situation that former City of Brownsville commissioner Ernesto de Leon found himself in this past week. The big news last week was the release of a secret recording in social media of current commissioner Cesar de Leon where he went on a harangue that covered just about every elected official and personage in the city. And, oh yes, he uttered the "N" word along with the "F" adjective.

Well, the comments and text messages started coming hot and heavy from those who thought it involved former city commissioner Ernesto de Leon, a bible-thumping, righteous Aggie who would never use that type of language. But while some may take it with a grain of salt, Ernesto is one of those from the generation that still respects tradition and people's reputation, so it bothered him to no end that people were mistaking him for the younger De Leon.

"People are texting me and asking if I am that De Leon and I'm not," said the former commissioner. "People who saw the article in the paper think it's me and that couldn't be further from the truth."

In fact, the former commissioner was so rattled that he went to the publisher of the Brownsville Herald and asked that a clarification be made in the front page to let people know it wasn't him. The newspaper, of course, wouldn't comply but did offer him a discount if he bought an ad. Well, the former commission, a frugal sort, wouldn't go that far, and he was content to talk to us and have us send out the message that the sujeto in question was not him.

In fact, the last time he was in the news it was on Channel 5 when they helped him get a $150 refund from Ronco, the marketing chain that sells products on television. He had sent out for a set of knives and wanted a refund. It took him two years and an appearance on the "On Your Side" consumer advocate section on Channel 5 before he achieved his goal.

Then the De Leon controversy surrounding secret tapes and the "N" word got him notoriety he didn't desire.

"Se levantan injurias contra mi buen nombre," he complained to his former colleagues and city commissioner Pat Lehmann and John Wood. "I tell you it's not me."


Anonymous said...


Can someone list all the people CESAR de Leon insulted in his rant?

Can someone list all the entities CESAR de Leon has affected with his corruption?

Can someone list all the people who support CESAR de Leon and have not disavowed his actions and words?

Diego lee rot said...

What a mess!

Anonymous said...

Poor Ernesto DeLeon, he is a good man. This is all part of Cesar DeLeon and Armando Magallanes wanting to take heat off of Cesar no matter the cost. May God Bless you Mr. Ernesto Deleon, its sad that you have to go through this.

Anonymous said...

Still he is a viejito gorrudo

Anonymous said...

The good ol manana trick. Manana, manana, manana. Well, manana never came. Lol.

Anonymous said...

We understand his concern just by having Don De Leon as a son is enough

Anonymous said...

Ernesto has a loud mouth but it is always respectful and usually on the right side of things. He's part of a dying breed that still removes his hat when greeting a lady. If Cesar De Leon is the South Pole, Ernesto is the North Pole. Far from this moron's ways.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a flying fuck about this Bozo, junanito?!>!? You're putting out too much cagada, buey!

Anonymous said...

Compared to Cesar de Leon (The Racist), Mr Ernesto De Leon has INTEGRITY. We, our Bible Club will have a cup of coffee with Mr. Ernesto De Leon, not with Cesar.

Anonymous said...

Ernesto de Leon should support the resignation of Cesar de Leon for his racist and bigoted comments on that tape. His apology is say he might not have used those terms if he had known he was being taped is a cop-out. Those terms reflect his racism and bigotry and he should resign. If this community does not demand his resignation....then the community is saying "yes we are bigots and racists". Cesar de Leon is a proven racist and his own terms and on tape. Resign.....don't put a black cloud over this community.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up buttercup

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya we are milliniels and graduates of UT Austin, Baylor, SMU,UH,Texas State, Rice Univ,TX A&M, and other Univerties and born in Brownsville and we are embarressed. We were made privy to your blog and the NY York Times article about a City Commissioner (Mr. De Leon) using racial slurs towards blacks. We have in our circle of friends many black friends who have been very helpful to us HISPANICS. We have a tight organization of statewide friends, including our great black friends who we call BROTHERS and SISTERS. We fight against RACISM. We will be in touch with you. We are organizing and plan to come to our Hometown to fight RACISM. It appears now that Ruben Torres (802), Central Bulvd and Boca Chica would be good for a march against RACISM and Mr. De Leon. His way of thinking is so wrong. We'll be in touch for your help. Thank you Mr. montoya for bringing this to the forefront.

Anonymous said...

Que no sea haga pendejo el viejito! Si fue el!

Anonymous said...

The most hated people in Brownsville--(Cesar de Leon and Carlos and Cindy Elizondo) one a RACIST and the other two BACKSTABBERS. Vayanse de nuestra ciudad, pero ya!!!!!

Theresa said...

Watchu say you senile ol' nigga? Wat dis shit?

Anonymous said...

Citizens of Brownsville, De leon has to resign. Me and my family and relatives and friends voted for him. We thought he was a fresh face. We were excited with this young man. We thought he would bring a new perspective to this otherwise corrupt community. We never in our wildest dreams thought he was racist towards others. We were duped! Shame on us for believing what he said and not knowing how he really felt in his heart.

Anonymous said...

Those who know Mr. Ernest de Leon and his fine family do not need an explanation because they did not believe it in the first place. His entire
family is beyond reproach and I do feel that all news media should clarify this and make it right for him. Shame on the Brownsville Herald. For once, it could do something for free for it's customers. Again, I stay with my thought that social media is there only to cause trouble and who needs that. Look what it has done with our president.

Anonymous said...

Hey, juan, has DA BLIMP used the 'N' word? Investigate! LOL

Anonymous said...

De Leon resign, resign and resign. Do good by your community and resign. If you have any integrity left, resign and leave town and take your so called friend Carlos Elizondo with you. I'm so sorry, so sorry me and my family voted for you. We'll never trust a politician again, thanks to you for opening our eyes.

Anonymous said...

Cesar, I voted for you. I put my trust in you. I believed what you said. I told family and friends to vote for you. I stood across from the Public Library with your sign. I worked hard to get you elected. I'm so embarrassed, please do the right thing by me, if you really care at all. Allow me to save face with my family and friends. PLEASE! RESIGN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This story was so necessary. It is correct that Ernesto de Leon is not the won who used the N word. He is the one who goes to the post office and tries to pick up old ladies.....pervert!

Anonymous said...

El señor Ernesto De Leon ya esta acostumbrado a lo que le esta pasando a Cesar, por eso quiere aclarar que el no es el culpable de decor una palabra tan fea como la que uso Cesar De Leon en contra de los abogados de la procaduria de Cameron. No, Maria, el esta acostumbrado en Lamar a la gente Pendejos, como lo hiso contra el caballero Ernie Hernandez cuando lo intrevisto El Herald De Brownsville. Major ejemplo deveria de ser señor De Leon. Lasttima de educacion, señor. Quite las vacas de su corral y tienda a las suyas!

Anonymous said...

Of course once again Pat Lehmann is involved

Anonymous said...

I applaud DA Luis Saenz for his call for Cesar de Leon to resign from tha city commission. His racist and bigoted comments
are a disgrace to this city and its citizens. His slanderous comments about other city commissioners is unprofessional
and obviously indicates his disrespect for his fellow commissioners. Cesar de Leon, through his comments, surely is a source
for distrust and divisiveness on the city commission. There is no leadership in Brownsville city government as is, and
de Leon's racist, bigoted and slanderous rant only exacerbates the turmoil in the city.. De Leon should resign and do defend
all the wife beaters that will be prosecuted by the DA's office.

Anonymous said...

I applaud DA Luis Saenz for his call for Cesar de Leon to resign from tha city commission. His racist and bigoted comments
are a disgrace to this city and its citizens. His slanderous comments about other city commissioners is unprofessional
and obviously indicates his disrespect for his fellow commissioners. Cesar de Leon, through his comments, surely is a source
for distrust and divisiveness on the city commission. There is no leadership in Brownsville city government as is, and
de Leon's racist, bigoted and slanderous rant only exacerbates the turmoil in the city.. De Leon should resign and do defend
all the wife beaters that will be prosecuted by the DA's office.

Anonymous said...

I have been following the "tape story", and to be sure, it is wrong to talk about others in such a hateful manner. It is not the way God intended us to live our lives....and this is just my humble opinion, of course.....but God has a path for all of us, and Mr. Cesar De Leon is traveling his.

What does God wish for us? To love one another s become opostles of prayers and do good deeds with the less fortunate. It is not to hate and wish bad on one another.....but to help each other and pray for one another to follow the way our God wants us to live. He does not want us to judge.....who better to judge but hi

People are trying to band together and demand the resignation of Cesar De Leon......several blogs have done so, even though they have at sometime raised the same type of sentiment towards them from people who read their social media comments or actions in their personal lives.

Let us not wish the worst to Mr. Cesar De Leon. Pray for our brother in Christ.....that he and others refrain from mimicking his actions in the future.....and that he becomes a better person through all he is facing. Through suffering there is comfort.....we seek God when we suffer in our lives. We hardly think of him when all is good.....I am sure Cesar has reached out to him with what he is facing...and God is not going to turn his back on him......he has done the same for those who have done much worse. Let's pray for one another.....not wish the worst for each other. Let us pray that this is going to make us a better community, let us find the good that will come out of this....not concentrate ourselves on how to punish eachother.

Anonymous said...

He's not important. Sounds like he is a wanna be.

Anonymous said...

Just like Cesar prayed for everyone he talked shit about? Hmm, yeah.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:37.....For the love of God, give it a rest, please! Ernesto is not important or relevant in anyones mind.Only in his memories . No one is confusing him with Cesar.

Anonymous said...

Cesar De Leon can'take be racist. He's Hispanic and there are no such thing as a racist Hispanic or black.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaand you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hasta hace poco Ernesto De leon se referia a Cesar como su pariente deigual manera lo hacia con Rene Oliveira..con el como familia para que quieres enemigos.
Viejito panachon

Anonymous said...

I found the 2:10 comment very interesting. We have a bunch of young people who attend good universities upstate and never come home. They joined the gringos and got the hell out of Dodge..errr..Browntown, leaving only scum like De Leon, the other corrupt politicians and the great mass of ignorant poor left behind.

So now they are embarrassed and ashamed because their hometown has hit the national press in a negative way. Listen up young ass holes, either come back to stay and make a difference or take your chicken shit protest and stick it where the sun don't shine.

Anonymous said...

Quiere fama el viejito

Anonymous said...


Not only should the commission speak up, but also the Firefighter and Police unions who endorsed him. Or do they also endorse racism?

Anonymous said...

How can anyone confuse the 2? One is 14 and the other one is 114.

Anonymous said...

Frugal ? Es mas pinche que la chingada Ernesto De Leon.

Anonymous said...

A el viejito DeLeon ya no se le parra. Pero cuando estaba mas joven era bien cabron. Le dava votos a sus amigos como Pat Lehman parra contratos de la ciudad. El hijo del se clavo un contrato con la ciudad. El hijo del es rato y lambiscon. El hijo se llama Don o Donaldo. Es bien canijo ese puto.
