On June 9, 2008, the Brownsville Firefighters for responsible Government, a general purpose political action committee (GPAC) of the Brownsville Firefighters Association Local #970, filed its campaign treasurer appointment with the Texas ethics Commission naming Carlos Elizondo as the committee's campaign treasurer.
As its treasurer, Elizondo was the contact person between the TEC and the association, responsible for filing contribution and expense reports periodically. He did so for the the the period covering June 9 to June 30, 2008, and for the period covering July 2008 to December 31, 2008, two reports in toto.
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)

The TEC – based on Sec. 252.0131 of the Texas Election Code – "may terminate the campaign treasurer appointment of an inactive candidate or political committee that is required to file a campaign treasurer appointment with the commission...(It can do so) "if the political committee files a campaign treasurer appointment with the commission and more than one year has lapsed since the campaign treasurer of the political committee has filed any required campaign finance reports with the commission."
Through May 21, 2010 through February 28, 2017, no committee campaign treasurer appointment had been filed by the PAC and no campaign finance reports had been filed with the TEC.

Cabler selected him and made the announcement. Thirty nine other candidates with vastly greater amounts of experience apparently didn't have the "right stuff" that Cabler saw in Elizondo. According to the job description, the new fire chief would be earning $100,000 a year.
(With his demotion, the labor agreement between the city and the Firefighters' Association sets his Elizondo's salary to 59,432.04.)
“The burden falls on me to make the ultimate call, and I felt that I have selected the best possible candidate at this time,” Cabler said then.
The announcement was made at news conference at the historic Young House on St. Charles Street. Firefighters, elected officials, Elizondo’s family and others were in attendance. Elizondo’s wife, along with his daughters, pinned the fire chief badge on his suit, making it all official.
However, Elizondo's performance has not impressed the city commission as much as it did Cabler. An audit of the fire department discovered some 74 violations of city policy, some linked directly to the former chief, leading a majority of the city commission to pressure Cabler to demote Elizondo or remove him as chief.
One of the factors mentioned for Elizondo's demotion was the police complaint filed against him by the Firefighters Association charging that between 2014 and when he left in May 2016, there was more than $8,000 in PAC money unaccounted for. Their bank statement indicates that most of the withdrawals during this time were made by Elizondo at local ATM machines.
However, this may only be the tip of the iceberg because this does not include the period between 2010 and 2014. How much more may be missing is anyone's guess. If one extrapolates the $8,000 missing in two years by the four years, that's another $16,000 bringing the total to close to $25,000.
And – this is making some people nervous – if the Firefighters' PAC contributed to local political campaigns, were those campaign contributions illegal?
The Cameron County District Attorney is now investigating the Association's criminal complaint.
I'm starting to think this guy must've done something wrong. I'm glad that guy with the big mustache is going to investigate it.
Montoya why is there so many stories on Elizondo? Didn't the DA steal money? He is the prosecutor of the county! Saenz should follow the letter of the law. Many unlawful things go on in his office!! Publish some of that shit. So that voters will be informed and make better choices at the polls!! This Elizondo shit is played out and is a bit much!!
Investigate Rene Oliveira, he is a mess
Do as I say not as I do. Ah San Benito. Nothing is gonna happen . PURA COLCHA.
I am glad I voted for Robert Rodriguez in the BISD election and not for Elizondo. I wonder what kind of deals has Elizondo made for his own benefit during his tenure as BISD trustee?
Anony 1:16pm
"played out" What a fucking moron you are. You're the person that Tony Z is talking about when he says "we don't only accept corruption, we demand it." YOU ARE THE PROBLEM SGP (It has to be you) Why do you clowns deflect from the crook with ridiculous accusations against a third person?
Get a life, ass !
Fuck that crook !
If the DA has all the prove in black and white why waste time and tax payers money...its time to prosecute Mr. Saenz! if your truely a man with ethics!
Cabler should lose his job too. He hired Elizondo for his loyalty, not his expertise. Seems Elizondo ran amuck because his only loyalty turned out to be to himself. Cabler obviously didn't know him well.
Juan, we're all hoping that you will use some of your energies to look into D.A. Saenz's activities that go on in his office. Follow the "AFFAIRS". Seek and you shall find. There has to be a "DEEP THROAT" some where that knows all the details. Good Luck in your expedition.
95% of the Fire Dept is so happy, but Carlos in his crooked mind thinks he is still right, he has really lost his mind. City should have him mentally evaluated before letting him have contact with the public,specially in life and death situations.
Juan you are doing a good job !
How does the public accept a potential thief into their home during an emergency?
At that ceremony were also Jessica "Big Nose Overbite" Tetreau, Sylvia "Rata" Perez and Cesar "El Jotito" De Leon in support of Elizondo. Now they are throwing him under the bus. Speaking of Tetreau, the iPhone 10 is about to be released. Will she make the taxpayers buy her the latest gadget so she can be on Facebook 24-7 and totally ignore every call from those same taxpayers? We'll find out in a few days!
@ anonymous September 12, 2:20
You are the fucking moron, imbecile if you think that Elizondo is more important than the shit Saenz creates and participates in. This fucking hood for nothing DA is more CORRUPT than any other individual on Cameron County!!
Your opinion is the reason our county is in the SHITTY shape that it's in. Go fuck yourself and keep turning a blinds eye at our worthless piece of shit DA.
Stupid ass motherfucker!! Leave SGP out of this shit
The problem is our CROOKED, CORRUPT District Attorney!!!!!!!
Dear baby Jesus,
please release this man of his obsession of this Rene guy. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with this dude and I worry about him getting enough sleep at night stewing over this guy.
In baby Jesus name Amen.
Do you'll know who's selling the raffle tickets.
Fucking Crook...
Deep throat not required Luis is old shriveled and on cialis
-la ex
esperense a las fotos que les van a tomar cuando vayan al bote par de ratas y los reciva BUBA en las regaderas cuidADO NO SE LES VAYA A CAER EL JABON
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