In any other city, in any other jurisdiction, if one of your workers or a subordinate selectively released information that was meant to ridicule the boss or cause the city's reputation and its public officials to be cast into public disrepute, the city manager (or administrator) would fire the individual on the spot.
But this is Brownsville, and when former Brownsville Fire Department Chief Carlos Elizondo released highly selective, and heavily edited recordings taken with his cell phone to use against his superior, city commissioner Cesar de Leon, nothing has happened.
What's more, he released them when he knew De Leon –a member of the board of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation – and his fellow commissioner Ben Neece were with interim GBIC Director Gilbert Salinas in Toronto, Canada on a trip that had been planned for months.
Is it any surprise, knowing Elizondo, that the release was timed when both men were out of town and they could not respond to the questions that were bound to surface once the doctored recordings were released to the four winds?
Undoubtedly, some of De Leon's views of his city commission colleagues, members of the board of the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District, media types like us, black attorneys with the Cameron County District Attorney's Office which he slurred with the "N" word, fellow attorneys and even some members of the judiciary were not only intemperate, but sometimes odious.
But think about it.
You have an underling (Elizondo), a city commissioner (De Leon), and a local bail bonds man who is a member of the Public Utilities Board (Armando Magallanes) sitting around in a secluded ranch and the city employee is secretly making recordings of his boss with the idea of using them in case he feels his job threatened.
And that is exactly what happened right after Elizondo was demoted from his position as fire chief and he is facing possible termination of his employment. Someone said that now that he is not the chief, he is covered by the civil service rules that protect the rank-and-file firefighters. That is true, but insubordination is a good cause for termination regardless of whether one is civil service or not.
The contents are salacious and some of the statements made by the commissioner can't be defended in polite company. But only De Leon's comments have been published in mass media and the Internet. What did the other two say? This would never be allowed as evidence in a court of law. Is it possible that he goaded and led De Leon into making some of those outrageous remarks while he secretly recorded them and nudged him along?
This should give other public officials with whom Elizondo has been related on a confidential basis. Has he been recording them along? And what about his interaction with his fellow trustees of the BISD and the administration? Do they feel comfortable that their remarks in executive session or in confidence are not being recorded? Who else has he recorded without their consent?

We also understand that he is in the middle of an expensive construction project in his home and that local contractors are falling over each other to please the City of Brownsville's gatekeeper to the riches of its treasury. Was this the reason that Ernie Estrada – with vast connection with building contractors locally – was the man appointed assistant fire chief despite the fact that he lacked experience and rank in the department?
If Cabler does not act immediately to address this outrageous insubordinate behavior from a city employee under his direction, the city commission would be within their right to step in and do the job for him and consider him useless in his position and terminate him as well.
Does this count as a fire?
The San Benito police chief did the same thing and the city manager hasn't done a bang thing.They will be okay.
Fuck you all!!!! You internet pussies have no teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha Juan has no teeth! Nothing will come of this - it's our local sports!
What I want to know is at any time Cedar was threatened by elizondo or his minions if he were removed as fire chief. If Caesar has this evidence we have both state and federal criminal acts against elizondo. What might he have recorded on Cabler?
Stick you questions up your fat ass, Blimp! Go back to your shitty blog, bro!! Vato sonso. Barriga
Carlos Elizondo is shown in the picture recording Charlie Cabler. Lol. It has been a non stop celebration for everyone on the fire department since Elizondo and Estrada were demoted.
Cabler and Estrada are together, for richer or poorer.
Are chief elizondo and chief galvan related ?
Charlie Cabler is a total dumbass,these two got shit on him they all got to go commissioners.At this point tax payers want a clean start.
What an embarrassment to the whole city of Brownsville. Our only hope is to the city commission, is to clean up this shit, and show leadership. Charlie 30 is enough, you had a semi-successful law enforcement career, leave with dignity. As for Elizondo, your show is about to be over what an embarrassment theres is an old saying " your last mistake should be your best teacher"
I don't understand why the City Council has not taken action against the City Manager and the demoted Fire Chief? The City manager was advised by the City's legal council to suspend the Chief without pay pending the investigation, and he refused! Unbelievable to go against the Ciry's Legal Council, just opening up the City to more law suits! Makes me wonder what the demoted Fire Chief "has" on the City Manager??? People this is a criminal investigation, you City council members need to act now! Understanding you asked for City Manager's resignation at last might's meeting which he refused, time to suspend/fire him, !!!
The City Manager was advised by the City's legal council to suspend the demoted Fire Chief without pay pending the criminal investigation and the City Manager refused!!!! Opening the City of Brownsville to more lawsuits, the City Council needs to take action against the City Manager and ask themselves what has the demoted Chief have on the City Manager that he refused to follow the legal council for the City??? People, this is a Criminal Investigation, the demoted Fire Chief is being investigated for criminal activity, do you condone this? Where are your loyalties to the City of Brownsville? You were elected by the tax payers to do a job, honestly and with integrity, unless the demoted Fire Chief has something on you too? I understand the City Manager was asked to resign last night and refused! Time for you all to grow a set and take action, they both need to go!!
For you to spin the truth on Cesar De Leon is beyond funny. There is no way Cesar is going to survive this one nor Ben Neece. No one asked Charlie to resign or maybe was it Ben or Cesar because they got caught? Playing the victim isn't going to help Cesar De Leon. No matter how much you write Juan it's not going to help. The votes on the city commission are out. No more under the table dealing for Cesar, Ben neece and Jessica. No one trusts Cesar De Leon. Who would trust Cesar De Leon or Ben Neece after what he publically said.
You have 2 attorneys trying to manipulate not only the law in TX but the Brownsville City Commission.
These attorneys need to read the law. Here is a copy of the TX law dumb asses.
Texas Wiretapping Law
Texas's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Texas makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Texas Penal Code § 16.02. Therefore, if you operate in Texas, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.
The real truth is Cesar De Leon, Ben Neece, Armando Magallanes and District Judge Juan Magallanes are literally craping in their shorts wondering what else the idiot of Cesar De Leon is recorded saying. There is nothing illegal for anyone to record another person as long as ONE PERSON CONSENTS. To bad for Cesar De Leon, Ben Neece and Jessica T. They are so done. This will make national news. As soon as Cesar De Leon gives a statement we will know his logic for using the N word. Can't wait to see how he will spin it.
Bravo! I completely agree with you!
LMAO...and Elizondo is still Fire Chief? Sossi still around?
No, pos wow!
Watch out, La Bobby may want to sue you for hurting his feelings.
All of this outrage about local politicians, public employees and the like acting unprofessional, lying, cheating etc. etc. etc. make me laugh out loud. This is Brownsville for Pete's sake, what else is to be expected. The fact that we are the poorest and most ignorant city in America has a reason and that is we also we the most corrupt, inept and down right most fucking stupid leaders.
It ain't ever going to change bro, because that is what the voters want. Ignorant people vote for corrupt incompetent people seems to be the way it goes down here on the border by the sea.
Shit no bro, don't resign, make em fire you! Lots of good lawsuits and settlements come with a firing.
Doesn't take away the fact that one person might have done criminal acts and the other one is covering up those facts.The mayor and the other commissioners better act fast or are they getting blackmailed too.Poor leadership and dirty dealings has created this mess and the D.As needs to move on all this before it hits national news and the FBI and texas rangers take over investigations of city of brownsville and school board .The lord states in the end that the veil of sins will be lifted.
I wonder if Cesar De Leon still believes he's commercial material. So, much for making a difference for the citizens of Brownsville. It well stated De Leon is only interested in "SELF INTEREST"! LETS VOTE THIS SELF SERVING IDIOT OUT AND CARLOS ELIZONDO.
Cesar should never have been elected in the first place; he is a testament to the low information voter that fuels our elected positions fires of incompetence and lunacy. No experience, but more important, no, none, nada common sense. He would not make a good student council representative. Ill informed, he should do the cities, Matamoros and Brownsville, a huge service and resign immediately. If only Rose would go with him.
If the three agencies that investigated the San Benito police chief sneaky recordings investigate this one. They will get away with it.Isn't that right Mr.De la rosca.
First you dumbass nless you can state what written policy was violated your just a bitch ass sensationalist wannabe journalist who has no facts butbpure chusme...your an embarrassment of a human being who aligns himself with politicians to sway public opinion with half truths and outright lies...sad you have stupid people believe you and not demand facts ...State policy, rule or regulation fucking state lies and hearsay under guise of truth or public interest.. your a piece of shit blogger with no shame to your statements ...wise up people...demand facts not hearsay
Use of the "N" word in a racist rant is the end of a political career. Cuz Homie don't play dat.
Where can I find the recording?
Why the hell do you continue to have a boner only for Elizondo? Clearly DeLeon fucked up and got caught with his pants down. What the hell was a PUB board member, city commissioner and fire chief doing together in secret meetings? Let me guess, DeLeon was one of the votes for the PUB member to get on the board but just where does the fire chief fit in to this? Everyone in the conversation should go down since they all represent the public.
Why isn't Cesar at Sylvia Garza's campaign event tonight? Hahahaha
I have just finished listening to the audio recording of Cesar De Leon, our Commissioner At-Large "A". He is my Business Law professor at UTRGV this semester. He invited Judge Neece to today's class. Both of them combined, used about half of the class's time to talk about politics and justify why De Leon said the things he said in the recording which he labled "locker-room talk". They mentioned how Elizondo and his evil doings with the ambulance services that supposedly cost Brownsville a lot of money and how he's blackmailing De Leon. I'm not too political, but I felt like that was extremely annoying, using my education time to make yourself look good to potential voters. Dr Leon has emphasized that he's teaching at UTRGV through a special grant that is part of some economics program. Stop talking politics and teach us. There's a place and time for everything.
You tube.
ha ha ha ha, "locker-room talk". let me get this straight, when Trump labeled locker room talk everyone still had a shit fit and now Deleon thinks he is going to follow in the same footsteps and be successful? whats really screwed up is that the rest of the commissioners and other political people he has tied to him are acting like nothing. WTF? are you all so stupid as to let him "locker room talk" about you and you are just going to protect him? we should start wondering what he has on you all to make you all so quiet at a time when all your political beliefs or supposed beliefs should have you throwing this guy under the bus. TAKE NOTE UTRGV, THIS GUY NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM TEACHING AS HE IS WASTING MONEY TO JUSTIFY HIS POLITICAL AGENDA.
He was indeed giving you a valuable real-world education about issues that directly effect you and your family. Take heed, as this is the world you live in and there are some greedy people right now that want to eat it right out from under you.
Anonymous at6:36...... someone got their panties in a wad. Spin it how you want, Elizondo and Cabler are toxic and a real drain to the taxpayers ! Both deserve to be fired and jail time. The Herald should hire Juan as editor . Great job, Juan!
Like a mexican crab in the gulf Elizondo brings down those who are on top because he can't stand being alone and miserable at the bottom. Careful Jessica Rose and SGP YOU ARE RECORDED TOO I'M SURE let's see who is next! Who let the dogs out? Da CHIEF!
Guess you didn't understand to class discussion...what not to do..and what do to do if you get caught
The blimps blog
All it takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel. Limas was the bad apple who took many down with him and it looks like Cesar de Leon is no different. Don't blame the person who did the recording, it was de Leon who exposed himself as a racist and a corrupt public servant with no ethics or integrity. Cesar must put others down to build himself up, because he is low life. Cesar had no business getting elected, but he did by telling people what they wanted to hear and we believed him. What a mistake, which I will not repeat when he comes up for re-election. The power went to his head.
The sad thing is like many, I believed in Judge Neece and thought he too was sincere when he asked me for my vote. Judge Neece has proven to be no different from his friend Cesar de Leon, or the mayor and the rest on the commission. Judge Neece collects a gas allowance and is traveling on the city dime on expensive vacations. Shame on you Judge Neece, you are no different and have lost all credability.
Shame on you Cesar
Commissioner De Leon needs to resign, ASAP. He's a disgrace and the citizens of Brownsville should demand that he step down. We don't need hippies and dumbasses representing us.... this city lacks the leadership necessary to move it forward, as it is... but then add to it these pendejos' shenanigans? Time to go, buddy-boy....
Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. Right on Cesar. Sure yr word choice wasn't wise, but you have apologized to those with thin skins. Any employee who attacks
their boss like this, especially one who is a dedicated, unpaid elected public servant like young Cesar, should be sumarrily fired.
What a bunch of fagots, hipocrits, girls, and perhaps and honest saserdote. This is how many real men talk in private, when angry. I'm glad someone's pissed. Those criticizing Cesar must be involved in the corruption at BISD, the city, etc, etc, etc. Sorry for my use of the f...word.
Amagine the shit Carlos has said about people if recorded hell he turned his back on his best friends in the dept that helped him get elected,the shit would be mind blowing.Character,honor,loyalty,integrity???
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................EAT SHIT...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Everybody............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
All you have to do is look at Elizondo for a few seconds, just take a good look. THIS GUY IS "EVIL". He live's in the dark side where normal people don't dare go but, where his "HEART" resides. Observe his "DEVILISH" smile, how wicket it is. He walks the earth where his sole purpose is to destroy people. This guy is not normal like you and me. The BIBLE talks about souls like him. The "ANTI-CHRIST".
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
What did Ben N. and Jessica T. have to do with this? Nothing, unless you are a swamp rat desperate to keep stealing.
Jessica is defending Cesar making excuses for him and so is Ben, I hope they all go down.
Being a huge piece of shit is the primary prerequisite to to be involved in this city's infrastructure.
There wasn't anywhere to park !!
It was PACKED at Cobbleheads for Sylvia's Re-election announcement !
An apology is not pass. De Leon feels he is the golden boy entitled to say and do as he pleases. De Leon is the product of a spoiled child who was entitled to do as he pleased.
The baldheaded guy looks creepy.
Lol just like Trump's innoguration? Keep dreaming Sylvia. Not even your own staff likes you. Pinche vieja esponjada.
Lol. Thanks Ben Niece
The only ones interested in San Benito politics are firefighters because they work there too, something they shouldn't do according to their City of Brownsville employee manual. You can also tell because all their comments have grammatical errors since they all only have a BISD high school education.
I wouldn't count them out. They're still around to make your lives a living hell.
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