Special to El Rrun-Run
When the first snippets of a four-hour taped conversations first started appearing on the Internet, they were heavily edited and focused on statements made by City of Brownsville Commissioner Cesar de Leon and on his use of the "N" word for which he has apologized.
The selective snippets have led to nationwide notoriety of the commissioner and for Brownsville.
But there is more than one side to this story.
In this unedited version that former Brownsville Fire Dept. Chief Carlos Elizondo allegedly recorded to coerce the Brownsville City Commission to keep his position as chief in the fire department, Elizondo is heard commenting on a variety of Brownsville Independent School District issues where he is a trustee and on city issues that run the whole gamut.
If you listen closely, you will be able to hear the Elizondo was using his cell phone during the taping, indicating that he was taping it with a digital recorder. The intent was to hold the recording as a weapon to coerce De Leon to protect him from being demoted or fired. When De Leon couldn't protect him from getting demoted, Elizondo got his revenge by putting his edited segments on the Internet and social media.
He never expected that someone would post the entire tape online, including his own statements which showed a crass conflict of interest in several passages, including one where he promised to vote against BISD general counsel Baltazar Salazar in return for protection from De Leon. If this isn't a conflict of interest in Elizondo being a city employee and a BISD trustee at the same time, we don;t know what is.
We had been offered this link at least half a dozen times, and now that it is all over the Internet, we will allow you to make up your own mind. Take time to listen to this and make up your mind for yourself.
Complete Recording - Click Here
Cesar de Leon STILL uses the "N" word, juan. No excuse for that shit. HE NEEDS TO GO, bro.
Team Sylvia Garza Perez leaked this recording! Go Sylvia!
Don Quijote y el Conde de Montecristo... jajaja pinche pendejo leete libros que no sean de primaria BUEY!
Vato Bofo!
El vato, does he even know English?
Deleon still uses the N word and plus sounds like a arrogant asshole who can somehow blab on and on for hours. probably does drugs or something to be able to not shut the fuck up for so long. Interesting how he was blabbing all of the city commissioners findings against policy and now commissioner Jessica is saying there are findings no one knows about? I call bullshit! Also, it seems as if they set up Elizondo as the tape proves as soon as they start talking someone turns on a fan to flush out the conversation and then Deleon starts tearing into Elizondo about not wanting to pay taxes. No matter how this tape became open to the public, excusing DeLeons behavior is BULLSHIT! DeLeon, Sylvia Garza, Jessica, and Ben all need to go. Elizondo is already getting his now its their turn! Negative National media coverage for our city should be enough to call for their resignations! And why is Sylvia Garza and Armando Magalanes being so quiet if they too were involved in this conversation? WTF is going on at this ranch? Secret meetings at a judges ranch can only be dirty dealings.
"I'm your friend" hahahahaha
So the trolls come to comment but not a word on what is on the tape. I know it is long. I will listen to my copy this weekend. I'm told there is evidence of judicial bribery. But is it sour apples or provable? I will be careful when I listen and I will. I will then investigate any credible claims. People speaking ctsp does not make it true. But is the tape and not one comment as to its content. Then you ask how they get elected. If you do actually listen to the tape tell people the minute where the clam exists. For now I only think people fearing hearing their name will listen but the trolls who will never listen to it will have plenty to say.
The web player crashes after a few mins, the CDN where its hosted on is to slow to actually download the entire file. I think this needs to archived and stored for historical purposes. The open acknowledgement of everything the citizenry that pays attention knows.... Our sorry state of affairs.
Blimp, you sad shit. Nobody wants to read your stupid lectures, you sewer danger! Shut up, whalefucka!
you don't have to read it, go to youtube and listen to that idiot tall shit about everyone at the famous Ranch.
What a joke, These people have their time counted for, They are all going out.
But you keep re-electing this "peoples" like in the era of the conquistadors and the natives. we the people and them the peoples. ha ha ha
Mando Magallanes is part of the conspiracy
I heard the entire recording. Doesn't sound very "heavily edited" like you claimed. The idiot still said what he said.
It is truly amazing what goes on behind closed doors, I am in shock with the amount of profanity used.
A number of names given, cases, money. The lucios, Mr.Vela, how they are enemies to others, even the county judge came out.
How Mr. Montoya never talks about him, because he doesn't give him money, How he buys him books and they just talk.
How everybody sucks, he can do all jobs perfectly.
How he gets F....k...d
He seems to be a very angry human with lots of hate toward a lot of people.
according to him everyone but him are idiots, pendejos and so on. How, if you cross him, he will get you.
Know your friends, They sell you out, as you were willing to sell some out too, If they kept screwing with your FRIENDS
pobre, tanto odio nunca es bueno.
Like that's something to be proud of. Lol!
tick. . . tick. . . . tick. . . . Elizondo's time will soon run out. Bye, asshole!
I honestly believe that Mr. De Leon got set up By one other than Elizondo. Somewhere to quiet as they know this recording was taking place, and at the beginning, De Leon's reaction to seeing Elizondo walk in was one of shock... ah chingao!
Cesar needs to see who else is in this, and why. You might be defending the one that set you up, Mr. De Leon.
and you should find out who, It will be easy, They will fall on their own. Karma is a bitch, But Its there.
Te pusieron una trampa. Those people have no Friends, They will use you, till you no longer serve them.
Sorry, you got dipped.
Listening Party!!! Listening Party!!!! Listening Party!!!! Cobbleheads!!!! or Name the PLACE!!!! Anytime he cusses we drink. Anytime he mentions a new name that he attacks we drink. Anytime he uses a racial slur we drink. Anytime he says he is better than someone or smarter we drink. Anytime he cusses in Spanish TEQUILA SHOTS.
Chiguaguas! Carlos, I never expected this from you cause I never thought you were dumb and stupid. En este pueblo todo se sabe y ya la cagaste, vato. Ahora te quieres llevar a todos contigo. Cuantas cosas no has de haber chismiado de el BISD. Quien te va a tener confiance ahora. Resign before you get removed. Pero haber ahora que va hacer el school board. Hechenlo fuera con una pata. La confianca ya no esta alli y dejaste a tus amigos en in dilemma muy grande.
Salte, vato, para que le des chansa a otro cabron or cabrona que tenga chanca de hacer mas chigaderas.
Delusional disorder is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, unshakable beliefs in something untrue or not based on reality. People with delusional disorder generally experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.
People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted.
If only Sammie el Voz de Joto Garcia was recorded. Oh the high pitched things we would have heard.
Carlos Elizondo, El Pelon que no vale mas que para pura Madre!
Citizens Carlos lies on the tape recording, he knows and knew about The Graphic Spot who is the Printing Company that is very, very, close to Cesar Lopez El Rata! The Graphic Spot had much to do with the items sold to BISD called thermal bags and we paid A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY because of the affiliation between Cesar Lopez and The Graphic Spot Owners! I'm not the liar unfortunately we the BISD Employees are so, so tired of the Board Members and Some Administrators Abuse because they all play Kiss My Ass Dirty Politics Games... If Board Members ask Zendejas to do something and she knows she has the Votes and Secures her position it doesn't matter if we abide by Policy and Procedures. The Barbacoa was a waste and abuse of Federal Money and so were the items purchase from The Graphic Spot!!! Carlos Elizondo you are a Fucking Liar and Deserve to Be Arrested and Bring your Buddy Cesar Lopez down with Joe Rodriguez who is another Fucking Thieve you people raised taxes to make sure you had contracts for your friends and vendors. Just like the Idiot Baltazar Salazar another Fucking Thieve!!!
Citizens of Brownsville and Teachers BISD is infested with Corruption and will continue as long as we allow these Mother Fuckers to continue with their BISD Business on the side... They are all two face thieves proclaim to be there for the students of BISD and that is BULLSHIT. The entire Board isn't worth our respect they all deserve to be removed and Dr.Zendejas also needs to go!!! Zendejas plays the game and listens to only the Board that will secure her job.. The Board focuses on their Contracts $$$$$$$$$$$$$
opportunity to make extra cash by dealing with any vendor that will exchange some $$$$$$ or Wine and Dine the Board Members.
BISD isn't about Children it's about Cash Cow$$$$$$$$$$.
Pinches pelados y viejas que no valen mas que para pura mierda!!!
They will be asking for your vote and or wanting to place someone in their place so they can secure their sweet deals money with contracts!!!!!!!
That recording confirms, Cesar's honesty and incorruptibility, shows a man that knows how everything is going under the table, and the first Commissioner to swim against the corruption current, Jessica has been swimming against corruption by herself for many years, now Jessica, Cesar and Niece are starting to make a dent to the corruption machine that is keeping Brownsville as the 3rd World Capital.
Political spin paid for by Cesar De Leon for State Representative err.. I mean City Commissioner At-Large "A".
Goes to prove there are no friends only people you know. (or think you know)
Ernesto de Leon should be ashamed of himself for using this kind of language and disrespecting black by using that awful word. He should take up shuffle board or something in his old age instead of meeting in ranches and blabbing for hours and hours! Shame on you Ernesto de Leon....dirty old man!
There is mention of Robert Luna by the commissioner that he is a "rata"...he goes on to say that he has all the documents showing proof of Luna's indiscretions and that when the Feds come calling he will ask them, what took you so long! Why does he not turn over any documents that prove wrong doing? Isn't this a cover-up on his part? He also makes demands of money....20 thousand and 1500 hundred....he demands this several times.....and asking for cases to be sent his way because he supported him for fire chief. The bigggest no no I heard was that on several occasions of the recording commissioner De Leon admits that he made Elizondo fire chief because that was the deal they had....you help me in my election and I will make you chief. I am not the crunchier cookie in the jar.....but this sounds like they have both admitted to crimes.
I would like to congratulate Mr. Juan Montoya for breaking this story. The Brownsville Herald gave no recognition of where they got the story...they just said social media....when they know they read it on this blog. The Washington Post and New York Times just gives credit to the Brownsville Herald for the story. Do the right thing Brownsville Herald.....do not take credit for others work.
Over and over on the four hour recording you hear Carlos Elizondo telling Ernesto De Leon that he is his freind and that he would never do anything to harm him....that he is as loyal as they come and he can count on him to have his back.....we'll throw those words out the window! Carlos (JUDAS) Elizondo wanted to record the conversation to get the commissioner in trouble and leverage his personal situation....well, he got in a whole lot of trouble himself. Dumb move Elizondo.
Ernesto de Leon should resign to the nursing home....viejito gorrudo!
I still remember when I heard De León speak on the Mexican radio station 1420 AM. He tried to paint himself as a guy with nothing that became successful but he also mentioned he had "colleagues" and this and that. He sounded very arrogant and he said he disliked the gringos etc
Mando Magallanes destroyed De Leon political life. Bad influence
What a shame these two brought onto the citizens of Brownsville. One should always do the right thing even if no one is watching... remember your parents teaching you that?! Y el pelon de Elizondo peor que una vieja dolida..soltando los tapes.
I think the N word is the least concerning. He brings out to light al crap that goes on at the city and BISD. I think the low blow was the "mojado." This gringo wannabe doesn't see the nopal on his forehead.
That fking guy Mando magallanes should be taking off the PUB board IMMEDIATELY!!!! Fking scum bags wit their secret meetings trying to fuck over the tax payers.
Those are some intelligent guys. Lol! Like we say in the military, you can shine a turd all day long, but it will always be a turd!
Carlos made the tape. Some "friend" released the entire tape which makes Carlos look bad as well. Carlos needs to prune his friends list.
All that is coming out of this political cesspool from BISD TO The city of brownsville ,fire dept ,judges etc this is an FBIs wet dream.
I love it! Cannibalistic Mexicans feasting on each other. Keep it up pendejos, enjoy.
I wonder what they promised to Gordo Castro, for releasing the recordings, is he running again? or is he taking credit for something he did not do as always.
Cesar de Leon's people are trying to confused everybody.
They are saying Ernesto de Leon is the one that did this. I heard it this morning at a restaurant. They were saying how they could mitigate the wave of bad publicity if they only they could shift the attention to Mr. Ernesto de Leon. Many people will believe it.
What a piece of shit.
Please enlighten me on how Ernesto de Leon is involved in this fiasco? Is this the same viejito that ran to Channel 5 so he could get himself on TV reporting some company? How is he involved? Is he related to Cesar de Leon or que? I agree with anonymous of 10:41 except that I guess when one wants to keep his or her job, he or she must not be insubordinate to his/her bosses like the BISD Board. But..........Dr. Zendejas is a very well educated and hard working lady who should know better than to allow such things to continue happening under her direction. There is a law that protects "Whistle Blowers" and all her education should be used to decide what she must do for the good of the children and her integrity. Go for it Esperanza and make Carlos and Cesar accountable to the children by reporting them to TEA. No tengas miedo!!!
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
Therefore whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which you have whispered into the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
9:23 a.m. You are on a point which needs more development. Something is very wrong here. How this came out is a mystery. We may shocked to learn it was release in advance of the audit to make the people on tape into victims.
I was just told De De Leon a couple of hours in mentions a bribe between two attorneys. Does not make it true. I need to listen to it and then pull the court documents to see if there is something off.
But at this point when the truth comes out it will not shock me if Cesar and Jessica orchestrated the release to be made into victims. But to be fair it can be any number of people who released the tape. I just do not think we know. Politics is funny. We could all be surprised.
I have my copy but giving it 4 hours of my time right now is not going to work
Bobby WC
These recordings are coming out because el viejito Ernesto de Leon tried to uncover all the shenanigans that they were doing at the Port of Brownsville.
Cesar De Leon, not Ernesto is the commissioner on the tapes. Cesar and cohorts are trying to confuse and smear Ernesto De Leon, who is no relation to the weasel and corrupt Mexican Cesar De Leon. As hard as Cesar wants to confuse and manipulate the media and anyone like Neece and Tetreau to deflect his mortal political sins, it is not going to work. Cesar De Leon needs to resign, Armando Magallanes needs to resign, along with Tetreau and Neece who are proving to be just as guilty for trying to do a cover up to protect their ally Cesar De Leon who has fallen on his own sword. Goes to show how far these commissioners are willing to go and how power corrupts. By your own admission you are guilty and need to resign immediately.
The entire RGV is laughing about Brownsville's stupidity and now the cities of the RGV can continue to advance themselves because the city of Brownsville and BISD is just full of shit. If you are traveling out side of Brownsville, don't have any evidence on your car that says, "Brownsville "
Who was at the restaurant.? What restaurant?
Lol! Funniest joke I've heard in a long time! Good one.
Every conservative/Republican media outlet in the country is carrying this story to show just how racist Democrats really are. They are the party of Jim Crow and the KKK and they have not changed their minds, at least that is their point to make.
Cesar has done great damage to the Democrat party nationwide and for that I thank him! Keep up your racist rants Cesar, you are a breath of fresh air, a Democrat that tell the truth about what he thinks.
As a Black member of the community I am appalled by the city commissioners comments. I will bring this subject matter to my organization and I hope they will call for him to step down. This is unacceptable and for any other city commissioners to be ok with his comments or to support him then we will ask for you also to step down. Now I know why my bids to do work for the city of Brownsville were turned down. I'm sure the ACLU will be very interested in his recorded comments.
Ernesto De Leon has nothing to do with this! In fact, he is ashamed to share the last name with Cesar.
How the fuck is releasing a tape where you self incriminate yourself as a racist make you a victim you shit for brains?
The same group ran Neece's campaign. De Leon, Magallanes, Galonsky, Danache and his people in Matamoros.
Can you help me understand what Bisd has to do with city politics,I thought Bisd is for our kids,obviously they are not
Ese Mando vale madres
Judge Magallanes was at The Vermillion
Black lawyers Matters
To: Citizens Carlos is a liar,
You must be Cesar de Leon, your rhetorical analysis of the conversation is too similar to the tape and your words. Just stop, you racist fucker.
Cesarito, las cagaste. I'm so happy. Revenge is best when served by others. Elizondo, your simply the best, better than all the rest, cited on a song! Lol 😝 😂 😂
This is too good, too dam good!
Mando, run to your pastor, and start up the prayer group. Lol.. de esta no te salvo el insulto de pastor que te guia. You are done.
You put your family in shame, more than your sister, and that is Sad.
Cesar and the judge were talking, si que son intelligent. I'm disappointed, disgusted, as a Hispanic I feel the need to apologize for this idiots behavior, We as a group are Not racist. Vermilion, please, they should have gone to the ranch. Magallanes campaign is lost, le paso lo de la Clinton. Dime con quien andas, y te dire quien eres.
Ha ha ha ! Sylvia la hood rat released the tape ! Lmfao
Garza Perez was too busy planning her re-election announcement party to get involved in this mess.
Jessica supports Cesar. Let's support all our minority residents of Brownsville and boycott her car wash! All of us Asian, Indian, African, and anglo saxon descendants should take our business elsewhere. We are the minority in this town, but we have the most to offer.$$
Please and thank you!
As a Brownsville native I have never seen so much corruption in city county and Bisd. And now it gotten out of hand. Its time to remove all the scum starting with Bisd. They have done more damage than good to our city.
O you mean gringo nalgaprietas
Best comment on here! I agree. I can't get enough. Hahahahahahaha!
Our children will suffer because Cesar feels someone owes him a measly $1,500. Serve those who elected you (and their children), not yourself you damn muerto de hambre. Better yet, resign.
I hope you can count from support from all races in our community to join you and make this a reality. If you have meetings and allow non-members to visit, let us know when and where so we can show our support.
Pol. Ad Paid For By Candidate
Jessica SpaceX Tetreau, Treasurer
Ben Grifo Neece, Campaign Manager
Mando Taco Eater Magallanes, Sign Installer
Printing Courtesy of Grafik Spot
September 22, 2017 at 2:47 PM
As a Black member of the community...
No. You just live here.
Lol sounds about right.
That's her husband's but I agree. She has no job or education. Nothing better to do but be on Facebook day and making people's lives miserable at the city so fuck her husband's car wash. If we all stop going he won't have money to pay her used Tesla and fake bags and jewelry. All she can do is have kids and that requires no talent or looks, from the looks of her.
Wow Juan, I'm impressed! You are posting negative shit about one of your clients. Right on and write on.
Where can we listen to the entire recording? The link on this blog is broken.
Yes! Sooner or later these greedy motherfuckers were going to disagree and it's happening now! Hopefully they all come down. All of them need to go!
Auto correct possessed your phone and changed Cesar to Ernesto. You should have it checked out.
The FBI should be making arrests already because this is massive corruption. Deleon mentions too many local "leaders" involved in corruption.
Don De Leon and Pat Lehman
changing a firefighter test grade from a 69 to 71 is a big black eye for the city. Integrity must be maintained or the whole system breaks down. Does the audit reveal this injustice? Elizondo knows they changed it back to a 69 so does he fear he might lose his job? How did this get out along with taking union funds to pay off politicians? Bocanegra knew all these dark secrets and wants to bury Elizondo but he was involved with all of it. If they remain friends then the corruption would have never been revealed. I don't know what Bocanegra is running for but the citizens will see what politicians and judges back this fool. Firefighters want him out because he gives them a bad name. Its sickening to think he puts himself out there as law abiding, hard working public servant. I'm a firefighter for god's sake!!! Tired of all this shit!!!
Mando Magallanes needs to resign from PUB board too
Team Magallanes stinks
Don the guy who runs for everything? I heard he was trying to run for prom queen at Pace and he lost there too. Pinche vato borracho.
Sadly for her, she's still involved. Her political empire is crashing down and she's coming down with it. Luckily it is happening during her campaign.
Mando te chingaste a de leon estas pero bien vendido
This is getting so funny LOL, even the monkeys at the zoo get high marks over Jessica.
Rigo Bocanegra is an honest public servant, and if only we come together and simultaneously elect him as commissioner, mayor, city manager, Miss America, and President of the U.S., future tragedies like this can be avoided. He has his own fire truck, is in charge of 4 grown men plus himself, and has taken some college courses. I believe he was also at ground zero during 9/11. His hair has the soft sheen of a unicorn's mane, and his poetic prowress will usher in a new era of peace between blacks, whites, muslims, poodles, and sentient androids. Rigo for Galactic Overlord 2018!
Asi es por creerte mucho Cesar
Luckily for Sylvia , Team Saenz selected a weak candidate to run against la Madame Clerk . Sadly for Team Saenz and their puppet candidates they will both lose .
As well Mando Magallanes
Wash your car there at your own risk. She doesn't pay her employees fair wages so they have to make it up elsewhere by stealing whatever is inside your car. Aside from that, she hires guys who are at the halfway house. While they may be getting their lives back in line, they are probably more inclined to stealing your stuff. Finally, they are not the greatest detailers out there. Just save yourselves the headache and go somewhere else.
Su Sancho Panza el pelon de Mando Magallanes fue su perdicion pobres idiotas los dos
That grade changing sounds like a criminal offense. Tampering with a government document comes to mind.
Cesar Mando " es tu amigo "
Mando Magallanes traiciono a Cesar gacho
Karma cuando Carlos vaya dar al bote y sus politicos y abogados "amigos" le cojan la vieja y las guercas por pendejo.
Flies do tend to surround dead animals and shit.
Rico bocanegra is a disgrace to the firefighter profession he has no moral is the biggest liar I know in the department. He's not fit to hold office.
En San bene el Rene esta bien bien vendido. No te agas Rene.
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