Tuesday, September 5, 2017


By Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully

(Address to City of Brownsville Commission, Sept. 5, 2017)

Your honor, distinguished members of the commission, ladies and gentlemen:

The next time I appear in the city chambers I promise to take my full three minutes. It's not quite the same as the fifteen minutes of fame that each of us experiences in our lifetime, but in the Third World Capital of the United States we should take the meager crumbs that are offered us.

Brownsville has a glorious history, but it also has a dark side. Two individuals, whom this city has chosen to honor, are unworthy of this distinction. They don't deserve to be placed on a pedestal. Like the BISD that has time and time again baptized its schools with the names of scoundrels, Brownsville has decided that these two men are heroes rather than villains.

Who are these two despicable characters? They are Charles Stillman, the founder of Brownsville, and Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy.

They shared much in common and none is honorable. They were both racists. They were both slave owners. And they were both traitors to The United States of America. These aren't wild rantings. These are facts.

I'm not here to lead a crusade against these blackguards. I'm not asking the commission to rename Stillman's love nest in front of the Federal Court House the Best Little Whore House in Brownsville. And I'm not asking the commission to remove the memorial to Davis in Washington Park.

But if I were an African-American, out of principle I would never attend a function in Stillman's shack nor would I attend Sombrero Fest in Washington Park that features Davis described by the Daughters of the Confederacy as a great American.

Great Americans were not racists. Great Americans were not slave holders. And Great Americans didn't betray The United States of America.

I am only here to advise the commission that when they make decisions that take into account our local history, we should always remember that Stillman and Davis were not good men. They were bad men.

I repeat: They were racists. They were slave holders. And they betrayed The United States of America.

I want to thank the commission for allowing me the opportunity to speak before this esteemed council, only made possible by the thousands of American soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect our most sacred right of free speech.


Anonymous said...

Irishman...what bull shit. He is a well known, long standing far left wing nut. Nobody but other far left wing nuts pay attention to anything he says.

Anonymous said...

If we put it on the ballot more people would think McHale-Scully is more despicable than either Stillman or Davis.

At least Stillman and Davis did something with their lives. What has McHale-Scully ever done other than being a pinche gadfly.

Anonymous said...

Just the mere fact that he reveres an imbecile such as DPM, should just about say it all about the "Irishman".

Anonymous said...

No one reads his blog so he comes groveling here for some acknowledgment of his existence. That is not a bad man but a poor man.

Anonymous said...

Oh this puto is at it again. Este vato no vale mierda. He just pushes himself in front of the people, thinking that alone justifies his existence. He thinks his opinions matter to somebody.

Montoya does serve a purpose, as his skills as a journalist, does bring his readers facts and not just opinion. Oh he brings plenty of opinion, but that aside, he still most often gets his facts straight.

Anonymous said...

So, does this mean we start tearing down statues of Bill Clinton (Crook and filanderer), Sen Robert Byrd (KKK), etc. Its time to accept reality, it will cost the tax payers far more to tear down statues and re-name streets/schools/buildings; plus re-write history books (the bottom line of this movement). How about using that money to improve infrastructure in this nation and build homes for the homeless....Shall we tear down Buffalo Soldier memorials because they attempted to wipe out Native Americans. This statue removal effort is surely part of the George Soros and Demokratic Party effort to create anarchy in this nation.

Diego lee rot said...

I just freed my slaves after reading this

Anonymous said...

Of what discipline could McHale be a "doctor" of? One expects such a highly educated person to evaluate history and its major actors within the context of their times. And this Dr. McHale does not do. Instead, he sounds off with the usual labels resorted to by the unthinking "populares," preferring such shibboleths as "racist," "oppressor," etc.

If one could judge from the verbosity which McHale throws about as literature, it would not take a particularly fertile mind to imagine him as a 19th century slave master intent on exploiting the beautiful defenseless mulattas living on his estate.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, broke back Diego! Stupid , stupid idiot ! Continue to embarrass yourself , menso .
