Sunday, September 10, 2017


(The Harlingen Professional Firefighters Association Local 3404 recently conducted a survey of its members. Out of 96 union members, 68 participated in this survey. Three members refused to take the survey for fear of reprisal. Twenty one declined to participate. Four junior personnel where not included in this survey. Non union member where also not included in this survey. Non union member where also not included in the survey. Julio Zetina, the president of the local association, presented a copy of this survey to the Harlingen City Manager and the City commissioners. Previously we posted results and comments for the first seven questions. Excerpts of the eight questions remaining of this survey results are posted below.)  

8.) Do you feel that you're encouraged by your supervisors to reach your personal career goals?
Total 68: Yes: 29 No: 15 Somewhat: 22 Don’t know: 2

*My immediate crew, drivers and lieutenants, are great at training and training for the next level
*No Way: anything offered is got a catch to it
*I have not yet met an officer who isn’t willing to help me learn and move forward in my career
*From some captains and lieutenants…yes. Other captains and lieutenants want to complain about city admin and department admin.

9.) How would you rate the current working relationship between the fire administration and the general populace of the fire department?
Total 68: Excellent:1 Good: 6 Fair: 18 Poor: 43

*I feel if we are not fire administrations main concern. Administration has been more concerned about getting recognition from other departments for being the first to start certain schools. Example: our department hosted an academy for Matamoros
*The problem seems to be Chief XXXX
*There is a rift that is only getting worse.
*Even though several people may be included in discussions, our input is hardly ever taking into consideration.
*Communication seems to be lacking coming from the top

10: How would you rate the training that you receive so that you may perform your job safely and effectively?
Total 68:  Excellent:2 Good: 25 Fair: 23 Poor: 18

*There is no transparency and no honesty with the current head of the Harlingen Fire Department.
*Chief-poor; Assistant Chief-excellent; Deputy Chief-excellent
*No one that I know likes our administration
*There is no relationship between the fire chief and personnel
*Our chief does not want us to put his name on any policy, but will take credit if something is successful
*Communication could be better, both ways. Too many rumors.
*We are promised things then nothing most of the time.

11. How would you rate our living conditions?
Total 68: Excellent:4 Good: 22 Fair: 31 Poor: 11

*My station has a long history of mold that when asked to come remove, it is only painted over. There is an ant and roach problem that never gets addressed. We are also no able to adjust heating and cooling in our station. Most stations are in decent shape, but a lot have mold in the ceilings along with rats.
*Mold, no bells, lack of dishes, old beds, rats/mice
*Newer stations are excellent. Older stations are good to fair. If all firefighters did they daily assigned duties it would be better for all.
*Got a roof over our head, running water, beds, cooking appliances, workout areas
*Personnel have to suffer to long for changes in maintenance to occur
*I have to learn to live with in my means
*Several stations need work: clogged drains, air conditioning problems, several stations
have rats running around.

12.) How would you rate the Fire Administration in regards to listening to your overall needs?
Total 68: Excellent:3 Good: 5 Fair: 19 Poor: 39 (No answer: 2)
*In one ear out the other
*I understand you cant pleas every one.
*I have made several recommendations on potential improvements to the department; none received any attention
*They listen to our needs then flush them down the toilet. We have ????? for more safety devices (lights, sirens) on apparatus to help our safety and be noticed, those ideas are immediately shut down.
*They bought 2 trucks we didn’t want and have a ton of problems, a new station without the personnel we said we needed.

13.) Do you feel that communication from the Fire administration down to the front-line personnel is efficient and effective?
Total 68:  Yes: 7 No: 40 Somewhat: 20 Don’t know: 1
*To many leaders, not enough boots
*No Clear direction
*A lot of ideas but no clear direction
*Yes I do but some Capts refuse to work with Admin and would rather complain
about everything.
*Every body that needs to know what they need to know knows it.
*Chief jumps the chain of command a lot.

14.) If you were facing disciplinary action, how confident would you feel that our Fire Administration would treat you fairly and justly?
Total 68: Very Confident: 8 Somewhat Confident: 23 Not Confident at All: 36 (No Answer: 1)  
*Inconsistency with punishment
*We have to ??? when we done wrong and ???? punishment.
*I have seen where persons have been given options to take, I think if you ask those who have been disciplined if they are happy with their outcome and not speculate on what will happen you will get a better answer.
*I’m not in the favorites list.
*No way in Hell for me
*Judging on the past history its not a good track record.
*I Try to avoid trouble…….Try
*I personally have a target on my back and am constantly being asked about, because I call out the fire chief on his lies and lack of knowledge.

15.) How well would you rate our Fire Administration in managing  our fire department?
Total 68: Excellent:2 Good: 7 Fair: 19 Poor: 40

*Our department is divided—some due to favoritism, the three divisions have been torn apart and with loose ends. Nobody knows who does what anymore. Department seems to run on emails now
*Not all, part of admin is not doing well; our manager of the department is very shady to me, and is running the department into the ground.
*The very top of our administration shows a complete lack of understanding about how the department even works.
*There seems to always be a shortage of funds now. Supplies are needed. Important supplies like Class A Foam for fires, Chemtex for fuel spills, etc. Never had this shortage in years past that I remember
*I feel that our fire admin has kept the Fire Chief employed by constantly having to fix things that he has messed up. He seems incompetent. Don’t know how he can be a chief.
*Childish, impetuous. They get an idea that at face value sounds good, put it on someone to carry it through and wipe their hands of it once it fails.


Anonymous said...

A reflection of "you kiss my ass and I'll kiss your's" culture in the RGV...often called "patronismo". My guess is that these answers would be similiar throughout the RGV....and especially in Brownsville. Much of this is also reflective of lack of leadership...."patronismo" takes away the "huevos" of those in key positions; mainly because many get promoted for who they know/blow and not for their skills, expertise or performance on the job. Right Lt. Elizondo??????????????????

Anonymous said...

What is it with firefighters?

La ropa sucia se lava en casa!

The more free time employees have, the more they complain and lament. It's been proven. Ponganse a jalar
No sean maricas.

Anonymous said...

Do take note that Non-union members had no say so, so what are they complaining about not having a voice in the dept. They are doing the same thing in not letting everyone respond to the survey. Those in the union are nothing but complain, complain, complain and it happens in any organization where the union esta de metiche. When have you ever heard of a union that actually praises and organization for anything. To me, those that belong to a union need to do so because they do not get their way and are a bunch of Indians who want to be chiefs.

Anonymous said...

I am a proud firefighter of 20 years and those that post negative comments do not represent all firefighters.

Anonymous said...

Puro lloron

Anonymous said...

Every firefighter in all depts., think they can do the job a fire chief. Many have no idea of the concepts management. I remind you, "they think". The fire chief is the conduit between fire dept personnel and the city manager, the city commission approves spending, period. Many of the Brownsville firefighters are ill educated, and stagnant in their positions. Instead of bad mouthing the FC, they should be working together to improve working conditions. This applies to the Harlingen fire fighters as well.

Anonymous said...

M.A.R.I.C.O.N.E.S. y'all should work for US Customs igual de llorones.
Good thing I quit.

Anonymous said...


Fustrated Harlingenite said...

Rubio use to be one helluva fire fighter then he forgot of he came up in the ranks and is now a "mamon." The only reason he was hired in Harlingen is because someone reliable told the city officials that he was a "yes" man. harlingen loves "yes" men and women! That's the only reason dan serna got the job of city manager with only a high school degree. dan only looks pretty in his high dollar suits while the other two cronies who have college degrees do the work. But that's Harlingen, and the reason that this city will not grow an happy with dollar stores. There are always issues in departments but these days we don't care about fixing it or making it better. Its about the ever loving dollar and whose pocket it goes into. There were very qualified personnel within the fire department who could have been chief? The only reason they were not considered because they aren't "yes" men.

Anonymous said...

Voy de acuerdo. Son llorones todos los que siquen Hal Indio Pendejo. Mi primo quien trabaja con el cuerpo de Bomberos en la Cuidad de Harlingen, me dice que el de todo la problema es el Indio pendejo "Luftus". Asegun Que Luftus quiere ser el jefe de Bomberos. Esta terco que echen fuera Hal jefe que esta en Ese puesto horita. Me dice el primo que Luftus le oprima los botones de el otro idiota "El presidente de la Associacion de Bomberos".
Ponganse ha trabaja. Dejen de estar causando problemas. Bola de idiotas.

Anonymous said...

Voy de acuerdo. Son llorones todos los que siquen Hal Indio Pendejo. Mi primo quien trabaja con el cuerpo de Bomberos en la Cuidad de Harlingen, me dice que el de todo la problema es el Indio pendejo "Luftus". Asegun Que Luftus quiere ser el jefe de Bomberos. Esta terco que echen fuera Hal jefe que esta en Ese puesto horita. Me dice el primo que Luftus le oprima los botones de el otro idiota "El presidente de la Associacion de Bomberos".
Ponganse ha trabaja. Dejen de estar causando problemas. Bola de idiotas.
