Wednesday, September 27, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz should be careful that he doesn't bite his tongue.

In a self-serving diatribe with a local broadcast station he jumped on the pitchfork-and-torch crowd bandwagon calling for the resignation of City of Brownsville commissioner Cesar de Leon.
Saenz was taking issue with remarks that were taped secretly by demoted fire fighter Carlos Elizondo, recordings that he had held as a threat if he was demoted or terminated from his position with the city; or if the city commissioners disclosed the findings of an audit into the fire department.

Elizondo requested that local bail bondsman Armando Magallanes arrange a meeting where he could reach an agreement with De Leon. During that meeting held at the ranch of 357th District Judge Armando Magallanes – who was not present – De Leon made racially-loaded statements about some new black Asst. DA's who he considered hand-asses to local Mexican-American defendants.

"There are a couple of fucking (Ns) that Luis Saenz is getting, and I don’t know where he is getting them from,” "They are coming down to my fucking city and now they are trying to fucking put everybody in jail because they think we are a bunch of Mexicans that hit our wives, which couldn't be further from the fucking truth, but that is how they see us."  

Following his demotion to lieutenant from fire chief, Elizondo released snippets of the tape where De Leon criticized his fellow city commissioners, the mayor, several judges and even members of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District. Over the next few days, someone else – no one is saying who – released the entire recording. In it Elizondo, also a member of the Brownsville Independent School District board, is heard making deals to vote a certain way on school issues in return for protection from De Leon of his city job.

Elizondo was trying to suppress – as is Mayor Tony Martinez –the findings of an audit performed on the fire department and which are said to reveal gross mismanagement and pilferage of city property under Elizondo's administration, among other things. Several commissioners want to make the audit report public at the next city meeting. In fact, Saenz may already be in possession of the audit and its findings. 

But that has been obscured by the controversy surrounding De Leon's taped conversation. Saenz's office is also investigating Elizondo on a criminal complaint of Theft by a Public Official for allegedly taking more than $8,000 from the firefighters' association Political Action Committee fund without authority. 

Even after De Leon publicly apologized for his remarks, Saenz isn't buying any of it.

“I want to apologize to the citizens of Brownsville or whoever had to listen to those tapes because there is a lot of profane language and that was a private conversation. It was never meant to be public, but it’s very important that people understand that I’m very apologetic.”

“Number one I was shocked and then number two is angered.” Saenz told News Center 23’s Derick Garcia.

“I find his apology to be insincere," Saenz said from his sanctimonious pedestal. "I, like other members of the community, believe that he should resign and leave that office and leave that to somebody else who has the proper temperament,” he said. “Whether a political enemy released it or a priest down the street released it. It does not matter the words speak for themselves it is what it is.”

“At the end of the day his remarks stand for themselves and speak for themselves they are racist today they were racist yesterday and they'll be racist tomorrow…”

Those of us who have felt the sting of discrimination and racism in other parts of the county know we cannot possibly change the attitudes of the people who dislike us. But we – like the black Asst. DA's – have learned to overcome the hate and strive to continue to excel in the performance of our chosen professions. Why dwell on it?
And, Luis, there is a mechanism for the removal of an elected official. They're called elections. And if you want to go the next step, you can organize and petition for a recall election. But to ask an official elected by the people to step down because it offends your sense of perceived dignity was offended is a bit hypocritical. Is your dignity so offended that you would ask someone who beat out three opponents outright without a runoff in the 2015 city election to resign and disenfranchise 4,335 voters?

Why didn't you step down when you went back on your word that you would not make money on the resale of confiscated eight-liner machines, a promise you made to your constituents during the campaign? Surely that violation of you promise would merit some consequence for you, shouldn't it? Or how about the alleged womanizing that tarnished you initial foray into elective politics? People have forgiven you for that. And you can't find it in yourself to forgive someone else, a much younger (and perhaps more foolish) individual?

No, you didn't insult a particular group of people or a race or economic sector, but you did make money off the machines and allowed them to be placed out somewhere in the state or in neighboring jurisdictions as you had promised not to do. Lying is a violation of the Ten Commandments. In fact, you said that you would not do what Armando Villalobos, your predecessor had done. But you did.

County prosecutors should concentrate on prosecuting crime, whether its by public officials or common people. To try to force the resignation of another elected official for his beliefs – mistaken or odious as they may be – is not within the purview of the office to which you were elected. Get over it and let's move forward.


Anonymous said...

Juan, you seem to accept Cesar de Leon's apology and take a "nobody got hurt" attitude. Nor sure of any discrimination you might have felt, but to accept it because it happened to you is inconsistent with views regarding Confederate statue/rocks. To accept it and "go on" means no one is held accountable. Commissioner de Leon should resign immediately. Get rid of the "cancer" and hold him responsible. Are you taking up for him because he is Hispanic??? Over many years most Hispanics claim not to be prejudiced, racist or bigotted. Bullshit!!!!! Hispanics are just as racist as other races and ethnic groups. Anglos in the RGV are regularly discriminated against, either because of their skin color, their language or for just not being Hispanic. If this commissioner was an Anglo, you would bring the verbal world down on his ass to get him out of office. Do you think that because de Leon is Hispanic, he should not be held responsible for being a racist and bigot. You like to many are quick to play the race card against other races....why not support the resignation of de Leon and make him take responsibility of prejudice, racism and you would likely do if the person was not Hispanic. Are you a racist, Juanito???

Anonymous said...

No se Mira la cola.

Anonymous said...

Very well said, and who does he think he is to judge, De Leon apologized, he was not at work, or in a city meeting, he was with so called friends and at a pachanga. I wonder what Mr De Leon didn't do for that man, because he surely wants to get him out of the way, even though he is the one that should resign.

Anonymous said...

he should, and probably will!
no apology accepted!
are you writing such stupidities because he now gave you money!
come on, don't sell your soul, you were doing so good!
till this stupid post!
get the hell out CESAR! We don't want you racist fkhkr!

Anonymous said...

What about the DA and his misuse of county gasoline card after having been previously warned? I didn't think his excuse was sincere. To almost everyone of us that would amount to theft. Should the DA resign or let the voters decide>

Anonymous said...

Cesar finally broke down and there you a few bucks huh Juan? Tan bien que hibas.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all u pussies who are crying!! The man spoke his mind so what!! All you "politically correct" crybabies go stick your heads up your ass!!

Anonymous said...

Hell no he won't go.

Anonymous said...

Well I think our POS DA should resign for his criminal activity. Isn't it a felony....the amount of mis-appropriations of funds in the prosecutors office? Has everyone conveniently forgot about the allegations made against our DA? This sorry POS is the biggest crook, and CORRUPTED COUNTY elected official we have serving in office. He sets the pace for lawful and unlawful actions. He is the biggest criminal of them all. He needs to step down immediately from his position that has led to the waste of money and an embarrassment to our county. Look at all of major cases his office has ROYALLY screwed up, only mentioning a few: Mary Tipton, Ivan Reyes, look at the huge waste of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
spent on the tax office raid and trial of the tax assessor, and his employees. The evidence in the tax office case was was manufactured and the statement was forced out of a known felon that was willing to cooperate to avoid deportation. So a known criminal caught in the act of criminal activity was let go because ol' Luis had a score to settle. Even the investigators working the case told them prior to trial that Mr. Yzaguirre did NOT take the money and that there was NO case to move forward with. Didn't stop the DA's office from moving forward and wasting big BUCKS. BAD DECISION after BAD DECISION!So the DA and his incompetent assistance whatever race, color or religion they might be are not doing the right thing they were swore to do when they took the oath. Do NOT act like you are holier than thou Luis Saenz.
You are a law breaking worthless back stabbing, thief that does NOT give a damn about the citizens of Brownsville or Cameron County. Do everyone a favor and resign Luis Saenz!! Quit acting as if you don't break the LAW!! YOU are fucking IGNORANT, PATHETIC, DESPERATE, and have resorted in using down right DIRTY TACTICS to try and do the job of a state prosecutor!! You SIR make our county look worse than Cesar de Leon ever could or has!!

Anonymous said...

I hope no one lives in a glass house.

Anonymous said...

I think its a joke for you to write this. Mr. Saenz need to say something and he needed to stand up for his DA's. What Mr. De Leon said has no excuse and its extremely hurtful. Racism should not be tolerated. But, the big story here is the demoted fire chief. Why was he trying to work out a deal? feels like he was trying to bribe De Leon to me. When that didn't work and he was demoted he released these tapes.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off!! Just because people say the "N" word doesn't make them a RACIST!! What a fucking moron to say something so idifuckingotic! Keep on writing Juan

Anonymous said...

Its a wast of time to publish anything anywhere.

Brownsville - in the hand of corrupt officials, racist officials, brainless blond official, is headed, in lightning speed to be the first 4th world City in the world. Yes, 3rd world is a luxury for us.

The bloggers are money hungry and spin the story a different way once the checks clear the banks.

Anonymous said...

Get them all da fuck outta here!!! Especially Elizondo and Jesse Weenes you piece of shit!!! Shiiieet Cuñado you belong on the box with Estrada until y’all get fired.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cesar for saying the truth. All you did was say what everybody knows is true but they won't say it publicly.

Anonymous said...

I hate bigots.

Ben I. Jalamela

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz has no room to talk! What about his conduct with his co-worker Melissa Zamora, wouldnt this fall under moral terpitude grounds to have him removed from his position??? So who the hell does he think he is to demand Cesar Deleon to resign! Start doing your job viejo or youll be removed!

Anonymous said...

Anony 1:13p

I'm trying to understand your rant, but since you can't convey a simple thought, it's hard.

Are you comparing De Leon's remarks to the exhibition of the Confederate Rock?

Maybe, even though Juan is against the Confederate Rock, he still thinks Cesar is not racist. You think using the NWord once makes someone a racist? Really?

You're the one playing the Race Card, idiot!

Diego lee rot said...

Everyone I talk to keep asking me whats I think about Cesar the Lion calling black peeps negros and do I think he should quit. No I say never quit cuz if you quit you got no chance to get unemployment moneys. Always let the man fire you. Also when you look around town you see very few brothers and I don't see this sityouwaytion changing because black peeps are very scary to come to a city with no other fam. Keeping that fact in mind I think this will pass over soon and soon he can be in tall cotten again.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the bastard! He is a HUGE LIAR and the worst POLITICIAN we have in office in Brownsville. That says a lot after listening to the recording. All those mentioned ain't got SHIT on the likes of Luis. This ASSHOLE has no interest in JUSTICE!! He does not have a honest bone in his body. He lacks integrity, morals, and the ability to tell the truth. Leave office before you are taken out like; Abel and Armando. No one likes you Luis they are just scared of your retaliation!! Get the FUCK OUT of office

Anonymous said...

I need a lawyer, any recommendations? I'm black.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear the commissioner say anything about gringos, so why so angry? Why you meskins so mad, he's one of you, and by the way most of what he said is true. Take all the racist rants and re-read it. What is needed is an investigation of the accusations he mentioned...

Anonymous said...

That was not an apology,
I'm so deeply sorry I insulted the African American community by the use of such derogatory language, I also had verbal diarrhea and spoke Ill of friends and colleagues, I, should know better. In public or in private I should always conduct my self the same way. I'm deeply sorry if I offended the citizens, my colleges and my friends.
Maybe a better way of apologizing..... perhaps
But that sorry ass excuse of an apology is not excepted.

Learn child, learn. Ask your parents, maybe they will guide your lost soul.
Power is given to those in order to do good for others, if you can't handle it, it gets taken away.

Anonymous said...

Also don't befriend individuals with bad habits, interests, intentions or corrupt.
I will not give names, but we all know whom I'm speaking of.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Damn him for defending two of his employees who were demeaned because of the color of their skin. At last he did something right.
But what is the deal where people think the slurs should be forgotten because Deleon apologized and because it was a private conversation. He is apologizing because he got caught not because he was shamed by what he said and that it was a private conversation makes it much more likely that he was expressing views he believes. I call racism and you shouldn't be able to just walk away from that with an apology. Shame on you, Juan and everyone who things this should just go away.

Anonymous said...

And yet the Magallanes' are all at his house supporting him, Judge Magallanes' black Tahoe is parked right in front of his house on Levee! If your going to try to hide from the public, at least do it in a vehicle that 1) no one knows and 2)that doesn't have magallanes sticker on it!!

Anonymous said...

Cesar de Leon, has proven by his own words to be a racist and his apology is not enough. Like the Jefferson Davis Rock in Washington Park, de Leon must be removed. He should resign. Luis Saenz said this. The Mayor and other commissioners are mute....does that mean they hope by delay this will go away??? The Mayor has never displayed any leadership ability, and we can't expect him to take any action. As an attorney and friend of de Leon, he is likely to be an apologist. No matter the venue from which this tape came, or the person who made the tape, de Leon has proven to be a racist and should resign.

Anonymous said...

Juan, The City Commission can remove De Leon if he violated the City's Code of Ethics.
Sec. 38-194. - Referral of matter for appropriate action; recommendation of sanctions.
(a) If the ethics advisory commission determines that a violation of this chapter has occurred, it shall take the following actions:
(4) If the complaint involved a city commission member, a board or commission member, a former city official, or a former city employee, the matter will be referred to the city commission.
(b) When referring a matter under subsection (a) of this section, the ethics advisory commission may recommend the following sanctions:
(1)Letter of notification. A letter of notification may be recommended when the ethics advisory commission finds that a violation of this chapter was clearly unintentional or when the action or conduct found to have been a violation of this chapter was performed by the official or employee in reliance on a public written opinion of the city attorney. A letter of notification must advise the official or employee to whom the letter is directed of any steps to be taken to avoid future violations.
(2)Letter of admonition. A letter of admonition may be recommended when the ethics advisory commission finds that the violation of this chapter was minor and/or may have been unintentional, but where the circumstances call for a more substantial response than a letter of notification.
(3)Reprimand. A reprimand may be recommended when the ethics advisory commission finds that a violation of this chapter was committed intentionally or through disregard of this chapter.
(4) Removal or suspension from office. Removal from office or suspension from office may be recommended when the ethics advisory commission finds that a serious or repeated violation of this chapter was committed intentionally or through culpable disregard of this chapter. The ethics advisory commission may include the length of any suspension in its recommendation.

Anonymous said...

Pendejos, take the fight to the streets and demand their resignation, other cities do it, other countries do it. We need leaders not elected officials just out for themselves. The city, BISD, etc.

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (September 28, 2017) - Brownsville Commissioner, District 2, Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa has issued the following statement in response to audio recordings that have recently been made public:
“As a member of the City Commission of Brownsville, I fully condemn the disparaging remarks made on the audio recordings. The City of Brownsville and our residents respect and welcome everyone to our community without discrimination. As a wife, mother and public servant, I remain committed to effecting positive change to heal the divisions caused by intolerance and bigotry.”


Anonymous said...

With local news so dramatic I forget a large portion of our neighbors in communities like Rockport are in poor shape.
Gob bless all the news bloggers and the politicians they write about but most of all pray for the Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria disaster victims, the earthquake victims and the First Responders and others supporting the disaster relief.

Anonymous said...

Sec. 36.02. BRIBERY. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly offers, confers, or agrees to confer on another, or solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept from another:
(1) any benefit as consideration for the recipient's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, or other exercise of discretion as a public servant, party official, or voter;
(2) any benefit as consideration for the recipient's decision, vote, recommendation, or other exercise of official discretion in a judicial or administrative proceeding;
(3) any benefit as consideration for a violation of a duty imposed by aw on a public servant or party official; or
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that a person whom the actor sought to influence was not qualified to act in the desired way whether because he had not yet assumed office or he lacked jurisdiction or for any other reason.
(c) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the benefit is not offered or conferred or that the benefit is not solicited or accepted until after:
(1) the decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, or other exercise of discretion has occurred; or
(2) the public servant ceases to be a public servant.
(d) It is an exception to the application of Subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) of Subsection (a) that the benefit is a political contribution as defined by Title 15, Election Code, or an expenditure made and reported in accordance with Chapter 305, Government Code.
(e) An offense under this section is a felony of the second degree.

Sec. 36.03. COERCION OF PUBLIC SERVANT OR VOTER. (a) A person commits an offense if by means of coercion he:
(1) influences or attempts to influence a public servant in a specific exercise of his official power or a specific performance of his official duty or influences or attempts to influence a public servant to violate the public servant's known legal duty; or
(2) influences or attempts to influence a voter not to vote or to vote in a particular manner.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor unless the coercion is a threat to commit a felony, in which event it is a felony of the third degree.

Sec. 36.04. IMPROPER INFLUENCE. (a) A person commits an offense if he privately addresses a representation, entreaty, argument, or other communication to any public servant who exercises or will exercise official discretion in an adjudicatory proceeding with an intent to influence the outcome of the proceeding on the basis of considerations other than those authorized by law.
(b) For purposes of this section, "adjudicatory proceeding" means any proceeding before a court or any other agency of government in which the legal rights, powers, duties, or privileges of specified parties are determined.
(c) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

Anonymous said...

All you wanting Cesar out I agree, but dont forget the big pic. He should teach them all a lesson and help clean the house starting with the Mayor and Charlie Cabler. I believe things happen for a reason and he was the chosen one. You go Cesar we the people have the last say so. So prove us all wrong and redeem yourself.

Anonymous said...

That picture of DA Saenz reminds me of Nixon's last good-bye.
Could this be "de javu" or just wishful thinking. He is right
in there with "the kettle calling the pot black." Oops, may I use
the word "black?" I guess it is alright as long as nobody records
me, right? I used to use the "n" word every time I played with my
"slingshot" when we didn't call it that.

Anonymous said...

Deleon should go along with anyone one who supports him!

Anonymous said...

Juan you've gone radio silent. Did you get orders to stop from De Leon's camp? Magallanes trucks are parked in front and behind his house everyday. Is your boy scared?

Anonymous said...

And once gain the Pullitzer goes to Juan and el run run. Shame on u B'ville Herald. Have none of you heard of investigative journalism?

Anonymous said...

El Mierda es Elizondo, Rata¡ y el Pendejo de Saenz no mete al bote ni a Charles Manson

Anonymous said...

Ni un pinche comment todo el weekend

Anonymous said...

I'm completely Ok with the selling of eight-liners. We sell confiscated cars, confiscated homes, confiscated desks. Why should eight-liner machines be any different? A personal dislike of Saenz is not good cause.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Herald reporters fail once again. Their story today missed the full story on their friend ex fire chief Elizondo, and why he was demoted.

Anonymous said...

8:28 am: do you think Cesar De Leon should resign? How come?

Anonymous said...

8:28 am: do you think Cesar De Leon should resign? How come?

Anonymous said...

My fucking city????
This coming from a person that yes...came to school here in the US but lived in matamoros his whole life????

Anonymous said...

He didn't say it publicly either.

Anonymous said...

He's not cleaning shit! Didn't you hear him ask to be appointed BISD attorney? Didn't you hear him not only ask to be appointed to the space board but to also be made chair? Didn't you hear him tell Elizondo there would come a point in time where he wouldn't be able to protect him anymore? Backdoor dealer number one if you ask me. He needs to go.

Anonymous said...

To avoid paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Saenz!!

Anonymous said...

Saenz sold the confiscated maquintas to Willacy County where they are allowed with strict stipulations. So why would a DA pass on the illegal stuff to the other county? If it is OK in Lyford and Sebestain, why not Brownsville. Where did this money go? Can you provide an audit report on that money, Luis? Gambling is illegal in Texas, but some are better and smarter in thinking up loopholes to get through the redtape. More power to them and leave those viejito alone that drive all those 45 miles just to have some fun and peaceful times with what little money they were able to save during the time they knew of no recreation because they were working their butts off. Leave them alone as long as they don't ask you or your nephew Joey for money! Did this hate for maquitas come when one of your opponents was actually involved in having one of those establishments? Personal battle, verdad?

Anonymous said...

You said the same shit on Barton's and repeating it after being told that there is no Ethics Committee enpanneled to trigger any of the stuff you posted just makes you and agenda driven hopefull, fake news, liar.

Anonymous said...

Luis is an opportunistic, self serving, worthless motherfucker!! He is the very reason politicians have a bad name!! He is more CORRUPTED and is involved with more illegal activity than most convicted felons. Keep turning a blind eye and bitching about the FUCKING use of racial slur and see what other laws Saenz will break!! He needs to be prosecuted for the misappropriation of funds. Remember the gas card people!! That amount of money is a FELONY!! We should be demanding our District Attorney RESIGN he committed a FUCKING FELONY, but y'all keep focusing on the "N" word!!

Anonymous said...

Erasmo Castro you are the biggest ASS around town even if you have dropped weight due to your gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. You put out so much shit about other politicians except for Luis Saenz, and that's because he has done favors for your criminal ass. Keep smearing people and see where that gets you....change your ways you evil FAT FUCK!!

Anonymous said...

Is that a threat?
