(Ed.'s Note: They get generous salaries, car allowances, parking spaces, and now, their own private water closet, we mean bathroom. Take a gander at the "family" restroom in the photo above. That bathroom is one of three on the lobby of City Plaza on Levee and St. Charles streets. One is for men, another is for women. The family restroom, we would guess in this age of transgender controversy, is for families; that is, in case a dad or mom wants to take one of their kids (male or female) and change their diaper or help them do their business.

But if you go by the plaza try the door. It's always locked. We asked a staff member who works in an office on that floor how one could access the restroom and they replied that they had never seen any families use the restroom and that it is always locked. In fact, the only individual who has ever been seen using the bathroom is Asst. City Manager Michael Lopez who has a personal key and apparently is the only one who has one.
Lopez used to be the city secretary with offices down the hall before City Manager Charlie Cabler bumped him up as his assistant with a commensurate salary increase. But he retained his space in the city secretary's office. As far as anyone knows, he is the only one with a key and is entitled to a private privy. Those are the perks of office in the City of Brownsville pecking order, we guess.
Oh, Mr. Lopez, aside from this perk, is granted a $128,400.06 salary and a $461.54 monthly car allowance which amounts to $5,538 annually on top of that. We guess that entitles him to go about doing his business in solitary peace.)
That guy looks like the FELTCH MONKEY, La Blimp! guau!!!
This is just like at the police department. Chief rodriguez got his wife a job at p.d. and soon got her own personal bathroom, that she holds the golden key to. No one else is allowed to use that bathroom. You have to be part of his wife's buddy group, to be allowed to use that personal restroom, located in a hallway, away from her office. Maybe her shit does stink.
Lol. The shit you write about. It's bringing down your value.
what is FELTCH?
If we search deeper, we will see that the city government is a honeycomb of corruption, special privilege, favoritism, discrimination and as we have seen recently from City Commissioner De Leon, "racism" and unprofessional conduct. Charlie Cabler seems to manage by "patronismo" and the only criteria for employment and promotion is to be his friend, "compadre" or political ally. A bathroom key is easy to correct, but Commissioner De Leon should resign immediately!!! An trite apology for racism is unacceptable. The Texas Bar Association and the Cameron County Bar Association should sanction/censure or reprimand De Leon. He is an embarrassment to the legal profession, he is an embarrasent to the people that elected him and he is an embarrassment to this city. Instead of moving statues that may be symbols of past racism; we should remove De Leon as a living example of racism today.
Te escuchas bien envidioso...... ya quisieras ese puesto!! Aplica, a lo mejor te lo dan.
I see the Blimp is feltching again. FELTCHING MONKEY fits him to a T. LOL
You MUST be a male employee. We have a key in the women's locker room for that same restroom. ANY female has access to it.
The city should eliminate the car allowances and instead require directors to submit a mileage report for reimbursment. There are too many directors that don't go anywhere during the day and are getting paid a car allowance. There are also directors drawing a car allowance but instead of using their personal cars, they "borrow" a city car to get around therefore committing fraud. The city is always looking for ways to balance the budget, here you have a perfect example to make budget cuts. City commissioners, take the lead to end this wasteful spending since management turns a blind eye on this important matter.
Maybe the rest of the employees don't want to share with him. Maybe he has an STD. Is he transgender? A lot of things to consider.
Juanita don't you know this ugly bastard doesn't have balls and he's allowed in that restroom lol This MF is a fucking bully but when a certain Director didn't take his shit anymore & told him off, he turned into a teenage pussy lol He's always talking bad about Cabler but when face to face he's always kissing Cabler's ass...Mark my words...this bastard power hungry & will be the next city manager when Cabler is out.
All this going on is wrongful from both these employees. Marcela sanchez (pd chiefs common law wife) once she transferred from PW she requested her own key. The restroom by her office is for any females that work in that facility. But since she thinks she can do whatever she wants. She feels protected, the request was done. Of course she states that she is under city manager mr. Cabler so that is how nothing has been done. Lets not forget she had begged her bff mr. Cabler to move her there. Its called nepotism. Then she brings all her girlfriends to move there with her? Comon give me a break. We all see whats going on. Why is cabler allowing this? Asst. Michael lopez- for sure we all know he will be the next city manager. However, sad to say his plan is to stop compradismo. Since his old city san antonio doesnt have "palanca". Sorry Michael, they will get rid of you first before you try to stop palanca at the city. Alot of people dont like him, hes got attitude. I dont think he will last long. So he can keep using that private restroom even though that restroom is a public "taxpayer" restroom. Michael is not a taxpayer he doesnt own a home so it doesnt bother him.
" September 22, 2017 at 4:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You MUST be a male employee. We have a key in the women's locker room for that same restroom. ANY female has access to it."
What an utter load of HORSE SHIT! There is no "women's locker room" in that building. The only place there might be one is in the gym facilities in City Hall, a block away where, coincidentally, this comment originated from. So the question now is THIS: Which City Hall SWAMP RAT tried to deflect from the truth here? There are so MANY to choose from, but the list has to be limited to one of the gym rats who use that gym facility for this LIE even have it come to mind as a deflection from the TRUTH. You all are so panicked and stupid you can't even lie straight anymore! I'm sure more than one city worker can figure out who that SWAMP RAT had to be.
Please hire someone from outside the state to manage city.
LOL. Ask for a tour of the building; you will find the female's locker room.
Es bien Mendiga! Treats co-workers like trash!
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