4. Recommend approval of the BISD Self-funded Healthcare Plan effective October 1, 2017.
By Juan Montoya
One day before the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees is set to vote to approve a new employee health plan calling for steep increases over the next three year to offset a $13 million deficit, teacher and employees protested across the street from the main offices to show their displeasure with the plan.
The trustees in the insurance committee have called a special meeting to discuss the cash flow on the plan before the are set to meet for a special meeting called for 12:00 noon at the main office. They will take public comment and vote whether to recommend the plan's approval to the full board following their special meeting at 5:30 p.m. later that evening.

Teacher association representatives say they will have a hard time getting anyone to attend the public comment section of the insurance committee because they will be working.
"They called the insurance meeting for 12 noon when everyone is working," said Alberto Alegria, president of the Texas Valley Educators' Association TVEA). "It's doubtful that I will be able to make it."
In previous meetings, Alegria and Patrick Hammes, Association of Brownsville Educators (AOBE) have voiced their opposition to the plan saying that it will make health insurance unaffordable for most BISD classified employees making less than $47,000.
Alegria said that as a teacher – a certified employee – he is in the $47,000 to $93,000 salary range and will have to pay $100. Classified employees making less will be required to pay $50 a month.
The district estimates that those BISD employees making less that $47,000 yearly constitute 58 percent of BISD employees. Those above that figure covered by the plan make up 42 percent of BISD employees.
Up until this year, the BISD had paid the full cost of health insurance to its employees and did not require the $50 or $100 payments. Employees paid a deductible for emergency room visits and co-payments for prescription drugs. Other freebies have also been ct out this year.
The district has two pay grades for its employees, certified such as teachers and administrators, and classified, teacher's aides, maintenance, etc.
"Imagine that over a year," he said. "That means they will have to pay $600 a year out of their pay."
Under the plan, in order to make up the BISD's self-funded plan deficit through higher premium charges, Alegria that the administration's proposal calls for a $88.92 increase for an employee who sadds his spouse to the coverage. For example, the current monthly premium paid by a BISD teacher to cover his/her spouse is $276.82 a month. Under the proposed plan, that will increase by the $88.92 for the 2017-2018 school year to $365.74.
The following two years will see an additional $88.92 per month to increase it to $454.66 a month for the 2018-2019 school year, and $543.58 per month for the 2019-2020 school year. In a fact sheet circulated to BISD employees, the district says that only 218 BISD certified employees (3 percent) have elected to cover their spouses. Annual costs are:
2016-2017: $3,321.84 (currently)
2017-2018: $4,388.88
2018-2019: $5,455.92
2019-2020: $6,522.96
BISD administrators say that while teachers with spouses covered under the plan pay the $276.82 per month currently, the district is running a $266.75 deficit per employee and wants to make up the deficit over the next three years.The same goes for employees who have their family covered by the district's plan. Only 6 percent of employees chose this plan (372 employees) because of its cost. They pay $462.96 a month for the coverage, which will increase by $74.37 a month to $537.33 per month this year, to $611 per month for the 2018-2019 school year, and to $686.07 by the 2019-2020 school year.
The BISD claims it is running a monthly deficit of $223.11 on the 372 employees under this plan.
2016-2017: $5,555.52 (currently)
2017-2018: $6,647.96
2018-2019: $7,340.70
2019-2020: $8,232.84
The district also proposes to increase the emergency-room room deductible from $150 co-pay to a $500 co-pay claiming that the higher co-pay will deter non-emergency usage by BISD employees.
At the demonstration across the street from the main office, some protesters waved signs with slogans against Salazar Insurance and United Health Insurance.
Insurance committee should be the ratas committee
Cesar no tienes verguenza
Its fuck up board with no experience.
So, what do they recommend the district do? They should complain to the state that calls us state employees, but refuse to insure us as they do the "real state employees" or the "real politicians." If the state cuts the funds for the district and you do not want a tax increase, what do you all propose for the district to do? Don't feel like you are being served as those who have full insurance without working, is also a big dilemma, so I guess the best thing to do is quit work and go on welfare and food stamps and get 100% insurance. It seems like everyone now seems to think that we all fall under the "entitlement clause" and should get everything for free. I am thankful that at least they cover me and gives me a chance to pay on installments when I get sick or if not, I'd be in the poor house for sure and probably one of those panhandlers on the expressway. Sounds like a plan Albert and Pat - get your unions to do such and solve the problems. Get to work and pay your bills as best you can.
Cuidado con el dinero. Elizondo may take a little bit off the top.
I mean, he did it with the medical supplies and then with the union PAC funds - so why not an insurance contract?
Yes sir, Obama was going to give us afordable insurance, which would be cheaper and we could keep out doctor.
Here is the truth. If you are going to insure the uninsurable and insure the poor, the money has to come out of somebody's pocket. So Teachers, tag you are it. This is karma for you voting Democrat.
The Administration & Board Members don't give a Shit!! Face it they are all worthless and aren't for the students nor teachers. It's all a front, prepare yourselves to get screwed by leaders that have personal Agendas (Their own pockets/check book) . They have the meeting during a time that everyone is in class and or at their designated areas. The Insurance Broker is Escobedo's Sister and Agent of Record Joe Salazar connect the dots. Ratas, Ratas, Ratas they are only looking after themselves and their own check book building it up while the Votes are there. Board Members are clueless as to what is the coverage in the insurance policy.. Teachers should do a walk out and teach the Board a Lesson maybe they can value all employees.. Board Members now are too busy focusing on the contracts and the deals that will give them trips paid by vendors and/or kick backs like assure their pay check from the Buy Board Vendors and/or BSN. Construction deals and Contract sweet deals are the Current Board Members Priority....
BISD board and Admin are out of fking control.Its time for drastic measures unions must band together wit tax payers and start a revolution!!
The board should be ashamed. How is it possible that only 6% of its employees have insurance for their families. I understand and take I to consideration that not all employees are the main providers for their household and the family may be covered by their spouses
Still this is a ridiculous low number. For all those kids in college keep that in mind when choosing a profession. The schools district will not take care of you. Study something else. And those of you employees that are the. Ain or sole providers For Your families. Make your voice be heard, this is outrageous YOU should be outraged!!! I don't even work for the district and I am. You ha e a big responsibility committee. Make this right. Here is your chance to show you care board members
This has the Fire Thief kickback written all over it. Who was the Einstein that made that RAT the Chair?
Rata Carlos Elizondo, bragging his got his lawyers ready to get him off the hook for his FIRE DEPT. stealing. His croanies still believe him,SORRY ASS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!
This is total bull sh*t!! You have two individuals, the Super and "legal counsel" milking BISD for over $600k a year with combined salaries and then awarding multi million dollar contracts for fake grass!! But the real workers for the district, as usual, have to carry the load... pathetic!!
How sad for the community to have Board Members without "HEART" But, you know, it's not the members fault. People knew of their agendas and they still voted them in. This also has a lot to say about the people who voted for them and now they regret it. Well, wise up, you now have to live with these idiots "YOU" chose to represent you. It also has a lot to say about all those who chose not to "VOTE" now, you too live with it. Teachers/Staff unfortunately have a very poor voting record and now they complain. So who's fault is it now? If Board members now want to raise your premiums, Who put them there and who didn't go out to vote. I don't agree with the Board Members actions and believe that teachers are a very valuable commodity/Asset to our community but, hey, you've got to vote and let your voices be heard. This people you voted for or if you did'nt vote, are messing with your families,salaries and insurance, let aside there precious "KICKBACKS". I have the utmost "RESPECT" for teachers, they were a big "INFLUENCE" to many of us and they deserve to be treated with dignity and the professionals that they are. They all worked hard for their College Degrees but, again,you need to get involved! "WAKE-UP" for the sake of your "FAMALIES". Good Luck!!!
Hey, it is the employees of BISD that elected these assholes to serve as BISD "Mis-Trustees". They campaign, you elect them and now you see that their campaign promises are all just "hot air". And all the while, they are getting paid "under the table" on major contracts for BISD.
The school board members choose the insurance provider that has or gives them the best dallas cowboy tickets (joe) gives them the best liquor store gift card (cesar) or puts cash in their pocket (chief). Because the board is not employees of the district they can care less what the premiums or co pays are.
So, it turns out that this has been in the pockets of those who served on the board since 2007. Do you remember who they were? What cars are they driving? How long were they in power? Where are they now? Who were they related to? What did they do - nothing.
Have Don De Leon sell BISD the insurance!
Do BISD employees know that teachers, administrators, custodians, cafeteria workers from schools such as IDEA, Harmony, Athos pay 40% of their health insurance? NO public school system is obligated to pay 100% of their employees insurance. They are obligated to provide it but not to pay 100% for it like they do now for tenured employees.
There are people in the district with over 40 yrs in the system just because they don't want to pay for the "higher rates". The Retirement System for education employees offers much better insurance than the local options but many people don't want to bother and want BISD to continue paying for them.
Iam not in the district so I could care less but MY property taxes do pay for the district functions.
How many teachers were actually protesting in front of the BISD building? How many showed up for the special board meeting at 5:30. I still say that the union leaders are the one who open up the Pandora's box with false truths and their own interpretations. The insurance committee has a great facilitator in Micaela and provides us with wonderful and straightforward information for us to take back to our campuses but some of us do not do so simply because we are not give the opportunity to speak with the campus staff. We are not give time to share what the truth facts are and so everyone has a different story to listen to and some stupidly believe everything going on. It turns out that the major factor for our deficit is that the spouses of the employees are the ones going to the emergency room for an ingrown toe nail, causing the increase in claims. We as employees have the option to select our plan and if we can not afford B or C plan, then stay with what you have already. Nothing is free in life or at least, should not be free. We are so used to free handouts but we don't stop and think that money does not grown on trees. Thanks to the risk-management department for their professional guidance even though some of us refuse to believe someone knows more about insurance than some of us do. Maybe Patrick and Albert should train all of us on insurance knowledge.
Carlos Elizondo and Joe Rodriguez is supporting Joey Lopez because Joey has an insurance company that will insure the school district buildings. Puras ratas orejonas y coludas ya basta de esta basura.
Artificial turf or health insurance. Board decided. You voted for the board. So suck it up.
To the employees of BISD! Just like the city officials in Harlingen, someone is making the money under the table. Follow the trail and see who gains from the increase?
I hope Laura Perez-Reyes will put herself in employees' shoes considering what she just went through with her uninsured dad. She knows by personal experience what it is to be in a desperate situation where a loved one has no medical coverage and getting help is frustrating. She has her family she would be thinking about when it's time for her to vote on these BISD families' future coverage and give them piece of mind just as she would like to have peace of mind for her own family. May God give her the strength to put up a fight for these families and show her supporters that they made the right choice.
Anonymous at 7:32. Are you serious ? You really believe that idiot bimbo is "fighting " for these families or even cares? She's going along with the increase ! She's getting her strings pulled by special interests and is not in it for the kids. Pay attention in the meetings how she votes on issues . By now, it should be clear to her "supporters "that this greedy bimbo was the WRONG choice .
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