With the Brownsville Fire Department in turmoil over the on-again, off-again departure of chief Carlos Elizondo and the city administration's apparent inability to come to terms with its own city charter and demand he either resign his seat on the board of Brownsville Independent School District or give up his job, people are wondering who is running this city.
The city's personnel policy manual clearly states that he cannot serve on both. Yet, city manager Charlie Cabler and a majority of the city commission have allowed that sore to fester and suppurate by their inaction.
The city's personnel policy manual's Section 702: Political Activity states that:
"B. Specifically, City Employees may not engage in the following activities:
4. Hold an elective City office or hold an elective or appointive office in any other jurisdiction where service would constitute a direct conflict of interest with City employment, with or without remuneration. Upon assuming such office, an Employee shall resign or shall be dismissed for cause upon failure to do so."
Yesterday both the city and the BISD had their monthly meeting. And where was Elizondo? Was he at his employer's meeting as is required of department heads?
No. He was at the BISD board meeting casting his vote on any number of issues that affect both the city and the district. Does the term "conflict of interest" ring a bell?
In other words, he was thumbing his nose at the city commission and the city manager and telling them he will do as he pleases, city rules notwithstanding.
As it is, he is under investigation by the Cameron County Attorney's Office on a complaint of Theft by a Public Official of the Brownsville Firefighters Association #970 Political Action Committee to the tune of $8,000 or more.
Before that, he was named in a lawsuit by another firefighter for cheating on a civil service exam for captain and adding two more points to his 69 score that placed him over the other firefighter.
Someone accused of stealing and cheating cannot be the poster child for this city's administration. Or can he?
In any other city, a city manager would have stepped in and corrected the situation. But no one has stepped forward to do the right thing. Complaints against other administrators under Cabler abound. Yet, he lets the sores fester rather than acting to stanch the pus.
Since the Tony Martinez administration has failed to deliver on the code of ethics he promised since he first took office six years ago, perhaps we should have the city manager recommend to the city commission to just rescind the personnel policy manual and be done with the charade that the city operates under any kind of rules.
The latest is that before the day is up today (Wednesday, Sept. 6) Elizondo and his gopher deputy chief Ernesto Estrada will get their disciplinary letters demoting them to their previous positions and ordering Elizondo to decide between the BISD board and his fire department job.
It has been reported that Cabler has had the letters but has hesitated to pull the trigger for two days now.
Perhaps, as a growing number of people are saying, we are firing the wrong guy.
Juan Montoya is #1. Again you have demonstrated the ethical behavior of a champion Mr. Montoya. Elizondo needs to stop this nonsense and resign from the prestigious BISD board like the law states. It is no wonder that Elizondo is friends and supports the equally crooked Rene Oliveira. Other blogs protect their friends of wrong doings in the community not Mr. Montoya. Keep up the great work sir.
The picture of the orangutan reminds the community of Duardo Paz Martinez because of the same color hair. Thank you for all you do Mr. Montoya.
Its Ernesto Estrada not Esparza.
Captain Bob, sign your comments.
City of Brownsville "ADMINISTRATION" is a complete joke!!! Starting with the mayor, to the commission and ending with the city manager!
One would think that the overpayed city manager would do the right thing and placate this contentious fire chief. In the words of Trump, "WRONG"!
Nothing will happen and this city will continue to run under the compadre system. I had high hopes with the addition of new commissioners.....what a let down!
I guess if you can't beat them, join them. I might as well pay to play and work for the city. All play, no work and NO repercussions....
Inept "ADMINISTRATION"....I feel sorry for the common city employees who actually do work.
Time to let go of the worthless city manager. It's a apparent the he does not care about the city, he is in it for himself!
Chief Elizondo is still there, juanito!
C'mon now!! It's obvious Elizondo has Cabler by the balls!! Elizondo knows something about Cabler that Cabler is afraid to let Elizondo go!! What other reason for the delay since he already had the letters since 2 days ago. What could possibly be the reason for this disciplinary action??
We should be giving Fire Chief credit for working toward privatizing ambulance service.
His mistake is greed.
Had he just stayed neutral and allowed the private ambulance EMT service take off on it's own.
It's possible he got in over his head financing this private business.
Chief must make a decision and concentrate on either his business career or his political career.
It might be decided for him.
Then comes the decision of the powers to be.
Does Brownsville want a top rated EMT and Fire Department?
Judginbg from the fallout of the Chief it's goiing to be interesting to see of the City will replace Chief with a top rated Chief with organizational experience
to make tke Fire Department something to behold.
At present the Fire Deprtment lacks professional appearance.
The uniforms look ragged.
No inspections to make sure everyone looks sharp.
We should be giving Fire Chief credit for working toward privatizing ambulance service.
His mistake is greed.
Had he just stayed neutral and allowed the private ambulance EMT service take off on it's own.
It's possible he got in over his head financing this private business.
Chief must make a decision and concentrate on either his business career or his political career.
It might be decided for him.
Then comes the decision of the powers to be.
Does Brownsville want a top rated EMT and Fire Department?
Judging from the fallout of the Chief it's goiing to be interesting to see if the City will replace Chief with a top rated Chief with organizational experience
to make the Fire Department something to behold.
At present the Fire Deprtment lacks professional appearance.
The uniforms look ragged.
No inspections to make sure everyone looks sharp.
Wow that sounds just like San Benito right now. PURO jellyfish.
Yeah, fucking fake captain. Sign your shitty comments!
Mayor Tony Martinez has, for his entire tenure, failed to show any signs of leadership or an effective management style. That "whimpish" style has allowed the city to wobble aimlessly and nothing gets done. The mayor's campaign promises of an city code of ethics and transparency in governing have never even been attempted. The old saying "A fish stinks from its head" is surely true for this city and Tony Martinez. Because he cannot lead, the city employees, like the city manager, are not held accountable and now Elizondo is challenging the "whimp" leadership and they don't seem to be able to get their shit together. Elizondo surely doesn't want to leave BISD until he gets his "taste" of the "mordida" that goes to BISD trustees when construction contracts are let. This city continues to swirl down the toilet because we have no adult leadership.
You know what Montoya. Tell McHale he is nothing but a pest to uor community. Fuck you Montoya
Why Judge Cornejo, who is an honorable lady and part of the Judicial system was told to choose to her work as judge or run for BISD board while others are giving choices?
The first blogger may think Mr. Montoya is on the up and up, but why then has he refused to reprint, rerun or ask about the sealed indictment that another BISD board member has under her belt? The article disappeared quicker than it took for it to be published in this blog and again, with the DA, who is another crooked ass, have refused to do anything with it. Why has Montoya also refused to elaborate on the leave of absence this same board member has from another district. No, si les digo que todos se tapan con la misma colcha apestosa! Give me the money! It is no longer "show me the money." Let's see if we read some follow-through articles on the Gonzales/Saenz family who does no wrong. Oh and what happened to that hit and run accident that occurred at the frontage road where "the judge" was picked up by someone after she hit and ran? No follow through on that one either, so how can you say Montoya is the only one who does the right publishing of articles?
If he has any brains he would resign his school board post. The school board does not offer retireme t and will not give his kids medical insurance. Whatever kickbacks he gets will not give him what the city will give him in the long run. He can always re elect ehen he retires. Of course key words being "If he has any brains".
Dont we learn anything from other cities, fall out to the streets and protest!
Great job Juan in exposing these idiots in city hall. City manager needs to go along with Elizondo. We have very good and honest fire employees and Elizondo is giving them a bad perception with the community. Expose them Juan for what they are! Where is Ben and Cesar with all this bullshit?
Its under the table get it.
An honorable lady?lmao thats a good one.
That Cris Valadez and Captain Bob are a strong force together. They both can totally destroy Mchale Paz together and crumble them right into the trash bin. McHale and Paz have early stages of Parkinsons
Frustrated, juanito? LOL Elizondo is laughing at you, you stupid Mexican!!!!!
Simple explanation. Once Sossi was fired, the contract law firms that the city hires are licking their chops. They see a financial windfall in representing the city with the liability that the PENDEJO Fire Thief has placed the taxpayers in. You can guarantee that the Attorneys will line themselves up to a long term payday at the cost to taxpayers.
Anonymous at 5:48. Chingado ! It's a blog, not a newspaper . Montoya isn't getting paid to print or follow up on stories. Feel free to stop reading his blog or start one yourself . Your questions should be directed at the newspaper that you probably subscribe to. Where was the Herald's reporting on the above mentioned stories ?
You have been warned. More shit on Paz and Inez Montoya gets it. Promise
This just in: Elizondo is out. Demoted to lieutenant. Good riddance. Sheldon interim chief.
The Fire Chief just got DEMOTED effective today!!! Justice at Last!!!
Too bad the shit flows down.
-Cabler - he can't fire himself - so City Commission is in the spot light.
All this is due to lack of discipline, lack of balls. Its like a friggin western movie. Lawless. If someone had the time and energy, they would be suing the shit out of the Commission for being stupid and slow.
ABOUT TIME. Now throw his sorry ass off the BISD tax machine!
What did "lurch" Villiareal do?
Comment Sept 7, 10:49 a.m. you just made a threat and it's documented!
Big mistake!
Of course Elizondo was at the BISD Board meeting for his Sealed Bid agenda ITEM for IAEMT CONTRACT FOR $330,000 RENEWAL. WHICH he shouldn't have awarded huge conflict of interest he being on ghe Board. Would say illegal!
Oh, he was there to vote also along with mousy Laura Perez for Joe's item, the turf for $3 million
That is why I say that "todos se tapan con la misma colcha cochina including the herald, the DA, the blogs, the board, the city. They report only what they pick and chose and if you follow the rrun rrun, you know that there have been articles that have been removed immediately under someone's orders. Oh,
and who in the world thinks that la Elia is an honorable lady? Again, todos se tapan con el mismo calzon.
Looks like laura was thrown a BONE.
Shame on city politics. This surely hurts cablerrrrrrs reputation. He is weak. If elizondo...did wrong in past, why give him top job. No makes sense
Put up or shut up if you have any proof that money is being mishandled at BISD. The district has benefited both time that Dr. Z has been at the helm and those that strike her down are those who got stepped on that first time or just recently. We have had no other superintendent who knew what they were doing except pick up their check on the 25th. If you know so much about her, shadow her for one day and find out exactly what she does every single day for the good of the children, the district and the community. So, if you have the proof, collect it and get her fired, because if there is no proof, the district will have to pay off her contract until 2020 and also have to pay a penality for messing up in firing her. No one is perfect and neither is Dr. Z, but at least she tries and doesn't go around bad-mouthing the many people who do bad-mouth her.
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