By U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela Jr.
The racist has arisen.
Within a few days after Donald Trump expressed glimpses of humanity with Hurricane Harvey victims, the dark side of his soul once again overshadows all else.
In April, President Trump assured dreamers that they should “rest easy” and not fear deportation.
However, today while heeding the advice of his three evil tutors – Sessions, Miller and Bannon – the President has chosen to follow the dictates of the radical racist wing in his administration and to rescind DACA.
Well let me see...Trump punted the DACA issue to Congress where it should have been in the first place. Now we have a member of Congress throwing mierda at Trump trying to get his political base all spun up.
Vela, the beady eyed SOB, is in Congress. He is the one that can do something to help these people. Keep your eyes on him and see who is the racist. He is the guy with palanca now to save these kids.
hey, what happened to the Carlos Elizondo firing, Juan? Huh, wha zappened, bro? NUTHIN. LOL
POOR THING, he believes people listen to what he has to say.
Feli, jr., much like his father, talks or opinion first then some months later thinks. Critical thinking has never been a Vels longsuit. When the Valley wakes up and stops the incestuaeous habit of voting someone into office bases on their name, maybe the stat and the nation will begin to pay attention to our needs.
ADIOS daca! TRUMP is a racist because he is inforcing laws put into place by leaders before him? I think he is deporting you because you are stupid. TRUMP is brilliant. He is going to expose all the traitors in congress. To all the daca deportees: Mexico is a beautiful country. Give it a chance. Return to your homeland with the skills you learned in my country (for free) and MAKE MÉXICO GREAT AGAIN! Just don't drink the tainted booze they kill the gringos with!
Is not racism, is reality. On behalf of the millions of Americans who are paying the bills of these "dreamers", the decision was right, send it to congress and defend us the "workers" who go to work every day with a dream of having a weekend off and live the American real dream not the American leach.
Have any of you dumb fucks seen filemons home how they cannot even control gardners. Amazimg disgrace. Chingos of dirt. Grass was to edge of street like Johnny had not ever had it
Rain came in and filemons dirt washed into street. God Damn come on. Rio Viejo. His chic and hom need to let grass grow
Why is it that children use there parents name instead of making a name for themselves. I bet his dad is proud!
Wonder how fat the politicians wallets get with LNG.
In the dictionary, right next to the word HERMAPHRODIKE is a picture of Eduardo Paz . TURNOFF
Duardo Paz is a racist
I will not vote for Rene Oliveira. NO SIR
Duardo Paz has the record for tiny penis of all Hermaphrodikes. They call him Tiny Tim
DACA was an executive action by Pres Obama bin Ladin and inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution which gives Congress the power over immigration and naturalization. So, DAPA was ruled unconstitutional and DACA was headed for the same fate. Yes, Trump has put the ball in Congress' court, where it should be and hopefully will encourage Congress to get of their asses and serve this nation. I would encourage all the Dreamers to work hard, study hard and there will be a way for them to become citizens. For those not looking for citizenship....don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Filemon Vela is useless, he can't do nothing in the congress, his a loser, only elected because of his name and the people keep voting for this asshole, again and again.
I am appalled more and more by the stands taken by our representative in Congress, Filemon Vela, Jr., who is certainly not made of the same stuff as his father, the late Judge Vela.
As one of Hispanic background, I consider Congressman Vela's verbiage to be nothing more than infantile efforts to throw out red meat to satisfy the lower instincts of his constituency. In addition to his role in Congress, Mr. Vela is also an attorney. I would assume that somewhere in his background, Mr. Vela has studied constitutional law. If so, he should be well aware that it is the responsibility of Congress to legislate on all matters pertaining to immigration law.
DACA was improperly brought forth, and is clearly unconstitutional. Admittedly, it is an issue, but nevertheless an issue that should seek resolution in Congress, not in an action undertaken by the executive branch.
I am by no means an out and out Trump supporter; however, on this matter the president got it right. He has in effect sent it back to Congress, where those shirkers of responsibility now have six months to accomplish what they should have accomplished years ago.
And, Congressman Vela, it is also your time to grow up and act responsibly. You are well paid and hopefully capable of better things.
When will Jr. start acting like a Congressman and attempt to begin the process of trying to solve the problems facing our region and nation instead of being part of the problem; he is floating on top of the swamp. I am embarrassed not only OF him but sadly, FOR him. He reminds me of his uncle who served ONE term as Cameron County Judge before being soundly defeated in a bid for reelection. Jr. has no laurels to stand on, in all honestly, his father was appointed by Jimmy Carter, that should tell you something. His father died as much from his jealousy of Senior Judge Reynaldo Garza, appointed by JFK, and the General Services Administration's desire to name the new Federal Courthouse in Garza's memory, as any disease he may have had. Judge Vela and his wife and anyone they could muster spent the last four or five years of Velma's life fighting for equal billing on the new courthouse and the GSA and the GAO eventually relented. Judge Garza was a gentleman through the entire ordeal, a testament to true standards of dignity and an innate ability to rise above it all. This is Vela Jr.'s legacy and his Congressional District pays the price for his ineffective leadership and lack of representation; but it didn't take long for his wife to hook up, as "of counsel", wth Watts and Guerra, to line their pockets and capitalize on his Congressional seat.
Vela is WORTHLESS. I reached out to him personally to solicit his support in Washington for Healthcare and he sent his secretary to meet with me and never supported anything. This guy lived in Corpus Christi and used his "daddy's name" when a Congress position opened up. He is a "struggling Lawyer" like his wife ("Prende la Vela")... they are here to abuse the poor, uneducated Mexicans. Pendejos los que votan por este huey.
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