The City of Brownsville has confirmed that City Manager Charlie Cabler has submitted his letter of resignation (or retirement) today, ending more than 39 years of working for the city. Today, a missive from the city secretary to the mayor and commissioner confirmed the retirement.
Later in the day, city spokeswoman Roxanna Rosas also said Cabler retired.
His retirement was effective immediately after he submitted his letter this morning, the missive says.
An item for the October 17 meeting as a formality will be placed on the agenda to acknowledge/accept the retirement effective today.
The city issued a press releasetlate today.
His retirement comes at a time of controversy when the city is still reeling from the firing of former city attorney Mark Sossi, the demotion and suspension of former Brownsville Fire Dept. Chief Carlos Elizondo and his assistant fire chief Ernie Estrada, and a racial controversy over remarks made by city commissioner Cesar de Leon. De Leon resigned, but later rescinded his resignation before the eight-day grace period had passed.
Before being placed on administrative leave with pay Elizondo had been under pressure to step down from the board of the Brownsville Independent School District, a call he has not heeded despite prohibitions in the city's personnel manual that a city employee cannot serve on an elective office. Cablers' reluctance to take any action on a commission audit ad oversight committee of the fire department had irked some members of the commission.
The audit – and an ongoing audit by the city – found that dispatchers had been told to steer ambulance transfers to Intercity Ambulance Service, a firm with direct links to Elizondo. The audit estimated the transfers had cost the city more than $62,000. The audit found that Elizondo had personally steered at least four of the transfers to the private company.
Cabler has had to deal with a growing dissatisfaction over the delayed $500 million Tansaka power plant project that has raised utility bills by 35 percent over the past four years, the $2.3 million Casa del Nylon purchase for a friend of Mayor Tony Martinez when some appraisers say its value was far below that, and a commission that has felt it has to step in and do his job through the creation of budget, audit and agenda committees.
However, other reports indicate that investigators have found widespread and questionable activity in the city's purchasing department as well as the fire department. Sources say that Elizondo had recorded numerous city and school district officials and was now cooperating with law enforcement authorities who are looking into potential criminal activity.

Last week Cabler went on family leave to take care of his ailing mother. During his absence, asst. city managers Pete Gonzalez and Michael Lopez were placed in charge.
Cabler will not leave without a parachute courtesy of the contract he first signed in 2007 while then-Mayor Eddie TreviƱo was in office. Under the "Additional accredited leave package," he is guaranteed 260 days of paid leave, – whether he leaves voluntarily or involuntarily – in effect, a whole year with pay ($260,000). (see graphic).
The math in the contract is a bit confusing because it states that the 260 days come from "30 days from City Charter and 130 granted by City Commission." That's only 160, according to our accountants.
OF course, Cabler and the public relations machine spun it this way in the official statement.
“I am eternally grateful to have learned so much from the community that I was afforded the opportunity to serve…” said Cabler. “There is no greater truth in public service than to accept that we must consider and incorporate wisdom and ideas from those whom we took an oath to serve. This is a belief that has guided me and informed me from the very beginning of time.”
“I look forward to continuing to contribute to our community in private life and doing what I can to help build upon our city’s growth and the investment we have made in our greatest asset – our citizens,” Cabler added.
Cabler first worked in the Brownsville Police Department before becoming assistant city manager in 2002, and then served as Acting City Manager before being hired as City Manager on September 1, 2004.
His salary now stands at $220,000 with a $600 monthly car allowance.
The golden parachute is illegal through direct contravention of the Charter's terms of employment of the Cith Manager.
I'm sure Lopez is jumping for joy getting ready to take over. Having someone like him in a position like this Is gonna be fun to watch. He couldn't control the city secretary department and yet got promoted. I guess it pays to cup the balls. As it is he was already being looked at to be fired for not be able to perform his duties and now he's gonna take over the city.
Great sourcing on original post.
Looks like Mayor Tony Martinez is going to put the blame for all his failures on Charlie Cabler. Our Mayor is responsible for Casa de Nylon and the other failures that Tony pressed on his city manager. Tony Martinez is a typical Democrat....willing to let his underlings take the blame for his failures.
Drain the swamp!
Let the back slapping, abrazos and hugs begin. Send him off in tried and true style, just as long you send him off.
Charlie Cabler has all the answers to the skeletons in the closets at city hall.FBI start digging!
Bobby won't support the removal of the Jefferson Davis' monument at Washington Park because he claims that it will "support the white washing of our racist past. It has to be front an center so we are shamed and hopefully never repeat it." Therefore, Bobby will support a statue of Adolf Hitler at Washington Park next to Davis' monument to make us feel shameful of history darkest periods.
Carlos, te sales! Who do you think is going to trust you now or even get close enough for you to record them. You are then what everyone calls a hypocrite de madre! I never realized that you were of that low caliber and turn on those who work with you as you try to help, especially the children of BISD. If something is being done wrong and you knew about it, why did you not face them and bring them to the table and to the law. Instead, you go behind their backs and record them and now ready to use it to fight your own case and keep from sinking any further. I wonder how many tapes you have, worse than Watergate on the many executive meeting you had at the board meetings. I guess you plan to drag everyone down with you, pero todo se paga, Carlos. All you have done also drags down your nuclear family as well as your extended family which is now also being attacked. Hope you have learned your lesson and write a book about corruption as a no-no while you spend some time in the big house. And I don't mean the main office.
Te sales, Carlos!
Is this Carlos guy related to chief galvan ? Must be some sort of sickness that Compels them to record people. Get help.
The true racist is you, you have been bought up with so much hate in your blood that the devil has a welcome mat for you. Why don't you have that Mexican statue in front of the federal court house I think he is illegal alien.
Da mayor wants to replace cabler with Eddie campirano. The joker continues.
Bobby, go crawl under your crappy rock of a blog....or you may want to go create a new incurable disease for the VA to fight off!
At 5:35 you are pathetic. Hitler other than we fought a war against him has nothing to do with preserving our history. We do have Holocaust museums all over the US which is good.
But we do white wash the hatred of Jews in the US which allowed Hilter to move forward why our president denied the stories coming our of Germany. In the Spring of 1920, Henry Ford had published in the Dearborn International "The International Jew and the Jewish Menace." There was no outcry. It has been proved Hilter read Ford's conspiracy theory before he publish in 1925 Main Kampf. When I made arrangements to republish "the International Jew" although no longer protected by copyright, the Ford Foundation threatened me with a lot of law firms. The publisher refused to publish the truth, so once again our bigoted history was white washed and we get a pass for our part which lead to the Holocaust.
I will always stand in opposition to anyone trying to white wash our racist history. Throwing in Hitler only proved you are only a cowardly sissy troll. You accomplished nothing other then proving your desperaton to defame people who do not worship sissy trolls.
Bobby WC
Mayor wants Eddie campirano.
Charlie was a nice guy, but he was not qualified to be city manager. Not because he could not manage the city, but because he thought the way to run a city was to give the mayor and commissioners what they wanted as long as they let him be city manager even when it was not the right thing to do. Charlie had no standards, ethics, or principals. It all started on how he got to be city manager, which was a deal cut with Eddie Trevino. The deal was Charlie got the position as city manager in exchange for the police union support for Eddie Trevino and we all paid the price for this deal. Then it went on with Charlie Atkinson and Longoria with carte blanche for Atkinson to spend all the money he wanted on the Sports Park, which then led to same thing with Gowen and the mayor's shannigans. The deals never stopped as long as Charlie got what he wanted, including huge raises and now look where we are at. The city is in a mess, with a lot of bad things coming to light.
BROWNSVILLE Needs fresh new blood not recycled.
Carlos Melguizo Elizondo and Cindy Huerta Elizondo are a match made in hell. Buuuaaahaha. Asustame one time.
What a joke this current administration is. It is the worst administration ever. People are laughing at the mayor and his mishandling of current affairs. Of course he'll find some way to excuse himself, but what a joke! This is reminding me of the Trump administration. AND THE DOG ATE THE STASH! You can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Booby, shut the fuck up! You would have sucked Adolf and you know it!!!!!!!
Mayor wants Campirano - but Mayor needs to consider ALL available candidates. Although Mr. Campirano has a wealth of experience - I think the vetting still has to be performed. If he still comes out on top, great, if we find someone better, great.
As much as you like to bash and trash the POB, it has produced a wealth of business considering its limited assets compared to Houston and Altamira, etc.
Nice theory except union endorsements are worth shit because the members don’t vote and they’re always fighting amongst themselves anyway. If all PD and Fire employees + their families voted they could control any election. Same with BISD teachers, but they don’t vote.
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