Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Saying she is tired of the bickering and jockeying fueled by the competition among local JPs to perform weddings and pocket the $200 fee, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 3 Mary Esther Sorola says she will now offer the service for free.
Under Texas law, JPs are allowed to keep the marriage ceremony fee. Over the course of a year, this could amount to $10,000s or $100,000s that the JPs don't have to turn over to the county. She said she will perform the free weddings indefinitely.
"This service is diverting attention from the normal duties of our justices of the peace and instead of charging a fee, we decided to perform the ceremonies for free," she said.
"The people already pay taxes to pay for our salaries, and in our office we thought it was the least we could do. If you are getting married, call our office and we'll schedule you for the ceremony free of charge. It'll be one less expense for couples just starting out."
That's so awesome! Thank you
The people pay taxes, she says. But not her husband, Louis. LOL
Divorces are much more expensive.
Bless you Judge Sorola. I would like to see the others follow your footsteps.
Is Eddie Solis keeping $$$$ he is paid for security at the LNG pipeline construction while using our gas and county vehicles?
So, I guess the sign in the 2nd floor will be removed...
Thank you judge ! That’s amazing let’s see how the other justices react to your goodness ; we need more like you
Oh no! How is Linda Salazar going to make a living now?
But of course, just in time for her reelection campaign! She will go back to charging after elections.
Thank you Judge Sorola I wanted to get married and didn't have enough money. Now free I will go to you and tell all my friends.
Oh no! How is Erika going to make a living out of linda?
Sylvia Perez needs to watch out with her. Word around the county is Erikas helping laly betancourt win against her own boss Sylvia "Que traicionera" Watch your back Mrs Sylvia!
Linda Salazar and the county clerk are in Kahoots the Clerk’s office sends the clients to Linda and she in turn services sylvia la hood rat
Selling tacos
Great job!
Well I can bet you if Judge Mary Ester was single or didn't have an attorney husband she definitely would not do this for free. Please be prepared for the infest of people to get free wedding which eventually she will regret this. Remember, people will go in thousands to get FREE WEDDINGS!!!! I will make sure to send this to social media so people won't have to pay anymore. I warned you Mary Ester!!!
Threatening as an anonymous commentator is not really a threat. I would assume Judge Sorola knows exactly what she's doing. Doesn't look like she's scared of anyone. Good for her. I will continue to vote for her and make sure the other Judges are replaced.
Erika de la Torre is the hood rat getting compensated by la gorda de Linda.Open your eyes Sylvia Perez!
She’ll go broke after eating them all.
FREE advice:
1) If you don't have money to get married, don't do It! There is no rush. Get back on your feet first.
2) If you can't afford to have children, don't MAKE them.
Ha ha ha the joke is on you all the staff is with LAli so watch your back your front and your sides and yes sylvia we are voting for her of course you force us to campaign for you but what ever you give us goes in the trash Because it where you belong
Thank you judge you have a great heart the people are with you , we applaud you
It doesn't matter how long Judge Sorola does it for. It's free. Salazar needs to take her sign off before someone hurts themselve. She's a greedy bitch and she cares only for herself.
Mrs. Sylvia "hahahaha" what a laugh. You can see her galavanting all over as a "single" woman. Poor Rudy...hang in there appearances are everything. Once Team SGP is out, maybe Brownsville can go back to normalsy.
Went into the office and was greeted with such coldness those clerks are as miserable as their boss I did not get her name but she has an attitude some one told me she was related to the sheriff perez she needs a lesson in manners I will NOT vote for her boss unless those attitudes change que grosera
What do you expect Sylvia Garza Perez is the biggest control freak.. Sure all her staff is frustrated.
One more of the many reasons I stand with Team Saenz and his candidate Lali Betancourt .
Thank you Luis V. Saenz for always placing the people of Cameron County and the county clerks staff first and getting someone to run against Sylvia .
Sorola is up for re-election. Good move, but not the best. Watch what you wish for.Your office will get packed quick. I agree with the anonymous comment: If you can't afford a marriage license, you have no business getting married in the first place. Imagine all those guys that can't afford one but get convinced by the women who will go as far as supporting them?
I feel bad for the county clerk staff . Their boss works them way to hard . I will be voting for lali and so will my family of 7.
That's a True public servant. Unlike the County Clerk who is self serving and dictates all her employees like a Tyrant. Our citizens are smart and pass the word. No comments from any other JPs
So, is this comment based on the other Jps? What's the excuse to not follow this nice action? Greed......
Linda Salazar is still charging? Does anyone know? She's cool. I wonder if she could marry my cousin. Last time I saw her she could barely walk.
What a laugh! One commentator gives Zorola his thanks because he wanted to get married but didn't have any money!!!!! What does he intend to do to support his wife and family or has he found some stupid woman who will support him, send him to college, and once he graduates, will leave her for a younger girl? Or do both of them intend to apply for all the free-bees and get all that is given to them without working, start having kids free of charge at the hospital, free medical care, more food stamps, free housing and I am can't think of all the other things. What a laugh, boy!!!!!
So the county clerk Sylvia and Linda Salazar have an agreement you send me the licenses and I will support you and get my people to vote for you so sylvia has instructed a certain clerk to send licenses to Linda. But Jonathan is lurking grabbing the couples and hauling them to his office it’s just so funny to watch so greedy and Sylvia will sell her mother to the devil for a vote she is desperate why because she is a loser a one time clerk man when your own staff hates your guts that’s pretty bad her meetings suck we are tired of putting a face to her because she is bipolar and will lose it if we go against her wishes she does not know what to do or how to manage so we secretly have our meetings when she leaves to her so called conferences right Angela
Exactly greed especially la gorda
Lol.. Sounds like a scorned comment.
As far as the comment on the cold treatment, i wonder if that old hag that looks like a cat is still there at the county clerk's? Don't blame her new boss. She has always been that way but for some reason, i wonder what it was, that her previous boss turned a deaf ear to all the complaints they would tell him about her. I don't like her new boss either, but i wouldn't blame it all on her. that employee has always been rude. I will never forget how i witnessed her as a movida to some guy at the Long John Silver's parking lot and his wife shows up, yea in broad day light, (back in the late 80's) that wife of his wanted to beat her up and the guy convinced his wife to get in his pick up truck with this sancha sitting next to him. I don't know where he took them both. But i thought it was hilarious. I guess he must've been that good in bed. Remember that, Miss Cat Eyes? I'm sure you do. Too bad I don't know her name. I happened to be waiting for my boyfriend to get out of work at Sears at the automotive center. I had lots of time to kill. So i witnessed a pretty good show!Letty, that was her name. Oh well, too tired to backspace. LOL
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