In the end, it wasn't the protests calling of his resignation over his use of the "N" word, the profanity or his disparagement of other elected officials that made former City of Brownsville Commissioner Cesar de Leon resign.
Rather, it was the choice between his livelihood and his elected position that forced his hand.
By all appearances, it seemed like the former embattled commissioner had weathered the storm of disapproval by protesters calling for his resignation.
He attended Tuesday's city commission meeting and apparently was on his way to resuming his duties as commissioner.
But there was another obstacle lying in wait for the young attorney. On Thursday, he was set to represent one of his clients in municipal court and Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz showed up with a motion for Municipal Court Judge Rene De Coss to have De Elon disqualified from representing Erika Natalia Garza Rodriguez in a case before the court.
In fact, Saenz argued that just as county judges and commissioners who are attorneys are prevented from representing clients in justice of the peace, statutory, or district courts, De Leon was like wise prevented from representing any clients in the municipal court.

Saenz personally filed and argued the motion before De Coss at 3:30 p.m. Thursday saying his position as a city commissioner and as an attorney representing a client in a municipal court "creates an appearance of impropriety and calls into question the fair and impartial administration of justice in the City of Brownsville Municipal Court."
Apparently, De Coss agreed with Saenz and ordered (See graphic above at right, click to enlarge) De Leon's disqualifications on those grounds. Today, De Leon decided that having the ability to exercise his profession and earn a living outweighed his position as city commissioner.
This issue has come up before in regards to county judges and county commissioners representing their clients in the courts. The answer to that issue was that if the opposing attorneys accepted a waiver (the defense for an opposing party or the city attorney) and De Leon asked for a waiver, he could legally continue representing clients.
However, apparently the former commissioner saw that the city attorney would be under pressure from the DA not to issue the waiver and he decided to resign and practice his profession instead.
There was also some indication that De Leon could not represent anyone arrested or charged by officers with the Brownsville Police Dept. or who worked for the city.
Meanwhile, we have learned that after demoted Brownsville Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo was sent back into the ranks of the firehouse and that no one wanted to work with him or his former assistant fire chief Ernie Estrada. Both were demoted at the same time and went back to their previous ranks, Elizondo as a lieutenant and Estrada as a firefighter.

Sheldon then granted Elizondo administrative leave with pay but not Estrada.
The talk around the firehouses has been that Elizondo and Estrada did just about anything they pleased, with Elizondo reportedly taking off from his post without permission and shutting himself off in an office. Sheldon, as his one-time assistant chief, was content to let them have their way.
Now, if there is a conflict of interest in De Leon representing clients in municipal court, isn't there a conflict as well in Elizondo seating as trustee on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District in direct violation of city personnel policy of holding elective office of a jurisdiction within the city?
Is what is good for the goose good for the gander?
So now we have the guy who started the whole racial controversy by releasing a secretly recorded tape of a private conversation that brought disrepute to the city and got rid of a city commissioner getting paid by the city taxpayers for not working.
Does this seem right to anyone?
This is just bull shit!!! He should not be pAid for doing nothing..
What's the diffrence with County Commisioner Gus Ruiz he represents Justice of the peace judge trejo wrecker Bussines that's owned by Ruiz and trejo look up the case it was heard in judge sallie Gonzalez court.
The Mexican is bred to stick his hand out for doing nothing.
Yes Mr. Montoya this does seem fair. Why was Mr. Elizondo suspended without reason. Look at what happened with Tony Yzaguirre. Almost 2 years with pay only to be found innocent of all 11 felonies which started with 21 felonies. Mr. Elizondo has not been charged nor arrested. Police officers get suspended with pay all the time so what is the difference? Oh that is right Mr. Montoya, Elizondo is not friends with Ben Neece nor Jessica T. Kalifa so they want his head. Elizondo is innocent until proven guilty.
Shortest political career ever. Hahahaha! De Coss and any MC judge that allowed De Leon to work cases at MC should be sanctioned. Any idiot knows that's a conflict. Pa' fuera todos!
Administrative leave with pay no fking mames it better be his time not the tax payers dime!!
I have a family of 20. Sheldon since you are new and stupid can you hire us for a little while. I promise we will lie and get all our coworkers to hate us. As for the taking money part, forget it....we have standards. Then you can put us on leave with pay too. I promise to give you tapes of all the recorded conversations I have before we go on vacation. Living the Brownsville dream!
I hope De Leon goes after everyone especially the DA. Saenz's time is up he belongs in jail.
And the Ben Neece court conflicts? He is a commissioner and has cases in the same court.
Ah the ATM machine doesn't lie nor cameras.
Dan Sanches, De Coss or Magallanes in order as it would be if they run!
Sanches will beat Magallanes as a Democrat, no problem! Sanchez and De Coss that might be a fight!
but I believe Sanches would take the seat If he decides to run.
Remember, Magallanes only won by a few numbers, and most of the people that were helping and hustling in his campaign have shifted because of the unfair treatment of his family members towards them. The Magallanes concentrated in removing people from the campaign instead of unifying. That is exactly how the empires have taken a fall in history, Divide and conquer!
Instead of building bridges they build barricades as if they were at war!
having said that, De Leon, Stay away from those who put you on the web you are in now, and get out! Go on with your life, and dont look back, not even to gain speed!
Only the Lil guy has to abide by the rules. Everyone knows that come on now. Always has always will be.
I hope De Leon goes after everyone especially the DA. Saenz's
De Leon is not going to after anyone, He is still in training pant, It will be along time for this kid to get up to speed., That is, If he learned his lesson, Never swim against the current, You will drown! Take swimming lessons before going into the ocean, and Don't dive without oxygen! Now if he does it again, He is just stupid! and I don't think he's stupid, he was just taken for a ride!
The ride is over, and now, He needs to get back in the car and start a new race! alone!
Someone just opened up a can of worms.
I voted for Magallanes Because I trusted him but no more and he is also helping the rat sylvia garza perez so we are NOT voting for him again
Yes on 5:09 :: Tony yzaguirre is guilty and the people know it the district attorney just screwed up but Jennifer your daddy is a thief and he is still conspiring with the I can barley walk Joe and the hood rat sylvia but guess what the cucu is coming
Not even to gain speed? What does that even mean?
Yes they do. Ask pat ahumada! He laughed all tge way tonthe bank. Literally.
Carlos Elizondo after you suspended many firefighters without pay you cried to be placed on administrative leave with pay. You're arrogant to the end motherfucker, but bubba is waiting anxiously for you in prison culito.
Cameron County Judge Eddie TreviƱo is an attorney so he shouldn't be practicing as an attorney either. The 1.2 million dollar a year attorney for PUB.
Thank you Chief Elizondo for bringing all your corrupt friends down with you. You single-handedly,due your selfish nature destroyed the political careers of Sylvia Garza Perez,Juan Magallanes,Gus Ruiz, Mike Trejo,Cesar de Leon, Charlie Cabler,Eddie Trevino,Carlos Ayala, Mark Sossi. All these people hate you Carlos but thank you anyways for exposing all the rats like you.
The 2 officers that was arrested during the Yzaguirre case were charged and fired. The charges were later dropped and those 2 poor guys are still fighting to get their pay back! They were falsely accused and unfairly arrested. Those 2 guys were caught up in Saenz vindictive motives towards Tony Yzaguirre. Saenz arrested those 2 officers wanting them to offer some type of evidence that would put Yzaguirre away!! Let us hope that they will get compensated and rightly so!
Welcome to civil service rule 143 he can't be put on unpaid leave since he hasn't been charged with any crime. Hell,there is an asst chief that has been on paid leave all summer for crashing into three mailboxes and a car while driving drink. Paid summer vacation for over 3 months
We feel bad for De leon but, as a young man he chose the wrong people to hang out with. Magallanes "The Rat" and "Elizondo" the backstabber hung him out to dry. Youth and inexperience were the winners. De Leon you fucked up, admit it and move forward and learn from this.
Not even to gain speed? What does that even mean?
When you are running a race, normally you will look back as to see how much speed and effort you need to put in order to win the race! Just look forward and don't worry about the people behind you!
The third time I hear Sanchez, Magallanes and De coss?
What the heck is going on? are they running against one another? Well, I will agree Sanches has an advantage point on winning if he does decide to run. He is not a backstabbing @@@@@@@ . I don't know about De Coss (he is a Republican) Not sure, but is he a judge? Why would he go after Magallanes spot?
In a different note, I too helped Magallanes the last time around, and that ended real quick! The harassment was unbearable, undesired and unacceptable. Having said that, No We will not be assisting him this time around, I agree with the reader that made a comment regarding building barricades instead of bridges. cited in a different article!
Official OPPRESSION. N major,major lawsuit.
Stop Electing Lawyers (Liars) our community needs to see some and/or most Lawyers = Liars are Corrupt and Not for the people.. Go back and make of list of all the ones we have voted for and their profession is Lawyers= Liars.. Understand they will screw us over in a minuet ...
Sounds to me like someone set this up so Cesar de Leon would have a soft landing....not resign because he is a racist. Was this set up by his mentor, Mayor Tony Martinez???????? De Leon is a racist! Elizondo is a total Asshole and not only should be fired, he should be removed from BISD. The entire City Commission, along with the Mayor failed to call for de Leon's resignation, which means they accept racism and bigotry. After giving Cesar de Leon a "Free Pass" after his own words proved him to be a bigot and racist, the city should leave the Jefferson Davis rock where it is....because obviously this city is a racist city, and that rock should stand as a reminder of Cesar de Leon and this city's acceptance of his racism.
Actually, it's best when you have All the facts straight... the asst chief has been on admin leave Without pay the whole time... and only one mailbox
OMG!! Did he literally cry
Seriously family of 20, we know who you are, and your next!
I concur with that statement.
este trio de ratas que estan enfrente a un arroz con pollo porque paella no es se van a ver muy bonitos con el uniforme naranja que dan aqui en el bote porque no se han cansado de hacerle dano a la cuidad BOLA DE RATAS
Ok I'll get my facts straight the police report is public record after all. It was a car and a mail box. There is that better. Well better than when the same asst chief stole a neon sign from beef o Brady's last yr while on a drunken rampage.
A family of 20? Mr. Sheldon, please get that man a pack of condoms! We don't want these oxygen thieves to reproduce.
The Mexican Lawyers/Politicos have been bending, breaking and ignoring the law and rules for several generations. Saenz is just pissed because DeLeon insulted some of his "colored" staff. The "colored" ladies probably brought it to his attention. He certainly won't show up to protest the other Lawyers who are doing the same thing. He will give a wink and nod as he has always done.
Elizondo and family (Wife), biggest SNAKES in town. They are pure POISON. Just as the public put pressure on De Leon now let's see if they do the same for Low Life Elizondo. Can't Elizondo see that there's no where he can go that people won't point the finger. No body wants to be seen with him, must less associated with him. He's not wanted ANYWHERE period. He's VENOMOUS POISON...
10:36 In order for liable, slander and defamation to be actionable, the content must be untrue. In this case, all was true as it came from DeLeon's lips. Now a suit for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Injury might get off the ground, but I doubt it would fly very high.
The point is: Keep your damn mouth shut and trust nobody especially a Mexican politician or hanger on. They are all untrustworthy cannibals, who would drop their on mother in the hot grease for a price.
So then this "conflict of interest" has existed from day 1? Why was he not given this choice and advised of it before? Because he was your boy playing for you all so you over looked it but now its time to go? When is anyone going to look into all his dealings as a commissioner? What about Neece and his law practices? I expected more from you Saenz, you should be looking into everything said in that tape and investigating everyone. How about having city commissioners with no prior criminal record, no attorneys or if so they can not be practicing while on the commission and no repeats. That would solve a lot of our problems.
Has Luis Saenz reviewed the role of his assistant DA's and what cases they are appointed on as ad litems? My last appearance in court I witnessed an assistant DA serving as ad litem attorney on a suit where Cameron County was lead plaintiff. Curious to know how an ADA who is paid by the County can serve as an ad litem attorney on a case where Cameron County is seeking relief.
So you're saying Saenz is a pro and being corrupt . I guess it is true he is good at taking bribes and letting murderers walk.
Pura PINCHE Tranza Compadre.
@ 1810 was translating a Mexican dicho." Para atras ni pa agarrar vuelo" i think he meant; dont step back, even if it's to gain momentum
Which is a translated interpretation of the dicho. Just saying.
The guy still needs to man up and resign!
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