Celebrate National Taco Day
Last year Americans ate over 4.5 billion tacos!
We love our Tacos ! on National Taco Day, on Taco Tuesdays & Everyday!
That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings.
The word taco is the Mexican equivalent of the English word sandwich. The tortilla, which is made of corn or wheat, is wrapped or folded around a filling that is generally made of spiced proteins - beef, pork or fish.
For National Taco Day this October 4, consider the countless variations you can create using traditional meats or with seafood, chicken, beans, cheese and eggs. Yank out your garnishes – salsa, cilantro, avocado, tomatoes, onions and lettuce and you have a dish of great versatility and variety.
The word taco is the Mexican equivalent of the English word sandwich. The tortilla, which is made of corn or wheat, is wrapped or folded around a filling that is generally made of spiced proteins - beef, pork or fish.
For National Taco Day this October 4, consider the countless variations you can create using traditional meats or with seafood, chicken, beans, cheese and eggs. Yank out your garnishes – salsa, cilantro, avocado, tomatoes, onions and lettuce and you have a dish of great versatility and variety.
For a dish so widely available, the history of the taco is really unknown. But according to taco expert Jeffrey M. Pilcher, the word originates from the silver mines in Mexico in the 18th century, when taco referred to the little explosives workers used to extract the ore.
These were pieces of paper wrapped around gunpowder and placed into holes carved in the rock. “When you think about it, a chicken taquito with a good hot sauce is really a lot like a stick of dynamite,” says Pilcher in an online article at Smithsonian.com.
“The first references [to the taco] in any sort of archive or dictionary come from the end of the 19th century. And one of the first types of tacos described is called tacos de minero—miner’s tacos. So the taco is not necessarily this age-old cultural expression; it’s not a food that goes back to time immemorial.”
Still others claim tacos predate the arrival of the Spanish in Mexico in the 16th century. Anthropologists say there is evidence suggesting inhabitants of the lake region of the Valley of Mexico ate tacos filled with small fish. The fish were replaced by small live insects and ants in the states of Morelos and Guerrero, while locusts and snails were favorite fillings in Puebla and Oaxaca.
![Image result for national taco day](https://thetacotrail.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/p1110403_2.jpg)
![Image result for national taco day](https://thetacotrail.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/p1110403_2.jpg)
A Taco for a Naco (you, juan!)
Everyday is taco day for me! Cesar can go eat shit if he doesn't want to be called a taco eater.
Someone buy Cesar de Leon a taco!
Leave him alone! Cesar is a sausage eater! not a taco eater.
Cesar hasnt apologized to the people he offended.
"I sincerely apologize to Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 for using a racial slur to refer to you. As a minority myself I denounce Racism and will say Racism has no room in our community. I, as a City leader, have failed my constituents and I did not act in a manner that is expected of me, again, I sincerely apologize for my offensive racial slurs."
"I vow to continue fighting corruption with more corruption, as the saying says, fight fire with fire (no pun intended Carlos)."
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