Saturday, October 14, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Each year, the organizers of the Latin Jazz Festival print custom T-shirts to commemorate the event.
Fans often keep them as souvenirs to remember that year's festival.

This year – its 21st anniversary – it's no different and the T-shirt features a couple dancing salsa against a backdrop of musical notes. The images are based on one of the paintings that were defaced by vandals on the wall of the Capitol Theater. The particular painting was etched by local artist Toni Hudson, who donated her labor. On the bottom of the image are the words "Thanks and love to Peter Goodman for 21 years of magic!

Goodman is the retired former director of the Brownsville Border Film Commission. He has been responsible for attracting film makers here and providing film makers the amenities to work in the city. He was also an early and enthusiastic supporter of the festival. On the lower left-hand of the shirt an old-time radio identifies the new Brownsville FM radio station KXIQ 105.1 operated by the Brownsville Society for the Performing Arts, which is also a sponsor of the festival.

There are only a limited supplies of the Hudson-created T-shirts and Mary Helen Flores, who coordinates their printing each year, said that the shirts are given to the artists and festival sponsors with just a few sold during the four days of performances. She is usually near the entrance to the Half Moon and at the Capitol Theater.

If you're lucky, you may be able to get one of them from her if you see her.

Sponsors for this year's festival (and T-shirts) are: The Law Office of Marlene Dougherty, Daniel de la Garza of Disco De Oro Tortilla Factory, Jessica and Arturo Kalifa of Car Wash Plus, Raquel Figaroa of Tequilada, George Ramirez of Plibrisd Coatings and Half Moon Saloon, Ben Neece of Spanish Moon Cafe, Rosie Gonzalez, of Gonzalez Law Firm, and the Brownsville Society for the Performing Arts.

Gracias a todos!

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