Monday, October 23, 2017


This is a chart of the stock price of United Healthcare (UNH) since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare):
Up almost 400% in just 5 years, coupled with steep annual premium increases


Anonymous said...

write about Browntown, loco! What does this mean to me?!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the Affordable Health Care act is anything but affordable. The government subsidies to the insurance companies have done nothing but enrich the companies and enable them to continue to raise prices and earnings. The whole concept is a debacle.

To be certain, the poor need good health coverage, but there are ways to do that without breaking the financial backs of the middle class worker.

Like it or not, Trump has taken the first step, but stopping direct government payments to Insurance Companies, allowing the formation of associations with the ability to buy insurance across state lines.

Now, if these Ass Hole Congress Critters would get off their asses and do something to help the people get good health care and stop playing politics with our lives. They are a disgusting, loathsome bunch of people, including our very own Beady Eyed Vela.

Anonymous said...

Obama Care put the cost of health care on the middle class, for those that don’t qualify for governmental assistance!!! That is why the middle class private insurance cost has skyrocketed!!! Obama Care is a scam to make Insurance companies filthy rich. How dare you Obama!!!

Anonymous said...

Dam right! Obama had secret meetings with all the insurance heads before the executive order of Obama care.Oh but he was such a great president!

Anonymous said...

how much to get teeth fixed?

Anonymous said...

This is the BISD's health insurance company. This is where Brownsville's school taxes go.

Anonymous said...

All you fucking demorats actually believed obama’s Bullshit lies. I am enjoying watching President Trump straighten your asses out.

Anonymous said...

Just go to matamoros Jessica.

Anonymous said...

The problem with that picture is that Im not on it racking in the millions, instead I'm on El Rrun Rrun de panochon.
