Special to El Rrun-Rrun
The dust hasn't cleared yet, but just today we have received word that the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. administration – which had suspended Capt. Carlos Garza from service and sent him home without his badge or service weapon about two weeks ago – had fired him Wednesday.
Later Wednesday afternoon, a source close to the sheriff's administration who asked for anonymity because he wasn't authorized to comment on the matter, confirmed that Garza had been terminated.
They said his termination does not mean the investigation is over, but is "still ongoing."
This followed other reports late Wednesday that Texas Rangers and FBI agents descended upon his home armed with search warrants.
They said his termination does not mean the investigation is over, but is "still ongoing."
This followed other reports late Wednesday that Texas Rangers and FBI agents descended upon his home armed with search warrants.
The details are not clear yet, and our query to Deputy Chief Gus Reyna when Garza was reportedly suspended yielded a "no comment" response that made us wonder if the rumors surrounding his departure are true.
"I can neither confirm nor deny any issues regarding personnel matters," Reyna said. "We don't comment on personnel matters to the media, or to bloggers."
(That's Garza in the photo at right when he and Sheriff Omar Lucio escorted fugitive killer Amit Livingston from a plane at Valley Regional Airport after he had been captured by U.S. Marshals.)
The sheriff's administration under Lucio is said to have participated in the investigation of unspecified allegations against Garza, a seasoned law-enforcement officer who oversees the Criminal Investigation Division, Special Investigation Division and Jail Division and supervises over 300 employees on a daily basis.
He is also a member of the board of the Emergency Service District #1.
Some say that Garza was associated with a company under contract to the county to do the landscaping work at the Cameron County Airport in Bayview and that he had been seen operating some of their machinery. Others say it involves his alleged relationship with a towing company doing business in Brownsville.
But the Lucio administration would not specify the nature of the alleged wrongdoing.
But the Lucio administration would not specify the nature of the alleged wrongdoing.
This followed reports a few weeks ago that a female relative who also works in the sheriff's department was suspended for allegedly falsifying time sheets. It is unclear if the woman was under the Garza's supervision.
Every dog has its day..
It was about time they clean some of the SHIT !! Hope he gets jail time no one is above the LAW !! El APA !! Puras RATAS !!!
Every dog has its day...
Small fish to fry.
It doesn't seem to me that the offenses you have stipulated rise to the level that the FBI would have an interest in the case, maybe not even the Texas Rangers.
Hope he sings like a Canary.
Yet some believe the Sheriff and the Reynas are getting rid of him for political reasons ‘ It’s well known Carlos has inspiration of running for Sheriff like most political assholes after they use you they get rid of you like trash
This guy was been in charge of multi million Stonegarden Grant for yaers.......no one ever questioned him or his overtime time sheets....until now.....
Carlos live and learn those people where never your friends however your real friends you turned your nose up on them and you are getting served KARMA enjoy
He would be a great sheriff. He can drive himself, he always has a cowboy hat, he's got women everywhere, and he doesn't drink on the job. Plus he's been a deputy for ever, he knows his constituents and doesnt live off his glory days from a federal agency like Cortez. Swear him in I say.
Playing with a muti million govwenment grant for the past few years will get the attention of the Feds
Carlos Garza is Carlos Cascos boy and Cascos board appointment.
Sitting at home listening to the police radio is not the same as being out on the streets patrolling working for the money what he was doing is stealing !! Money from the federal Grants He should be jailed for stealing federal grant or state grant is still Tax Payers Money !!
mm false timesheets? if its federal monies man you might be cooked, speaking of cooking how about some fajitas like that dude over at juvenile dept, so juan what happen to him? hey its only $$$$ a million dollars in fajitas he stole? adios
This guy knows a lot about the sucios and the Reyna’s they just opened a Pandora’s box please tell please tell
Lucio and the Reyna brothers are hobbling a potential threat to their political cess pool of power and corruption.
Maybe he started the fight.
All this is Dirty Politics being done to Captain Carlos Garza because his intentions were to run for sheriff. It's obvios someone wants to put a stop to it. If they are going to investigate start by investigating the sheriff and the chief deputy as well, I'm sure they have olot hidden in the closet. Thank you Capt. Carlos Garza for 26 years of service. It's very sad to see that they pay you this way!
All this is Dirty Politics being done to Captain Carlos Garza because his intentions were to run for sheriff. It's obvious someone wants to put a stop to it. If they are going to investigate start by investigating the sheriff and the chief deputy as well, I'm sure they have olot hidden in the closet. Thank you Capt. Carlos Garza for 26 years of service. It's very sad to see that they pay you this way!
All this is Dirty Politics being done to Captain Carlos Garza because his intentions were to run for sheriff. It's obvious someone wants to put a stop to it. If they are going to investigate start by investigating the sheriff and the chief deputy as well, I'm sure they have olot hidden in the closet. Thank you Capt. Carlos Garza for 26 years of service. It's very sad to see that they pay you this way!
You see Gus Reyna and Javier Reyna this human knows you all you next "Dogs"
I hope he does too!
RATAS..RATAS..RATAS bueno cuando se va acabar este PEDO en todos los niveles de govierno municipio RATAS condado mas ratas ya es hora de que esto termine se necesita que los TEXAS RANGERS se dejen de hacerse pendejos y le entren a todo este pedo
They need to look at the Strays; where have all the Cows, Horses gone too? never had he placed them on the missing list on the County's page;Why?
The County Cowboy;Juilo's Auto Parts;should part of Gang;
More to Come
Karma!! What goes around comes around! Where's all that Stonegarden money Carlos?? You are dam right there's more to come!
what goes around comes around;
my question is;how much was he getting from the sales of all the animals that been impounded?
there were never New listing for the Lost Livestock;
there was never animals taken to Auction?;in the past 3 years;
what was the split;30% for the County Cowboy;30%for Juilo;40% Carlitos;
Just ask the former County Cowboys how the System worked?
That's what we get, when we have a wantbe Cowboy in Sheriff Dept.
more to come later;
He wears a cowboy hat to hide his bozo the clown balding / hair style.
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