Friday, November 10, 2017


By Juan Montoya

We all agree that Veterans Day is tomorrow, a Saturday?

We thought so. Saturday is a weekend, so that city and county workers would get the day off anyway, correct?

So why, asked one of our readers, did the City of Brownsville and Cameron County (and P.U.B?) give its employees the day off on Friday with pay, the day before the actual holiday?

The Brownsville Independent School District didn't, and all its 7,700 employees are still at work taking care of and educating the kiddos. We're sure that there are a goodly number of veteran men and women among them.

So why did the city's 1,200 and Cameron County's 2,040 employees get the day off with pay?

"I tried to call the Brownsville Public Utility Board office and didn't get an answer," said our writer. "Does that mean that their 500 workers also got the day off at our expense?"

"Those of us who work for the school district and those that work for the private industry did not get the day off," he continued. "Why do they?

That seemed to us a good question ad we would have asked the elected officials at the city, county, and PUB, but alas, no one is there because they got the day off.


Anonymous said...

Mexicans CANNOT be veterans. Only WHITES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a thought. I do believe that BISD gets an entire week off in November for Thanksgiving, and then two weeks for Christmas Holiday, and lets not forget about the week for Spring Break. As for the County and City holidays, I do believe they are approved my the Commission, so if someone has a problem with those holidays, they can voice their opinion during the Commission meeting. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

This is a day that the city can think about how to deal with having a racist and bigot, Cesar de Leon, as a city commissioner. We move rocks, statues and anything that reflects racism of the past, but we allow this living racist, bigot and asshole to be in a position to make policy for this city. That seems to mean that the Mayor and city commission accept racism and bigotry. What hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

Paid holidays are a sop for low wages.

Anonymous said...

Why do kids coming from Mexico get a free ride in our BISD . Why don’t you bring that subject up at a meeting for discussion.there no taxes being paid, their education...


Anonymous said...

Why do kids coming from Mexico get a free ride in our BISD . Why don’t you bring that subject up at a meeting for discussion.there no taxes being paid, their education...


Anonymous said...

Envidioso! Stop crying when you all get more than double the day offs than the city does.

Anonymous said...

What tha' #$%*? What have you been smoking? You almost sound as nuts as Pat, Bobby and Capt Shrimp put together.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo? You like to complain about everything under the sun. Why don't you assist 444PM with this issue?

Oh, nevermind. Doesn't fall under your asskissing - cheezmeh - grandstanding goals.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:04. Get over it!!! Looser. Exactly what racist policies has he promoted, pendeja? Let us know. Moron!

Anonymous said...

Maybe its time to change rrunrrunn blog name to Anynomous blog..just saying..

Anonymous said...

BISD may get more days off, but that's because we have degrees.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 7:49 "Looser?" Learn to spell before posting your comments . The previous comment regarding Cesar doesn't say "racist policies " much?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do kids coming from Mexico get a free ride in our BISD . Why don’t you bring that subject up at a meeting for discussion.there no taxes being paid, their education...


*Maybe because those kids
ARE AMERICAN citizens and they have that right.
Do you question that of kids crossing a border line street in Canada?
I actually saw that in the Canada-US border.Is it only questionable when is Mexico?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because our district need the money the state gives us for those kids to survive.

Anonymous said...

What does having degrees have to do with days off??? Looks like you got your degree online lol

Anonymous said...

Degrees to fool around to be stupid at work. Oh sorry, teachers work? now that's a joke, only time the teachers show up to work is the 25th of month, PAY DAY!

Anonymous said...

So..... BISD gets like a week off for Charro days.. City and County do not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So..... BISD gets like a week off for Charro days.. City and County do not.

November 12, 2017 at 8:58 PM

BISD gets 1/2 day Thursday and all day Friday for charro days, NOT a whole week. That Friday is considered a "make up" day for bad weather.
If they use that "make up" day and they still need to make up the days staff and faculty make up the day on a Saturday which is what happened with the day hurricane Harvey was to hit. They made up the Friday on Saturday.
DONT spread lies because of your ignorance.

Juan Hurtado said...

for the racist idiot on the first comment why don't you sign your name you fucking coward. A true veteran will sign his name or perhaps you are not even a veteran you bitch. You have no balls.
