Tuesday, December 26, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: Sometimes, when we get caught up reporting the foibles, high crimes and misdemeanors of some of our local denizens, we don't realize what a beautiful place we live in. Take, for example, this scene sent to us by one of our seven readers. The writer said he took this photo from Ringgold Street at the end of the intersection with Belvedere Street.

This view is looking north toward Town Resaca on the north side of Gladys porter Zoo. On the right would be Dean Porter Park and the resaca curves toward Seventh Street perhaps a quarter mile to the right. The shadows of palm trees on the water is surreal in the morning fog.

In the far distance, three huge white birds which we are probably misidentifying as pelicans feed in the shallow water and ducks leave a small wake behind them as they glide out away from the shore. If you look closely to the left on the picture in the tree branches, you can see two small birds perched on the limbs. Thanks for the photo. Nice composition.)


Anonymous said...

flies, mosquitoes and the smell of tamales ruin local scenery, juanito!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
flies, mosquitoes and the smell of tamales ruin local scenery, juanito!

December 26, 2017 at 10:49 AM

That says a lot about YOU and where you live if that is all you see or smell.

Anonymous said...

If you look down you would see empty beer bottles used condoms and empty zip Locs and/or syringes. That's what that damn park is used for!

Anonymous said...

I rather smell tameles than hot dogs any time. Pinche Pendejo

Anonymous said...

All I see is sewerage from the zoo and some dead birds. What a sight. Welcome to BrownSVille Senor no cover charge anytime!!!
