Friday, December 29, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: Well, we are the rpoud recipients of a photo sent to us by another one of our seven readers. This one is of Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez and her able staff over at the county office. They seem to be a playful bunch, don't they? If you look closely at the hand that county clerk staffer Angel Puente (second from right) has around her co-worker, you will notice the traditional greeting in the barrio when you want to give someone "da finger."

We're sure that Ms. Puente had no idea this photo would find its way to us, but hey, in the age of the Internet, everything you post is available to just about everyone who surfs or trolls the net. We understand that this photo appeared in the Reelect Sylvia Garza-Perez from County Clerk Facebook page available to anyone on the Internet. This, as someone we knew used to say, is rich. Greetings to you, too.)


Anonymous said...

A picture paints a thousand words , wow this is what our TAX dollars pay for , this is NOT acceptable conduct of an employee. Sylvia you should be ashamed

Anonymous said...

That sure is a lovely looking group. Oh by the way that is a hell of a long middle finger. Wonder who is the recipient of that ?

Anonymous said...

Angela shows no respect to her Staff much less her boss , she kisses her ass but behind her back spews venom ..... like is said sylvia is a hood rat and her employees are a reflection of her ... this is so embarrassing

Anonymous said...

Class act
Very classy
Como dicen "birds of a feather"
Guess it goes with the office
Verdad Aurora

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha yet Sylvia Claims to have a professional STAFF HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHh

Anonymous said...

She knows she lives in Brownsville! Get off her brown, fat ass, juanito!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's horrible. Sylvia's manners are rubbing off on the couple of people that like her. There is only a couple of people in that pic that like Sylvia and Sylvia is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Wow those are heads : I can only imagine what the rest of her so called employees do , but pictures don’t lie and thT Angela is trouble

Anonymous said...

This is Lali Betancourt's plan to get Sylvia out of office?

Getting Montoya to post garbage stories about County Clerk SYLVIA GARZA PEREZ will not work.These bully tactics are disgusting and will ultimately back fire on Lali and her gang of internet thugs.

Anonymous said...


The voters of Cameron County are going to serve a big bowl of KARMA to the Betancourt family in 2018.

Anonymous said...

Baaaaaa. To funny way to go Angela ifidnot believe you when you told me th story behind the finger ha ha ha I believe you know

Anonymous said...

Sylvia who else she tells us how she mocks her and Sylvia thinks she is her confidant

Anonymous said...

jobs are scarce....
poor girl, maybe it was a joke......apologize honey

Anonymous said...

Garbage the persons in the photo are garbage. Pictures don’t lie right

Anonymous said...

Las Cameron divas.. hahaha
I just can’t with such finesse, hahaha

Anonymous said...

I think lali is much better than this Sylvia thing. Karma lady, this one is for you. If anyone needs to pay karma, it’s you!

Anonymous said...

Chuladas, hahaha

Anonymous said...

The current staff is garbage...Angela is a bottom feeder that will do anything to try to “rise” up from the garbage that she is ...and as for the rest..either kiss asses or just trying to make it to retirement until the next QUALIFIED official is elected

Anonymous said...

That entire office is disgusting! The good employees were smart enough to bail asap and the others are garbage and even worse the ones that Garza brought in are incompetent....county folks are suffering

Anonymous said...

Como hay jente FEA en brownsville no se a quien irle esta vieja con su TEAM de jente FEA o la BETANCOURT QUE HA DE TRAER JENTE fea

Anonymous said...

Missing the point they all are saying "We're FAT and if you don't like well here's the finger"!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia please evaluate your staff honey this really looks bad and reflects on you , the young lady is lacking discipline and needs to be corrected remember you are as good as your staff honey and right now is not a good time to have employees that act with such vulgarity my humble opinion

Anonymous said...

Puras puts

Anonymous said...

Them girls look evil especially the one wit that finger.

Anonymous said...

The finger is symbolic of what Sylvia's office thinks of the public. This finger is directed to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh my honey how vulgar I will not vote for her again how can Sylvia allow that behavior so disappointed

Anonymous said...

Stevie: Hey!
Come on!
Well, good-bye, good-bye
A-good-bye, good-bye
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye
I'm gonna go, yeah
I'm gonna go, yeah
Let's just swing it one more time!
(instrumental and harmonica to end)
'How 'bout it?'
'Go ahead an shake this up for me real good'
'Stevie Wonder.'fingertips

Good bye Sylvia the finger got you

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, you got the finger.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boy that MIDDLE FINGER looks like it can do some DAMAGE.

Anonymous said...

Puras nacas.....

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you too Sylvia and staff

Anonymous said...

Wasting our taxpayer's money like always! Closing the County Clerk's office early on Wednesday the 20th for an office meeting when it was really an office Christmas party! then the tax office closing early on Thursday the 21st for their party ! all these parties during county time with employees being paid to party with taxpayer's funds when they should have been taking care of the Public! and then the County had their Christmas party that night! Happy New Year Cameron County! Business as Usual!

Anonymous said...

You should complain to the commissioner court they get a lot of paid holidays and sick leave vacation time and then all the goofing off time pinches NACAS that office is always running on low and they are RUDE and that picture is just how we feel about that county clerk she is doing a very poor job.

Anonymous said...

The commissioners get paid 100+k a year for meeting once a month dud...
plus they have an executive assistant and secretary, want more?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to our Tax Assessor Tony Yzaguirre and his staff!! You guys went through hell because of a vindictive, politicians and a corrupt system! Glad you you and your staff moved away from EVIL!

Anonymous said...

I see four “ladies” in the picture but about 20 chins. I guess Christmas took its toll on these beach bodies.

Anonymous said...

You all are SO rude and speak out of your butt holes. It is plainly visible that this young lady fell off of the ugly tree! I'm sure that at that time, she busted off all of the missing fingers.

Anonymous said...

So the finger she has left is for your but hole?

Anonymous said...

Puro basura, what do you expect for what those clerks get paid

Anonymous said...

12:49 PM: Gauging from her size on the photo, she can fit more than ONE finger in her butt hole!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia should watch out. Many people are saying she will be taken down by Betancourt. Team Saenz has a few tricks up their sleeve. Sylvia's dirty little secrets will come to light just about the time we will be voting in March. Let us see if there will be enough revealed to sway the votes. Her office staff has a few choice words to say about their boss lady.

Anonymous said...

No tricks just recordings about her worthless leadership in the office and her forcing her staff too help her get re elected at any cost and the staff has proof

Anonymous said...

The chief deputy pictured is Sandra she makes over $56, 000 and the finger Angela makes over $35,000 and the other clerk makes over $30,000 so yes trash but high paid TRASH your tax dollars at work

Anonymous said...

I have a question for TEAM SAENZ
If you all feel so strongly to get Sylvia Garza Perez out of office and everyone there are such horrible people
Why do you all fail to ever mention that the District Attorney's son Omar Saenz works for Sylvia Garza Perez!
Why should I change my vote please inform
Me so I may make the right decision.

Anonymous said...

Try contacting County Court at Law Judge Laura Betancourt during December
Holiday season she is never in and leaves 1 employee to answer phones and the rest are off 2 weeks ! Who pays for all of that we the tax payers !!!
The only Judge that is ever in is County Court at Law #1 Judge McDonald

Anonymous said...

Wow! Forced I am a County Clerk employee and I have never been forced or have I volunteered because I chose not to. That is my given right. The majority of the County offices do Night out community out reach including the District Attorney's office, District Clerk's Office and so on
Many employees give up there personal time to educate the public of all our services we provide they do not get paid for that.

Anonymous said...

This does not surprise me that an unprofessional attitude exists in this office setting. Sylvia back in her school days was known as the school bully she went around picking on people she didn't like trying to always start fights, Once a bully always a bully !!! looks like it has rubbed off with the I don't give a shit attitude to her staff!

Anonymous said...

you must be the elite few , because she holds us accountable for our jobs and we are forced to help her or else ........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In my opinion everyone should be held accountable for there jobs! I don't see anything wrong with that !
Really forced or else what ? I am assuming you feel you will lose your job! I don't understand we have about give or take 65 employees and you mean to tell me that every single person is forced.
Get over yourself whoever you are
Never once have I been asked to block walk, hold signs in corners etc.
County Clerk Employee

Anonymous said...

Omar Saenz was hired before Sylvia Perez was elected...he's protected legally and she needs a reason to fire him...first of all he's a good employee and second she's not about to put another target on herself

Anonymous said...

Very well said, he is protected legally
Like all the other employees so I guess at the end of the of the day she can not just fire an employee for not supporting her. You still didn't answer the question if Sylvia is such a horrible person why would you continue to have him work in the office.
