Has it been 12 years already that convicted Cameron County Sheriff Conrado Cantu was sentenced to 24 years and two months in prison without parole?

At the time of his sentencing on December 13, 2005 he was 50. Today, 12 years later, he is 62 and will be 77 when he finishes serving his sentence. After that he will still have five more years of probation to serve, probably in a halfway house.

Cantu rose from obscurity just as other local politicians have. He was a former plumber, a used-car salesman, and and later, the owner of a seafood restaurant who had served as a chief deputy constable for a year before being elected constable, in 1996. If you lived in Brownsville, chances are that you met him or even knew him. He was a fixture at political rallies and campaign functions.
During his time in public office he rubbed elbows with practically every elected official from state reps, senators, and county judge to justices of the peace. During the opening of the renovated "Old Bridge" he was glad-handing Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, Tamaulipas Gov. Tomas Yarrington and then-Texas Gov. George Bush.
In the 1990s, elections were no-holds barred political slugfests and the participants engaged with gusto in the fray.
The Gonzalez extended family, which included former Cameron County District Clerk Aurora de la Garza, never forgave Cantu for unseating her brother Arturo. And the hard feelings toward Cantu were even more deeply ingrained in current sheriff Omar Lucio, who lost once to the singing constable, as he was called. After defeating Lucio, the incumbent sheriff, in a Democratic primary runoff, he went on to beat his Republican challenger by 2,341 votes.
Cantu served as the county's top lawman between January 2001 and December 2004. He pleaded guilty to a federal racketeering charge in July of that year.
As part of a plea agreement to dismiss six other charges, Cantu admitted to running a three-man crime ring with his former captain and former county jail commissary vendor and that he abused his office to solicit and extort bribes from drug traffickers.
Court records show that Cantu took a $10,000 bribe to protect a drug trafficker, only one month after taking office.The men admitted to profiting from the sheriffs single term in office through several illegal acts that included accepting bribes and money laundering. Prosecutors charged that the three men interacted with at least four known drug trafficking organizations.
All that is a thing of the past and people who lived through those days remember his fall from grace. Cantu is not eligible for release until serving the full sentence, with the possible exception of one months credit per year of good behavior. His earliest release would come in 2026.
After he was sentenced and serving his time, Cantu and his attorneys still maintained that federal prosecutors had reneged on a plea-bargain deal and that the pre-sentencing report by federal probation officers omitted any mention of the deal. They submitted lie detector tests to the court to make their case for a lower sentence to no avail.
With 12 years behind him and another 15 years to go, he will emerge from prison an old man who will have nothing but memories of those bygone days.
In June 2002 county judge Gilberto Hinojosa issued a press release in which he lauded the sheriff, having become his close supporter. The pair had filmed campaign commercials for Hinojosa’s reelection bid. “Conrado Cantu will be considered a great sheriff,” Hinojosa said, “not only in our county, but across the State of Texas, because he treats every person the same way: with kindness, courtesy and the respect and dignity that they deserve.”
GOOD RIDDANCE! Maybe the ex fire chief, city manager and purchasing manager will all meet up with him.
Is this the same gilberto hinojosa that publicly endorsed eddie trevino over dan samchez in 2016, the same hinojosa that is actively campaigning for sylvia garza perez over lali betancourt, the same hinojosa now supporting eddie trevino over robert sanchez? Great judgment od tje demo state party chair.
Sadly, Conrado is not an aberration, but a template for Cameron County elected officials and their subordinates. They don't seem to think what happened to Conrado will ever happen to them. I can only hope they will be wrong about that and Karma will catch up with them.
Let me chime in my on this
1. As a citizen of Cameron County I definitely did not want Dan Sanchez to be our representative of our County . Dan's disregard for his weight tells me that he is a greedy and only cares about himself. So I'm glad Eddie Trevino won.
2.Sylvia Garza Perez runs a tight ship at the county clerks office. With Sylvia as County Clerk her office has won numerous awards that have never been received with prior administration. Sylvia has proven she is worthy of reelection and an other four years in office. What does Lali have to offer, being a BETANCOURT?
3. Now Eddie Trevino over Robert Sanchez, of course! No one in their right mind would ever vote for Robert Sanchez. Robert has zero chance to win and he is being used by the Cascos Cartel to be their mouth piece to attack and discredit Eddie during the Democratic primaries.
4. The Cascos Cartel has been milking the Hinojosa Cantu connection since 2006 and use it everytime Carlos runs for County Judge.
A snake sheds his skin and still remains a snake all he had going for him was charismatic character poor dude
As the Democratic state party chair be should not be involved in contested primary races in my opinion.
Sanchez may be a lot of things but hes no ones mouth piece or puppet. As far as the hinojosa cantu connection, it was there and you cant dispute it.
What a joke sylvia garza Perra runs a tyrant micro manage office who by the way need some customer service skills and by the way the awards are a joke and staff knows who really deserves the awRd it’s the staff Not her she is an idiot and we the staff have proof lol thanks I needed the laugh
You are a joke sylvia you will lose
Please explain.
If the majority of the staff have been there since the previous administration and are now winning awards and receiving state recognition for the FIRST time how do you not give credit to the NEW leadership? Since Sylvia Garza Perez has been County Clerk her office has been given a 5 STAR rating every year. How many 5-Star awards were given to the County clerks staff before Sylvia? ( ZERO)
So you may HATE Sylvia for personal reasons but as Cameron County Clerk SYLVIA GARZA PEREZ is doing a FANTASTIC job!
Can you tell us the VOTERS of Cameron County what Lali Betancourt has to offer? What does Lali bring to the table?
What does her opponent Lali Betancourt have to offer as County Clerk? Or should we just vote for Lali because she's a BETANCOURT?
Sorry, I will vote for Captain Bob, we know what Trevino is putting in the bank ������
Let's see how long b4 conrado's son starts bilking medicare/ aid with boggus charges. De tal palo tal astilla
I here Cantu is having a good time in jail.
Animo !
Cantu, DA, former District Judge, former State Rep, two La Feria Constables, former DA investigator, Attorney General Morales, I think you get my point. Don't have room to mention Hidalgo County. Can someone list some Republicans from Cameron County or Hidalgo who are spending time with the above.
Juan he will actually only be 69 or 70 years old when he is released from the B.O.P.
Ay Sylvia toot your own horn. ,,, lol
OMG 2032 x sheriff Cantu will be out by then and hopefully he can collect some social security checks for at least 2 years since they say the social security system will run out of funds by 2034. What luck oh well he could always open up the Wat A Taco stand once again y a trabajar or sacar el money que tiene Escondido tambien verdad?. Adios
Go to a town or county where the majority is white and you will see the SAME political corruption, specially if the ruling party is republican. Don't be alarm all this corruption, communical diseases, bugs, viruses infections and even syndromes came from their MOTHER country, EUROPE.
Lol Sylvia doing a fantastic job !,! Ha ha ha funny thanks I needed the laugh. Words out Angela. No Matter how much you kiss Sylvia’s ass you are still a dumb so called supervisor you need to stop your personal shit at work we know where you hide your phone ! Lol
How did this guy get such a harsh punishment while Armando Villalobos sentence was a slap on the hand compared to this guy!Villalobos took bribe after bribe but the feds messed up and only went after small potatoes on that guy! he is guilty of so much more than what they tried him for.
Villalobos was a small fish compared to Cantu.
Extortion, murder, drug dealing etc.
So many smaller fish aroung the Cantu gang got away too.
It's never going to be fully exposed as the little fish have gone dark.
At least we're scoroing one hit.
If Cantu wated to he coud plead for lenience by "singing lijke a canary" but alas he "scared of getting killed, tortured etc."
Cantu was into big time gand land associates.
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