Wednesday, December 27, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: The northern front that hit Brownsville with rain and cold wing gusts today also exposed some riders of the Brownsville Urban Systsem (BUS) to the elements as they waited for their bus to arrive. This photo was taken by one of our readers on East Price Road across from the old Convergys call center.

We have spent  $100.000s for a barn to protect bicycles and a pond to protect ducks from traffic on Barnard Street. But what about these poor people braving the elements to board their only mode of transportation?

We have long said that the City of Brownsville seems to have its priorities mixed up spending millions (literally millions) of tax, bond, and Certificate Of Obligation money on bike trails, All-American City designation, zumba contests for Guinness Book of World records awards, suspect change orders for contractors and architects, real estate speculation by the mayor, and other extravagances, but stiff the average Brownsville residents on basic services such as sidewalks and bus shelters.

And don't get us going on basic drainage, please. One of these days the people of Brownsville will realize that the perpetrators of these excessive expenditures – such as commissioners Rose "La Chisquiada" Gowen and Tony "Gimme" Martinez – don't deserve their political support. Until then, get used to seeing these miserable scenes in our "All American" city.)


Anonymous said...

San benito has bus shelters
San Bene! For crying aloud.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sir San Benito has Bus SHELTERS. And we also have a STATE OF THE ART SKATE PARK for all to EMULATE.

Anonymous said...

The poor will always be treated like dogs, juanito. Like you!

Anonymous said...

montoya SE TE OLVIDO LOS 64000 DLLS DE LAS AMBULANCIAS los CHANGE ORDERS en todos los contratos de 35000 dlls tinen change orders y nadie hace nada,los contratistas consentidos de CABLER siguen MAME Y MAME Y nadie hace nada.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like many other Democrat run cities

Anonymous said...

No pos wow.

Anonymous said...

yea but we got a bike trail (that nobody uses), the downtown zoo of corruption, a chinese museum and a duck park. Also a chisquis commissioner along with a high roller mayor and you guessed it a bunch of gringos that still think this is still the 1850's. I don't think anybody can top that. Oh and NO BUS SHELTERS.

Anonymous said...

Skate park You say? How many jobs does that create? Oh it encourages truancy, and loitering. I guess dropouts need a place to hang out and smoke.

Anonymous said...

I wonder when, oh when, will the city fix the freaking road on Roosevelt leading to McDavitt. Oh, what about our hurricane shelter on the Southmost area?

Cyclobia anyone? .i.

Anonymous said...

I love the Bike Trails...Maybe these people should get a bicycle. LOL

Anonymous said...

Fatalidad !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to a major city, like Houston or San Antonio, where all bus stops do no have shelters. The other day, outside the Social Security Office I saw people waiting for the bus squatting by the curb where there is a bus shelter. It is unreasonable to expect that every bus stop have a shelter. Quit whining like a Snowflake!!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt there are many, if any Gringos here that think is is the 1850s. Gringos have no run things here for generations. What ever you have or don't have is on the MExican leaders now.

Anonymous said...

Estamos a punto de convertirnos en una ciudad tercermundista o bananera, esto gracias a nuestros
" flamantes " comisionados y a la apatia de la gran mayoria de los Brownsvillenses.
Basta ver como Mcallen nos a dejado atras por mucho, y no es por su cercania con Monterrey es por la
apertura y mente abierta de su cabildo.
Es todo por hoy.
Nos vemos en la proxima!!!!

Anonymous said...

Business as usual since the 1850's (got It now?).
