Thursday, December 28, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: We received this photo and accompanying text from one of our seven readers in Cameron County who decries the use of the holiday by politicians hustling votes. We publish their comments here verbatim.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Christmas has always been about giving, but some politicians never stop campaigning and will use any holiday to their advantage.

A perfect example is Pct. 3 Constable Adrian Gonzales who had been taking toy donations. His precinct covers parts of San Benito and Rio Hondo. Many officials up for reelection or seeking office have paid him a visit with a few toys hoping to cash in some fame on Facebook to say "look at me I'm donating."

If you look closely at the picture you will see County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez holding a few toys and each toy has her campaign push card attached. 

Is their not a rule in place about not giving a gift in exchange for vote? Clearly that's what's going on in this picture. This is just my observation and I could be wrong. If you are truly giving a gift to make a kid smile you give from the heart and leave politics aside especially during Christmas.

I hope you post this in your blog. Visit Constable Gonzales Facebook page to see who else is so desperate for a vote.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play, bro!

Anonymous said...

sylvia was mean to her own mother and makes nasty comments about her husband why do you expect class from this lady she has none she is loud you can here her down the hall , we just laugh and walk away , no-one likes her at the county she is OUT

Anonymous said...

Thank God the kids will not be able to vote and even if they
were, I am sure they are smarter than some of us older voters
who get charmed with a b-b-q plate. The kid will take the
teddy bear and run off. That is what we adults should do!

Anonymous said...

Who's fatter elia or sylvia?

Anonymous said...

Local officials and candidates for office will kiss ass for a vote and will make promises they know they can't keep. Sylvia has mastered the kiss ass element. To win elections you have to have an organization which takes advantage of all toy drives, like this and gets the candidate into large groups where she can kiss a lot of asses.

Anonymous said...

A ese pinche Gonzalez! That guy was always drunk at the gas station Bar in San Benito!He still does!

Anonymous said...

These two idiots are the same! Corrupt as can be! Trying to fool people into believing they are something they are not!They are not true public servants, they are all about themselves! Always have always will be! How many toy's did either of them donate last year or the year before that? NONE! Gonzalez donated empty backpacks with his name plastered all over them to make sure everyone knew HE DONATED THEM! Him himself, the main Constable of all Cameron County! He's a mean hombre that wears a six shooter revolver! Todo pendejo! Guys a fkn joke and Sylvia La Marana Perez isn't to far behind!

Anonymous said...

lady pollos just did that in mexico

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's totally disgusting is the way Benavides/Sorola and Betancourt families are trying to take complete control of Cameron County.

These two power hungry families are out of control and spew nothing but poison through out the county. Last year these families were eager to have David Betancourt take the Tax assessor job away by any means necessary. They thought their plan had worked to get David in there but their evil plan failed!

Anonymous said...

These negative stories never work!!

The people of Cameron County are with Sylvia!!

Go ahead you Internet bullies post all your hateful comments and we will have the last laugh when our County Clerk wins again.

Anonymous said...

How many of you remember Cameron County Judge Dancy? Ray Ramon would push him around in his wheel chair. Dancy always had a wad of $1 bills he would pull from his pocket. He would peel off one, give it to guys walking around downtown and say have a cold beer on the Judge, but remember me at election time and tell all your family to vote for me. What Cameron County has for elected officials in this day and time are nothing more than leaches, male and female. If they could get away with it they would hand out $100 bills from there campaign funds, so they could stay attached to the gravy train! Old Judge Dancy knew what a cold beer would do when it was 100 in downtown Brownsville. He could buy a lot of votes for a dollar.

Anonymous said...

I rather see a child smile with toy and a push card than to give them nothing. Dumb people!!!

Anonymous said...

shut up sylvia your own staff is against you , they can't wait to vote against you these are Real stories , sylvia get our staff in order especially ANGELA she is back stabbing you and you don't even see it

Anonymous said...

Lol....."Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?" They could pass for twins! AND they are both load and obnoxious!!!

Anonymous said...

Our county clerk needs to be replaced. The only thing Sylvia cares about is Sylvia. If she doesn't have a use for someone she moves on. Look around at all her so called friends she's walked all over and moved on. You can start with her husband! Her staff hates her and are ready to say: DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON YOUR WAY OOOOOUUUUUTTTTT!

Former LEO of CC! said...

Two questionable individuals who "only God knows" got elected to office. Adrian, who was terminated from the CCDA for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. You member Adrian! It was only because of the relationship between Mando and Adrian's dad that Adrian was not charged with a crime. And believe me when I post that there were more than two witnesses in badges.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah he remembers! We all do! Any comment Adrian? or I should say Adrian's sister? Shes the one that responds for him since we all know Adrian can not write a complete sentence! And that was just the tip of the iceberg of Adrian's questionable past. He was also in the wrong place at the wrong time in the cemetery in Rio Hondo with the local crack head while still on duty as a police officer.Everyone that he and his father (Sloppy Joe) have wronged over the years will be serving them two a big cup of KARMA! His father's days as a school board member with San Benito CISD are numbered also! I don't even know how that pervert was elected as a school board member to begin with. He goes to the Health Shake Shop on Sam Houston just to stare at the girls working out! Not to mention they caught him masturbating in the parking lot at the VFW in San Benito, oh wait that didn't happen according to him he was hot and just took off his pants to get some air. Uh... Sure!

Anonymous said...

Those two are despicable, no morals what so ever.

Anonymous said...

Give her credit for helping out the community! a lot of people talk about helping but don't do anything to help others just criticize the ones that do!

Anonymous said...

Helping the community by WHAT giving out bears with her card on it !, please shut up you make us sick

Anonymous said...

Matthew 6:2-4

2. "Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 3. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4. so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Anonymous said...

What have you done for our community ? nothing just taking up space & being stupid & critical! Our community leaders as bad as they are with their self-serving interests, do give up their time & efforts trying to make a difference! If you don't like it, too bad!

Anonymous said...

Lmbo! Did we strike a nerve??

Anonymous said...

Give her credit for helping herself out not the community ?? I think not!

Anonymous said...

It's like looking for votes at the senior centers. 95% of the attendees are from Mexico and can't vote. Que pendejadas residents from that precinct can't read!

Anonymous said...

I like Sylvia nice looking a little on the lardy side but ok. I will vote for her for her looks nothing else. How about a toy?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A common practice by candidates. To pretty on the elderly in retirement homes ,nursing homes, and day care centers. They show up with a box of donuts, or sweet bread and solicited votes. Sad, Sad,Sad. I have witnessed situations where clients from day care centers were bussed to voting precincts and were told they were going to shop at Wal-Mart. Some clients didn't know what day it was, other that they are to vote for a certain person.

Anonymous said...

BS 95% of the people in day care centers are from Matamoros and they can not vote.

Anonymous said...

No ANGELA de Finger you are the SNAKE said all y0ur so called employees

Pooop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pooop said...

And lots of coke.

Pooop said...

Not to mention all the marriages . Five wife's and all have his kids.

Pooop said...

And a lot of coke.
