Friday, December 29, 2017


By Juan Montoya
We are still trying to piece this story together, but what we know now is that two city building inspectors were escorted out of the City Plaza on Levee Street by security when they were recorded selling "porras," to fellow employees.

Porras are games of chance where the buyer – for $5 or $10, sometimes more for a big game like the Super Bowl – draws a number on the eventual score for either team, or both. The pot on a $5 wager, for example, can be $50 per quarter or $200 for the game. Many variations exist in the porras and it just depends on how lucky you get if the score falls on your numbers.

According to city sources. someone recorded Leo Garza and Julio Ruiz selling the office pool bets on an upcoming football game (Cowboys vs. Eagles this Sunday?) and made the tape available to their boss. That resulted in both being escorted out by security guards from
the building Thursday, without a job.

Now, as far as we know, office pools to bet on a football game goes on all the time everywhere. For the most part, management see them as harmless fun if it doesn't interrupt the department's activities or service to the public.

If the men were terminated for this, it would probably have to have gone up the ladder and approved by the acting city manager Pete Gonzalez or Michael Lopez. Now, we don't know what our seven readers think about this, but if the men had been warned about selling numbers for the porras before, it may have been the last link of the progressive discipline process. If not, it seems a bit extreme to fire someone for betting on an office pool.

So where's the parity here? Remember when building inspector Santiago Navarro got into some hot water over allegations of wrongdoing at Inspections and former City manager Charlie Cabler simply transferred him to an assistant director position at Public Works. Compared to selling numbers to fellow employees, this was a major transgression.

There are plenty of examples. Remember when current assistant city manager Michael Lopez and Lopez tried to orchestrate a mini-coup attempt last year along with city administrator Roberto Baez, pulling municipal court employees out from under the supervision of the court into a new city department, named "Court Services?

That was stopped when then Municipal Judge Ben Neece squashed the coup by threatening to file an injunction in district court. Baez was then transferred to Finance and Lopez to City Secretary and then deputy city manager. Ditto for Evaristo Gamez, under whose watch several inspectors were fired for taking bribes. Gamez was not fired, but sent to the dog pound instead.

 Does the terminating of two city employees for selling numbers come even close to that?
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Fire their asses! Just do the job the taxpayers pay you for, pendejos!

Anonymous said...

Finally they are enforcing the rules, good job, remember, TEXAS is an "At-will" state, employees don't even have to give you a reason for termination.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play.

Anonymous said...

Common Everybody knows The annoymos Guy is that @$hole Genaro Mercado. He Has done it one more time ..He couldn't get a Commercial Permit..He went Crying.......he is a real snitch.....

Anonymous said...

illegal gambling is illegal.....duh!!!!

Anonymous said...

un peladito llamado WILLY que trabaja en HEALTH DEPT baleo a un individo y por que su mama que fue directora de HUMAN RESOURCES ayudo a meter a gente a trabajar en la cuidad no lo corrieron el tal CABLER lo protejio ahi suige trabajando este guey si es peligroso,este par de PENDEJOS haciendo apuestas los van a correr que pinche situacion .

Anonymous said...

This two guys should get themself a good lawyer...because the city are firing a lo loco and serious violations are swept under the table. My source tells me Micheal Lopez had it in for them and was looking for any excuse to fire them...just because the two employees were once protected by Cabler. He has a vendetta against all who were untouchable before Cabler left. This firing is going to backfire on the city you'll see and just because of Micheal Lopez stupidity. Watch your back Luna because you're next on his shit list.

Anonymous said...

What's worst PD wearing their city issued uniforms and equipment to do private work or selling numbers or both?

Anonymous said...

They are way worse things done at the COB, BPUB and Cameron county offices where millions are being diverted to their pockets and compadre's pockets and no one says anything. Two employees caught doing this (which is wrong during it when you are clock in and expected to be working) are dismissed right away. This is why Brownsville and its government bureaucracy are fucked up beyond reason and we keep voting them in.

Anonymous said...

Using city owned property is unlawful, illegal and a crime. They're going to say it's part of the contract. In other words any citizen can draw up a contract and use any city owned property? Or is it because its PD! About time to put a stop to all these. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Anonymous said...

The motorcycle gang gets to keep the city owned motorcycles if they issued so many tickets to the citizens. Is that right? And that's all they do. Nothing else!!! Forget about solving crimes or any other police work. They target only traffic like its a major crime here.

Ben said...

Ya ni la chingan. No Soup for you.

Anonymous said... else should these officers work these "private jobs" and identify themselves as Brownsville Police officers?

This allowance or approach to private / off duty work is common place throughout the country.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this information?

Anonymous said...

It's new years eve go get drunk ben tomorrow no soup for nobody.

Anonymous said...

The equipment belongs to the city paid by taxes and they are using these equipment to make money for themselves by working at other places. The use of city owned property to make or enrich yourself should not be allowed. Why not loan a piece of heavy equipment to the Public Works Director for use at a private business for him to make money,or any city employee. In my opinion this is wrong.

Sometime back 2 public works employees were arrested for using a shovel at a private lot. Is that right?

Anonymous said...

In a lot of cities this is not allowed. BS What is the salary of PD Office? Plus overtime? Anybody know?

Anonymous said...

Bull shit
We do it all the time The local school district and my husband does it at border patrol too!

Anonymous said...

Yet Cesar de Leon
Keeps his job!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Julio was a Great employee, he had common sense and a family to feed. He was committed and did as he was told, one of those rare employees that are grateful for their job.

Anonymous said...

Julio had to be sacrifice to get Leo Garza who Michael Lopez had in his crosshair...This violation at the least should've been a write up or maybe a 3days suspension without pay

Anonymous said...

Well I guess you all didn't deal with him because he was a big asshole especially if you challenged him he would make your life miserable. Several customer's would compain about him he wouldn't pass inspections & they would come & ques tion his decision he wouldn't change his mind & would go back and findf otthert things which he didn't put on his first inspection. Then it didnt help that Cabler was his godfather people would go to Cabler about him but would t zzz ke his side. Then the morons Gamez & Garza wouldn't do anything cause they were afraid of Cabler.
