Saturday, December 30, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: It seems that our feathered friends are getting a mite brazen in their efforts to get at any leftover goodies thrown at them by the patrons at this McDonald's restaurant near the corner of FM 802 (Ruben Torres) and the frontage road of US 77 (I-69E?). Our readers say that the group of ducks (a skein, string, or team, or plump) hang out by the doors begging a piece of your Sausage McMuffin with egg, hash browns, or any morsel of chow they can wheedle out of you.

But watch out, our readers say, if you save a bit of bread or egg and toss in at the ducks, a group of seagulls (actually called a colony) will swoop down from their perch on the light posts by the nearby resaca and battle it out beak to beak with the waddlers. Where these ducks picked up their bad habits, we'll never know, but the FM 802 and US 77 intersection is a popular spot for panhandlers. Is panhandling a learned behavior, you think?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the benards going to stuff a duck and exhibit it next to the beautiful dead white bear in their office. Where is the Parks and Wildlife?
