Saturday, December 30, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: As of 2013, the United States has 3,007 counties and 137 county equivalents for a total of 3,144 counties and county equivalents. Cities and towns: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 19,354 "incorporated places" in the United States. Brownsville ranks in the top 25 (24th) most dangerous city in the USA.

Now, keep in mind that these are just the "reported" crime stats. Some women and girls do not report rape due to the stigma associated with the crime. And we have often reported that local residents, rather than fill out useless paperwork with the police, don't bother to report repeated burglaries to their residences or businesses, as do victims of random assaults.

Regardless of whether you are for or against spending millions on bike and hike trails, those dark, empty stretches of trails are custom made for criminals. How many crimes have been committed there that we know nothing about?

Here are a few more startling statistics for your consumption.

The table above offers a complete overview of all reported annual crimes in Brownsville. The total number of reported crimes in Brownsville is shown and for comparison purposes, each crime is also displayed based on the number of crimes per 100,000 people.

The crimes are also broken down into two categories; violent crimes and property crimes. The table shows that the overall Brownsville crime rate is 9 percent higher than the Texas average and is 23 percent higher than the national average. 

Looking at violent crime specifically, Brownsville has a violent crime rate that is 44 percent lower than the Texas average and 38 percent lower than the national average. For property crime, Brownsville is 18 percent higher than the Texas average and 33 percent higher than the national average.

One of our readers commented: "Yet we keep building bike trails instead of patrolling our streets or creating industrial jobs that give people money to buy things instead of stealing for a living. Imagine your son or daughter getting waylaid by a thief or rapist on a dark trail? Electricity isn’t cheap. Now what’s next, a new patrol division to protect cyclists which is not even a percent of the population of Brownsville and the rest to defend themselves whichever way they can?"


Anonymous said...

Where you have high levels of poverty and low education, you will have high levels of crime as well. While many poor people are honest, others take what they want without regard for the rights of others. This is the way the world operates.

We will continue to have high poverty and low education with the consequent crime, unless local government does something about it. Local government here only cares about filling it's own pockets with tax money. This in turn is accepted by the voters as the way of life on the border as it is the way of life south of the border.

Long story short, Brownsville has a culture and political climate that promotes poverty, low education and crime. The only way that will ever change is when the people want it to change, which I doubt will ever happen. The local population doesn't expect more and doesn't want more, so there will never be more!

Anonymous said...

Gloom and doom is what the gringo preaches to the masses that are not aligned financially on their level. What about white collar crimes? A greedy white phenomenon that occurs within their cult. They are highly educated, and occurs mostly in the northern cities of this country. No borders here.
Major cities everywhere can not eradicate this feverish phenomenon that is present within the white community as is the way in Europe where they mostly came from. It is their culture and historical inheritance that persuades the continuation of their criminal activities.
The problem here is some cultures seem to think that they are better than others with out seriously investigating their own culture and legacy.
Judge not, that ye be not judged.For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Anonymous said...

Appalachian Mountains is a region where white hillbillies live. It is a third generation welfare recipient area. They marry within their own family, have no education at all. Anything left outside is considered a free for all. Every other word they speak is a cuss word. They wear no shoes and their pants are held up with ropes. It is the poorest area in this country widely surpassing RGV. Talk about a crime area. You should feel well at home here within your own.
Conditions you will never see south of the border.

Anonymous said...

I note the commentators want to talk about other people's crime, as a distraction from their own. I thought the original article was about Brownsville's crime being higher than the average US.

The stereotypical MExican is an illiterate, lazy drunk asleep in a doorway with an empty bottle next to him. The stereotypical resident of the Southern Highlands is they inbred, illiterate, wear no shoes and their pants are held up with ropes. Both of these cartoons are bullshit.

The problems of Brownsville are not well served with such distractions, deflections and nonsense. We need to talk about the reality and not throw ethnic nonsense about.

Anonymous said...

Here is a statistic for you. 99% of all crimes committed in browntown are done by Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

Where in the article does it correlate education with crime or poverty? You are the distractor here. Now you call yourself bullshit. Name calling and sterotyping ethnic groups is not going to get anybody anywhere. Your distractions, deflections and nonsense as you say came straight from YOU. Maybe YOU are the criminal here and not the commentator you are accusing. If you want to be a negotiator study up and learn how to be one.

Anonymous said...

Of course go to Portland Oregon and 99% of the crimes are committed by whites, or any town in Alaska or Montana or Datoka. And here it's not 99% you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

If you live any place north west of Nebraska 99% of all crimes will be committed by whites and that is a very well known statistic.

Anonymous said...

2.01 PM.... You sir have more than one loose screw in your head. I would advise you to post comments and reply to comments when you have not been drinking.

Anonymous said...

3 words!...


What a yoke!!!!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous said 3:26...

It's ok to post comments regarding Mexicans but if somebody post comments regarding whites he has a loose screw and is drunk. Maybe you are the one that's under the influence, SENOR WHITE.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said 3:26...

This webpage is not yours to instruct people on when to comment. You are not the patron on a lavor ordering a bunch of pickers what to do and when to do it. Those are old times and gone forever. Get real and if you can't stand the heat you know what to do. Whiskey and a hot head don't mix. The rangers are no longer your buddies and the sheriff is Hispanic. Good Riddance gringo...

Anonymous said...

It seems that logic and common sense play little part in our local residents approach to the issues of crime, poverty and public corruption.

I don't think anyone could seriously think that Mexico has a society that is a model for justice, economic development, social equality. The DNA of Mexico is that of the Spaniards conquering and then exploiting the classes of people under them. It is a society where the people at the top use the working people as cheap labor. Power in Mexico does not filter down to the people, but is conserved at the top.

The drug trafficking and other crimes is the only way for many poor people to have any place at the national table. El Chapo and other Narcos are examples of this. While Mexico has many wonderful cultural attributes, social justice and economic equality is not one of them.

A large percentage of the population of Brownsville, identifies and emulates the cultural norms of Mexico. Our poverty rate, low education rate and public corruption, mirrors that of Mexico just a few yards away and provides the cultural DNA for much of the population.

I do understand this is unpleasant and even offense for many to consider. I am from here and dearly love this place, it's people and culture, but I am not going to stick my head in the sand or any other warm, dark, moist place. For many purposes, this is Mexico with better roads and drinkable tap water.

Certainly there is crime and corruption all over America, but we are talking about the level of crime and corruption being significantly higher than other places and why that is.

Anonymous said...

Talk about DNA are you an expert or a wanna be. The Queen of England and the monarchs in the European continent filled the boats with convicts out of their prisons and sent all of them to the new world. Just like your friend castro did in cuba. And you talk about DNA. There is no true german or English or Spaniard or any other race in Europe. It is a mixture of the whole European continent and some muslims and orientals. You if you have European ancestors you are just a plain Illegitimate sons and you have the gull to criticize Mexico. And we are not talking about all the diseases viruses infections and bugs your ancestors brought over here.

Anonymous said...

You offer no statistics no proof just your racially motivated ideas. Crime is rampant in other parts of this country. You see it on tv all the atrocities done by whites, and yet you complain about this town and its citizens. On any given day or on any given time all you see and hear is white crime. 99% of the national news is about white crimes. Go to any 99% white city and you will hear that 100% of the crimes committed in that town were by whites. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Denial just isn't a river in Africa.

Anonymous said...

How did the anglos feel when they was drowning in Danube?

Anonymous said...

The were in Da-Nile!

Anonymous said...

You mean Egypt.

Anonymous said...

The important thing to learn from all this is as little as possible. It greatly reduces the amount of work you have to do to change things. After all, if it's broke, just put it on the pile behind the house.

Anonymous said...

The solution is simple: Round up the anglos (all four of them) and turn 'em over to the city commission. THEN we'll finally gets some sleep.

Anonymous said...

The unintended consequences of preaching white privilege is that ethnics are essentially being told to just give up. They will never be given a fair shot. That is what Anonymous at 11:02 and 11:04 (most likely the same anglo) is trying to do here. That used to work some decades back but not true today.

The animosity and anger by there white folks is very evident. They despice any improvement by other groups as threatening to their privileges and hate that equality is for every citizen of this country.
