Thursday, December 28, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Cameron County Administrator David Garcia may have thought he put an end to the infighting between justices of the peace to snag couples for weddings at the second floor of the new county building at the new Levee building when he ordered all signs (not sins) removed from the hallways.

You remember when JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola – frustrated at JP 2-1 Salazar for putting up a large signs with her name to drum up business from wedding couples on the second-floor corridor – advertised she was doing weddings for free. In the brouhaha that resulted, he ordered that the signs Sorola had put all over the building advertising free weddings at her office be removed as well as Salazar's large copper plated sign in the hallway directly in front of the elevators.

Well, he hadn't counted on Salazar's guile at getting around the rules. In the past, other JPs had suspected that she had a plant in county clerk Sylvia Garza Perez's office steering customers to her office to hook them up for the wedding ceremonies at $200 to $350 a pop. In Texas, JPs keep the cash for the ceremonies.

Garza-Perez protested that her staff was instructed to provide couples with a list of all the JPs who could perform the wedding ceremonies across the county and said that signs posted on her office instructed them on who could perform the ceremonies aside from the JPs.  No conspiracy here, she protested.

But this Wednesday, on the second day that county offices reopened for business after the Christmas holidays, an eyewitness told us how Salazar was soliciting wedding business at Garza-Perez's office. The eyewitness – who said he would swear this was true on a stack of bibles – said he was part of a wedding party waiting on the couple to pay for their license when Salazar and an assistant emerged from the elevator.

"Ah, si esta abierto (Oh, it is open)," he said she yelled on emerging from the lift.

"She's real loud," he said. "She was making it seem like she was surprised the office was open and had come up to check for herself."

Salazar then set about greeting the people sitting on the chairs directly across from the two windows where the licensed are issued, he said.

"She said her name was Linda Salazar and the at she was a JP on the second floor, all in Spanish. I think she thought everyone there was getting license. She didn't know hat except for our friends getting the license, we were all part of the wedding party. So she handed out cards and said that she could marry them on the second floor."

"Estoy en el segundo piso," she said as she entered the elevator to go down to the second floor. "Salazar. Los puedo casar."

 Now, every county department head, elected official and county worker knew that county offices would open on Tuesday, Dec. 26, after the Christmas holidays. So her feigned surprise that the county clerks office was open was all a put on to make it seem she had just come up to check whether the office was open. Now, unless she has X-ray vision and could see through walls, how would she have known that there was business going on at the licensing windows?

Could someone on the county clerk's staff have called her to alert her that there were potential customers of her $200(+) weddings? Does he have the county clerk's permission to enter her office soliciting business and pass out cards? Can the other JPs do the same?

Or could it be, as many now suspect, that she has a plant in the county clerk's office to alert her to potential marks? And is it happening with Garza-Perez approval, tacit or otherwise? Now what is David "Manitas" Garcia going to do?


Anonymous said...

Remove all sins from the hallway? Hilarious! The sinning by the demorats goes on throughout the whole building not just the hall ways!!!

Anonymous said...

Maldita Muerta De Hambre.

Anonymous said...

Its because she has to pay for her cadillac.

Anonymous said...

Jojojo, neta quien va a querer que los case alguien que muy apenas mastica el espanol y luego con ese pinche vocerron, que asco! (digo, por si la ceremonia se oficia en espanol..)

Anonymous said...

yes its her Tity friend ERIKA she is paid under the table by Linda and gets favors for her family who by the way are in JAIL

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha , on a break now .......... Angela is a scum and Sandra is an ass kisser who will not stand for the employees she is like a fucking idiot just stands there looking at disbelief at the comments Sylvia makes ... its hilarious ........ can't wait to vote

Anonymous said...

I guess Santa wasn't good to her this Christmas
and so she has to go out an solicit jobs. How
did she become a judge; she can't even speak
a language that even sounds like English.

Anonymous said...

Erika just wait you are next in line Bitch, Not even your boyfriend upstairs will save you from this one. God knows he might loose his job and his wife!

Anonymous said...

they call her from the office ask Erika

Cantinflas said...

hope the Harlingen IRS folks are looking in on this and audit her tax returns for the last 5 years, im sure that she is not reporting all this extra revenue especially if its cash, only the checks, lol?.

Anonymous said...

More corrupted border dialect. No such word as "pa", it is "para". People here claim to be speaking Spanish, but it some form of Border Ebonics.

Anonymous said...

Salazar is a sorry excuse for a public servant. She sees the public as her servants and seeks to benefit herself at their expense. Here in Cameron County we don't accept corrupt politicians, we demand corrupt people like Salazar and we continue to elect them.

Anonymous said...

The county should have the JPs out in the Pct. in three different locations and that way the people can choose who they want to visit. Most of the business of the JPs are by word of mouth and also of the JP that's at the office all day making the contacts. Some JPs come in late and leave early so that's their fault. So by the county putting all together, well Mr. Garcia can handle it with his $200,000 pay he continues to draw and drives around in a suburban texting all the time. Pictures coming soon!!!

Anonymous said...

lol is this your prediction you WITCH

Anonymous said...

I like her chanclas very cool.

Anonymous said...

The under cover chanclas courtesy of Cynthia Rodriuez!

Anonymous said...

No Bitch its going to be a real!

CC Taxpayer! said...

If the law allows the JP's to keep the money that is made from weddings on "COUNTY TIME? Then the counties need to charge a fee or rent for the use of a county office or building for this obvious major financial gains while on county time. It sounds like to me that there is some serious coin to make and I wonder if it is more than their paycheck at the end of the year?
Either way, there has to be a change to this financial gain by the JP's while on county time!

Anonymous said...

Money collected on County time, in a County building should be County revenue, RATAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All judges should not be performing marriages for a fee if they are on the clock and within county owned property. WTF is wrong with this place? Oh yeah, we are in a county that keeps a racist commissioner that also hates women and pretends to be straight. Why does this not surprise me.
