Monday, January 1, 2018


By Bethany Blankley
Prior to the unprecedented weapons deal President Trump signed with Saudi Arabia, was a little publicized business deal made between the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and his successor at ExxonMobil, Darren Woods, and the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic).

The $10 billion agreement allows Exxon-Sabic to build the world’s largest plastics facility just north of Corpus Christi Bay on farmland in South Texas and two miles from a middle school, despite protest from local residents.

According to, the Saudis and ExxonMobil ethane steam “cracker” facility will create thousands of new jobs. The deal includes $1 billion in tax breaks by local authorities – including the school board.

The Huffington Post noted that the White House press statement referred to the deal as a “true American success story,” and included paragraphs verbatim from Exxon’s press release.

But is the deal good for Texas? Or good for Saudi Arabia?

The Guardian notes that the agreement will “create an enormous new glut of bottles, food packaging, polyester clothing and other products that are already, once discarded, choking the world’s oceans and food chains.” It adds:

Opponents of the sprawling plant warn that it will produce trillions of small polyethylene pellets that will inevitably find their way into the bay and surrounding landscape, where they would be gobbled by fish or endangered species such as the whooping crane and piping plover.

The facility will also release millions of gallons of piping hot effluent into the bay, a prospect that has spooked fishers, and suck up 20m gallons of water a day in part of the US that has been parched by drought.

The Guardian commissioned a report by a former Environmental Protection Agency official whose analyzed that roughly 216 million tons of greenhouse gases will be produced every year by the 184 chemical plants anticipated to be built along the Texas– and Louisiana– coastline. He remarked:

"Many of these projects are approved so quickly that you are left with highly polluting operations. The Gulf coast is a place already covered in pipelines and storage tanks, but it’s now transforming. The scale is overwhelming. Residents will have to decide how much more of this they are prepared to take."

It is anticipated that the Exxon-Sabic project will produce 1.8 million tons of ethylene every year. Ethylene is only one of 11 chemicals being produced by Exxon along the Gulf coast. Frighteningly, the Gulf has been carved up by multi-billion dollar fossil fuel companies to produce chemicals that will increase the global production of plastics by 40 percent. With such production also comes increased pollution, which includes increased health problems for people living along the coast.

Regardless of job creation, the environmental impact could be catastrophic. The Gulf is still reeling from the BP oil spill, which ruined generations of family-owned fishing businesses. Not to mention the loss of wildlife and damage to fragile ecosystems already impacted by unique weather patterns in the Gulf. Or the decimation of Hurricane Harvey to the Corpus Christi area. It is also documented that the "dead zone" created by industrial and agricultural runoff is growing larger in the Gulf of Mexico.

Or the fact that residents of San Patricio County (north of Corpus Christi Bay) protested the Exxon-Sabic deal. The proposed plant would be built within two miles of a middle school.

However, county and school district officials don’t care. They voted to offer the tax breaks to the multi-billion dollar companies. According to retired legal aid lawyer, Errol Summerlin, “Exxon bullied their way in here and are tearing the community apart. All our local officials said they wanted it on a different site but Exxon wouldn’t budge.” 
Read more:


Anonymous said...

Juan, thinking about the year that just ended. Remind us, how much of a rebate was give to the LNG company?

Anonymous said...

Who cares?!

Anonymous said...

Piss poor negotiation skills on display here. Money hungry billionaires made pathetic pushovers of the backwater, little town city officials who couldn't stand up to them. Pockets are being lined, while families and children are treated like a toxic wastebucket. They should have at least pushed to guarantee free cancer treatment to everyone who lives near Corpus. Or are the citizens exposed to these chemicals, expected to pay for their own treatment too? Jobs jobs blah blah, they never mention the cancer and sickness.

Anonymous said...

Where's the chicken shit governor in all this never says a word about the environmental and health risks of these companies relocating to south texas.

Anonymous said...

WAAAAAA...crybaby amateur armchair environmentalists. Great job governor Abbott , secretary Perry and President Trump. Suck it up anti work snowflakes. Trump is canceling your obama welfare check. LNG on the way!

Anonymous said...

The country is heading into a monarch state, your wages will be reduced to the minimum and then you will slither like a snake to get in line for your welfare check. Give thanks to your racist republican president.

Anonymous said...

Your just Republican dick rider that just bent over and took it in the keister for the Saudi government for a 1 billion dlrs,yea lets keep America winning with toxic waste.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very good article.I posted in a political post in Corpus Christi.
