Tuesday, January 2, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: We are told that the Photoshopped graphic above was the creation of Brónsbil Estación's Javier Garcia. We're not art critics here, but it seems to imply that critics who are against the fact that the Jefferson Memorial Monument is displayed at Washington Park don't amount to a pile of dog poop or are clowns, or both.

The face being scooped by the pooch resembles that of college instructor Antonio Castillo, a vocal critic of the city commissioners for not removing the offending stone.

Well, we're sure that will wag some tails in some quarters and cause of a howl in others, but it also signals a lowering of the bar in this dialogue on what to do with the stone, if anything, to a new level of crudeness. The park advisory board is now considering what recommendation it will give to the City of Brownsville Commission on the input it received from a town hall meeting and a public comment session before them.

With the controversy surrounding Confederate monuments across the United States, the decision facing the city commission will probably satisfy no one. Some want it moved to a museum and away from Washington Park where its continued presence seem to imply a blessing by local government on Davis, president of the Confederate States of America who fought Union forces to defend their way of life, an integral part of that being the ownership of slaves.

Others say that Davis and the states in the CSA were traitors to this nation and that all vestiges of their heritage should be erased from the public square. Nobody, it would appear, is taking prisoners in this debate.

Our only plea to belligerents on both sides is to step back and don't allow this to get to this level. Make your argument cogently and try to take the high road. As amusing as some might find this, it would be well to remember that everyone of us is entitled to an opinion and that name calling or portraying your opponent in this manner doesn't help your cause.)


Ben said...

I will depend on our City Commission to make the right choice. AS I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE !!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about The Rock, because no one is bothered by it! The only ones bothered are Castillo, and his group of less than 20 kids he brainwashed. Brownsville has 200,000 plus population, if The Rock bothered Brownsville so much we would at least see a few hundred, or a thousand people out there protesting The Rock. But nothing! Give it up already!
You're just creating problems in a peaceful community. And no I'm not a Rock lover, or hater. I'm just a Peaceful guy who wants peace.

Anonymous said...

Lol if we applied that sort of rationale to all Brownsville issues this place would be a high performing city in terms of civics.

Nobody is brainwashed. We are just tired of upholding inherently racist propaganda as history. We want heroes that represent us as a plurality, not just the racist whites and their vendido water carriers.

KBRO said...

Wait until election time when try their best to get cretins to vote but there is no pleasing the rock haters.

Anonymous said...

As long as it's not placed in Veterans Park.

Anonymous said...

Y'all gotta start thinking like white folks. Why don't we leave The Rock right where it's at in Washington Park and make some money out of our collective hate for that sumbich rock and what it stands for. How bout once a year during Charro Days the city historical society sets up a booth and charges $5 for the pleasure of throwing 3 rotten eggs at The Rock from a distance of 20 feet (for gentlemen) and 5 feet (for ladies). After 10 p.m., a customized Porta Potty will cover The Rock and adults will be allowed to piss on The Rock for $20. Private poop-on-The Rock sessions are available for $100. Call for details.

Anonymous said...

That's mighty white of you to offer such original ideas. Thak ya'al

Xandra Treviño said...

Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, a white supremacist unworthy of glorification, as presented by the quotes found on csapartisan.com/Jefferson_Davis_quotes.html


"African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing."

"We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude..."

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a hyper-racist place and it has nothing to do with Confederate monuments. The hatred against anything Anglo is thick in the air. The race based comments on this and other blogs is ample proof that race hatred is alive here and it is not white vs. black hate. Mexicans hate blacks, whites and even those of their own, who have succeeded in life. If you are not dirt poor and have at least two broken cars in your front yard, you are the enemy.

Anonymous said...

The bloggers, present company included, have done more to make a crisis out of the stupid rock than anybody else. They have encouraged the rock haters and given them forums to spew their hate. It is a little late to be the voice of moderation, reason and respect. You broke it now you own it.

Anonymous said...

To All confederate lovers:

You must be talking about the majority of this country. Almost all statues and other glorifying emblems of the confederacy have been removed. You mock this city and its citizens for feeling the same way the majority of this country feels. Que PENDEJOS.

Anonymous said...

García está enamorado de Castillo, ¿o qué? García es un viejo racista y misógino.

Anonymous said...

This "rock" issue is an example of no action by the city government. Tony Martinez is a lawyer and by kicking this issue down the road, he thinks to public will forget and he will not have to do anything, or make a decision. The Jefferson Davis "rock" in an inanimate object that hurts no one. We have a real, live city commissioner who is a racist and bigot and Tony feels the same about him as the rock....do nothing and the public will forget that Cesar de Leon is a racist and bigot and is actually making policy for this city. The rock just sits there, while Cesar de Leon, a racist, is making policy her that will affect the lives of our citizens. Our mayor does nothing....

zerogravx12 said...

Veteran and Mexican American here who has read multiple volumes of U.S. history textbooks.
Despite all the KKK and Neo-Nazi domestic terrorist líes, excuses, and bullshit. The Confederate monument is in fact dedicated to traitors and racists and needs to be removed immediately.

zerogravx12 said...

Well said, Anonymous. And absolutely true. I am a veteran and Mexican American.

Anonymous said...

This image is encouraging violence towards Mr. Castillo and those who oppose racist monuments. They've been threatening them in other cities. Is García threathreatening them?

Anonymous said...

These racist idiots think that by threats, insults, lies and even physical harm will scare us, you are mistaken. If gives every law abiding citizen more encouragement and resolve. We are against any type of discrimination.

Anonymous said...

I heard neo Confederates want to move it to Veterans Park. If you do that, then also include monuments to the terrorists who bombed Oklahoma City, Boston, and NYC. Include monuments for all domestic terrorists.

Anonymous said...

It would be a grave mistake to move it to veterans park. Any commissioner that votes that way will surely lose at the next election. No threat here just facts...

KBRO said...

Please remove this post Juan. It backfired on you and your li'l friend.

Anonymous said...

Afraid to see that the majority of citizens are against this disturbing monument.

Juan will never remove this post.

Juan let it stay here forever.

Xandra Treviño said...

I don't see how this post backfired. I can see, however, the surge of comments calling out Confederate sympathizers, white supremacists, and/or you, Garcia.

Anonymous said...

No le saques, cabrón. Esto parece una amenaza.

KBRO said...

Juan Trevino you should be the voice of opposition to that rock. All Castillo did was alienate people.

Anonymous said...

After posting a picture of Juan on your stupid blog you come crying to remove this post! Stay with your racist confederate friends. Pinche wanna white.

KBRO said...

There is no "high road" in Brownsville, Texas. Lowlifes on this page bring it so low there is no compromise. Keep this post. It only hurt Castillo - no one else. Juan plays with your heads and you shine his shoes. The decision to remove stone is not made here. I thought you knew.

Xandra Treviño said...

I have no intentions of becoming THE voice. I hope to continue speaking, alongside Castillo and others, in opposition to Davis' white supremacist legacy.

Anonymous said...

No bro. You target whoever you want and sic all kinds of freaks and alt right weirdos into our directions. Your behavior may seemingly be clean hands in practice, but your vitriolic posts motivate others to dirty their hands in the name of whatever your personal agenda demands. You're the quintessential low life.

Anonymous said...

It looks like he only alienated racists and those who kiss their ass.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that it hurt Mr. Castillo. We have enough evidence on you in case you try to hurt people who are against the monument.

Anonymous said...

García se cree sicario del Cártel o del Taliban. No tiene los huevos para hablar en persona con estos activistas. En vez de andarse jálandola en la computadora, póngase a trabajar para mejorar esta comunidad. Prefiere besarle el trasero a los Confederados racistas.

Anonymous said...

Estás bien pendejo, KBRO. El único que parece alien eres tú.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm a veteran too. We pledged allegiance to the USA, not domestic terrorists. Fuck the Confederacy!

Anonymous said...

The truth is that many Americans of Anglo-Saxon descent do not consider white anyone coming from Latin America or Spain, unless they have blue eyes and blond hair, and sometimes not even those — if they speak Spanish.

Down here we call those who think or wanna be white "cocos". Maybe you have multiple personalities or maybe you hate Hispanics for your own personal benefits. Nevertheless you are Hispanic your parents are Hispanics your whole family is Hispanic and until you pass on you will always be Hispanic. Just ask your white friends and they will agree.
There is a reason you oppose the removal of an emblem on a rock that represents the ownership of humans (slaves) and in favor of a republic that also represents racism.
If the south had won do you think you would be free? I don't think so.

Even if you suck-up (Kiss-Ass:A Kiss ass is commonly known as a person who will go to many lengths to look impressive, good, and worthy towards another person or group of higher social standing. This is usually due to their need to ascend in the ranks of their workplace, school, or society in general. In their quest for higher status and privilege) to your confederate racist friends in their eyes you are second class.
