Thursday, January 4, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: One of our seven readers was walking downtown on this glorious day when they noticed that City Recreation and Parks city vehicle (the 4x4 white Dodge pickup above) had taken the handicapped parking space right in front of City Plaza on Levee Street.

If you will notice, the car parked ahead of it has a handicapped license plate. We are constantly amazed at the brazen disrespect many motorists in the city demonstrate toward the handicapped when it comes to downtown parking. But really, we expected much more from our city employees. Will anyone do anything to bring this little matter to the Parks and Rec employee who took the space?)   


Mr. J. F. Trevino said...

Totally unacceptable! The city needs to lead the way in matters like this. Also, a lot of people park their cars on the spaces labeled van accessible. Leave those spaces for the people who have ramps on their vans and need to deploy them to let the wheelchair out.

Anonymous said...

The poor and the handicapped will never win, juan! Get that through your thick head, bro.

Anonymous said...

Most of city employees are handicapped, mentally that is...

Anonymous said...

That is a class c misdemeanor with a fine of 500 dollars. The driver should be ticketed just like anyone else and disciplined

Anonymous said...

Who in the f_ _k goes downtown Brownsville ?

Luis Lopez said...

I agree with both comment above. The above the "LAW" citizens of Brownsville never seems to amaze me. I have seen countless times in our city people MISUSE OR ABUSE OF THE PARKING PROGRAM so people can pass them around to friends and family. Sick of fraudulent and this type of abuse and enforcement officials, generally, give it little importance to the problem. Our own City officials violate parking in Handicapped spots. These placard ABUSERS are FLAUNTING the "LAW" because they know they can get away with it. We need to change this message.

Anonymous said...

On of the biggest abusers are the providers that work for healthcare companies, besides city and county workers. The commenter above is right to a certain extent. City and county leaders are cutting deals that benefits them and don't care.

Anonymous said...

Your backwards town has a very high percentage of "handicapped" citizens. You all give out the placards like candy. Half the time it's people with PTSD that are full bodied and very able. Here in McAllen it's very hard to obtain a placard. We dont have as many residents as bean town, but our handicap population is proportional to our regular population.

Anonymous said...

The name of Mcallen should be changed to monterrey, Texas, its full of wanna bes and has beens. If this pendejo would investigate the requirements of Texas to issue handicapped tags he would keep his stupid mouth shut but by saying that he show Brownsville citizens how estupido he really is. But we all know that coming from Monterrey Texas.

Anonymous said...

Texas plate 123-6968 looks like a PUB truck and taking 2 parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:20..... PUB? Come on ! Clearly , the truck is marked " Parks and Recreation " and has a City Of Brownsville logo on the door .

Anonymous said...

First we have entirely too many handicapped stickers being passed out in Brownsville. Go to any major store you will see very healthy people using their parents', grandparents' or friends' handicapped parking card. Students are UTRGV use family handicapped stickers to get a better parking place, disregarding those who are handicapped. It is time that those who are not handicapped be more respectful of their fellow citizens who do have a disability. Here its parks and recreation and we have seen our State Representative, Rene Olievera abusing the parking laws at the courthouse...because he thinks he is "special" and can abuse the law. Lack of courtesy and lack of empathy.

Anonymous said...

Picture I see is blurry que paso Juan?

Anonymous said...

I take offense, I am from Reynosa Tamaulipas!

Anonymous said...

Reynosa should be McAllen Texas USA then.

Anonymous said...

van accessible just what it reads but some people don't comprehend justlike yield right of way. Where are the motorcycle gang? Chasing pretty ladies, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO.

Anonymous said...

To commenter: January 5, 2018 at 9:26 AM

They don't pass out handicapped sticker any where maybe they do that in Mcallen (Reynosa) TX. McAllen was a gringo that married a Balli. She owned all that land. She mysteriously passed away within a couple of day. This gringo McAllen then married a gringa the following day and named the town where they lived McAllen (his last name) be proud of your stinking town.

Anonymous said...

Yet, you forget to put money in the meter..and you can get a ticket every 15 minutes (I got two tickets in less than an hour). The city is great at doing that but when it comes to policing its own..good luck with that. This is why Brownsville is in the condition that it is.

Anonymous said...

The picture is a joke. It does not show the review view mirror. When I drive my wife I am legally allowed to use her handicap placard. It goes on the rear view mirror. So without a picture of the review mirror you have no way of knowing if this worker legally just moved his handicap placard from his car which has handicap plates. I have told more then one person to go fuck off when they complain I am parking in a handicap space. I point them to the placard, my wife and her wheelchair, and they still insist I have no right. Miserable people who have to be in every one's business should be banned from shopping areas.

Anonymous said...

Leave your wife at home

Anonymous said...

Then he couldn't drive his whatever.

Anonymous said...

Oye vieja ya voy pa la cantina con Juan me esperas en el carucha honey.

Anonymous said...

Now he's going to say "Miserable people who have to be in every one's business should be banned from commenting on blogs.

winschod said...

Thanks for sharing!
