Thursday, January 4, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Some time back we wrote about how we had a report about JP 2-1 Linda Salazar entering the Cameron County Clerk's Office on Wednesday, Dec. 27 glad-handing the couples waiting to get their marriage licenses and telling them she could marry them on the second floor.

Our credibility was called into question and some said that she was there to check up on a couple she had already agreed to marry. They also said that we had been paid by JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola and her husband Ass. District Judge Louis Sorola to spread lies against poor Linda.

So we decided to go to the county and make an information request for a copy of the surveillance tape that is located on the wall above the marriage license windows. In the first part you will see a couple sitting filling out the license applications with a clerk out of camera range on the right. The clock on the tape indicates this took place between 11:13:18 and 11:16:37 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 27, the second day that county offices had been open after the Christmas holidays.

The surveillance tape does not record sound, but it is obvious that Salazar – in direct contradiction to her apologists – is there to let couples getting their licenses to marry know she can marry them on the second floor and giving them directions on how to get to her office (turn right once you get off the elevator).

Salazar is seen coming out the elevator at 11:13:18 according to the timer on the tape. This corresponds to 0:00 on the counter at bottom left.  

Salazar is obviously challenged by glass doors and struggles to open one only to realize when some people walk in the open one to her right that the door is already open.

She waves a hello to the people sitting in front of the marriage license windows unaware that they are part of the wedding party of the couple seen getting their license on the right.

She then goes back to chit-chat with two county clerk staffers at counter time at 11:13:37 (0:21 on counter). 

At 11:15:53 (2:50 on counter) she emerges from talking to the clerks and sets about glad-handing the people sitting waiting for the couple to get their license. All the while she is telling them that she is Linda Salazar, a JP who "los puedo casar."

At 11:15:53 (3:01-3:05) she approaches the couples at the license windows and shakes their hands in introduction. It's obvious they don't know her and shake her hand politely. She also waves at another couple who is seated at the window not visible in the tape, but as she walks away, she tells them who she is and signals that she is on the second floor. 

At 11:16:09 (3:23) she makes her way out the door, but comes back at 11:16:19 (3:29) to tell them she is on the second floor and direct them to turn right as soon as you get off the elevator to her JP office. All the time she keeps repeating her name so they won't forget who she is.

You can spin it any way you want, but to us, JP Linda Salazar is soliciting a couple getting their marriage license at the Cameron County Clerk's Office to marry them in her office and charge them her fee for performing the ceremony, at a fee of between $200 to $250 a pop.

Some say that since she is so well known, the 600 ($600 x $200 = $120,000 a year) marriage ceremonies she performs at an average annually are a result of her name recognition. The video above indicates something vastly different.


Anonymous said...

And yet she and that horrible county clerk Sylvia Garza Perra claim that its false ! They are both liars and bottom feeders can’t waiy to vote against my boss

Anonymous said...

You want proof ask Erika she how’s how it works how they handle the secret word to get Linda to come down to pick up the couple and in return she gets a cake

Anonymous said...

Who cares!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a hustling, enterprising woman. But you don't have a job, do you, Juan?

Anonymous said...

Great play by play Juan
No solo muerta de hambre
Pero tambien mentirosa!

Anonymous said...

What’s absolutely more disturbing to see the two clerks not working but messing around as you can see clearly the clerk is playing with his phone and talking to the other Cllerkand not doing any work this is taxpayers money at work , Sylvia shame on your staff lazy asses

Anonymous said...

Yes, ask ERIKA RATERRA DE LA TORRE she can answer all your questions? I told you Bitch this shit is real!!

Anonymous said...

Erika for county clerk she has boobs and brains and Es de mi barrio

Anonymous said...

Sylvia why do you despise Erika ? Because she is beautiful and you are ugly or because she is way smarter and people like her unlike you even the janitor hates you

Anonymous said...

Those are customers applying for marriage licenses not clerk's!

Anonymous said...

Linda got her boy Ruben a political job without even a high school education. She's good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda needs to take a picture with her staff so she can get "DA FINGER"!

Anonymous said...

So what is the big deal? People run for public office and work for public officials so they can milk the system for bucks. From top to bottom that is the way they roll. Don't forget to vote at the next election, but not until you get promised a palanca.

Anonymous said...

Who gets married nowadays? Oh yeah the people that need papers! Hahahahahah only in backwards brownsville. Viva macallen!

Anonymous said...

Bitch is so fat, she waddles.

Anonymous said...

Y el pinche Bobby Loco defendiendola. You are one crazy Puto have taken too many falls gordo. Your blog should be called Brownsville's lieing Voice, yea, blow boy!

Anonymous said...

You mean walks like a penguin.

Anonymous said...

It is not illegal to solicit for weddings. She is not an attorney so get over it. Keep doing it Linda, kick all their ass, one is an attorney who is never in his office and the other just whines.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, its either ERIKA RATERRA DE LA Torre or CYNTHIA RODRIGUEZ defending the penguin LINDA both of them have such a very tiny brain, but "burras" what does being an Attorney or whining have to do with solicting: in this video it shows proof of her being a muerta de hambre for money.It just happens both of your tiny brains will no longer get your percentage.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is - How did you get a copy of the video from a CC security camera?

Is that legal? Is that public records information?

Who are you corrupting your self to fight corruption?

Anonymous said...

She’s done this for years. It’s the publics fault for voting for this low class basura... The thirst is real !!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Cynthia I Sylvia Rodriguez sister in law, which she is married to the cocain addict and thief of Ernie Rodriguez, which he is Sylvia Rodriguez brother, Linda's x right hand man.

Anonymous said...

