Tuesday, January 30, 2018


By Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully 
As we have mentioned in the past, Brownsville Independent School District Trustee Carlos Elizondo is a bully. 

Is he trying to intimidate Superintendent Dr. Esperanza Zendejas into supporting him for board president?

Image result for carlos elizondo, BISD"That would be an impeachable offense," laughs a BISD watchdog. "She would lose her credibility if she backed him with all the skeletons in his closet. He has always put his wife, a BISD counselor, and his children ahead of BISD students. And he backstabbed his fellow firefighters in order to briefly reign as chief before greed and arrogance brought him down.

"Trustee Phil Cowen is risking his integrity as part of his bromance with this Matamoros product whose shady past has benighted his future. Cowen, a straight arrow in the tradition of his much-loved family, doesn't seem to understand that Elizondo, who is thin-skinned and burdened with a Trump temperament when criticized, precipitated his own downfall.

"Rather than hugging the trunk, he started to climb the tree crazed with an overweening ambition. He went from branch to limb to twig until grasping for the highest leaf he came crashing back to earth. Like a true loser, he blames everyone but himself. He went from a plump nice guy to a skinny bad guy."

With the contemptuous Ernie Hernandez, a poster child for Brownsville corruption, returning to politics as a rumored candidate for the Port of Brownsville, Elizondo reportedly wants to challenge City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau for her seat next May.

In her reelection bid in 2015 against businessman Sergio Zarate, the incumbent apparently convinced Elizondo to break with the majority of the firefighters and support her. The pathetic macho complained that Zarate had hurt his feelings by refusing to give him his unconditional support.

"Elizondo must be angry that Tetreau didn't pay her debt to him when he was being demoted from fire chief to janitor before he was suspended and finally terminated," says Scott Steinbeck, The McHale Report's managing editor. "He must think he is making a cameo appearance in the Netflix series Narcos and it's time to collect his pound of flesh.

"Elizondo has been humbled and humiliated. He groveled at the feet of those who could further his career and stepped on others in his quest for power. He is done. He is cooked. He stinks worse than the barbacoa the BISD once wanted to shovel down the mouths of its hungry kids in order to make sure an insider pocketed his kickback. I never thought I would vote for Jessica, but in this mano-a-mano she is a dandelion and Carlos is dung."


Anonymous said...

Why did you change the picture? This one less friendly to suit your purposes?

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau has my full support along with 95 percent of us at BISD. I wanted her to run for mayor but I'd much rather watch her take down Zendejas and Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

Nothing sadder than a guy that doesn't know when it is over.

Anonymous said...


You know you've hit rock bottom when all of a sudden your worst (Tetreau) is your best option.

But his real reason is going after the seat of the one who fucked him over.. He feels Tetreau won his little power battle, not only won, but he was and continues to be HUMILIATED.. YUUUUGEELY HUMILIATED - and now he wants to take her down.

So to all voters - this will be an EGO election - not an election to elect an individual who wants the best for Brownsville.

I bet any anonymous individual who can self finance a campaign can run as a 3rd option for this seat CAN AND WOULD WIN.

Artemus Saxon said...

That bimbo has the mentality of the popular girl in high school. She’s impulsive, and only does whatever little good she HAS done to make her self look good. Virtue signaling at its finest. Send in the next Commissioner, get Tetreau out of city hall.

Anonymous said...

Mchale your a drunk bar fly your word means shit.im a tax payer and I’ve seen and smelt your vomit stank breath at La Rioja and now your breath over the blogs...please stop and take a tick-tack it will do you good...

Anonymous said...

Jessica has my vote and my support

He’s been an idiot

She has great courage to stand and do what’s right not popular

She is heads and tails above this guy and any guy at BISD board

Anonymous said...

Se BIMBO como el pan.

Anonymous said...

The crazy thing is that teyreau didn’t take him down. Ben Neece and Cesar are Leon took him down but Tetreau was smart enough not to jump in front of the bullet. It felt like she knew he had to pay for what he had done and now Elizondo feels like he has to destroy her because ultimately she betrayed him by not allowing him to get away with what was going on. I’m sorry but I’m with Tetreau for being with us before her friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They had a mug shot of a Jessica look alike on channel 4
Some lady with bundles of marijuana

Anonymous said...

I just came here because I saw someone that looked like Carlos Elizondo at the public library writing comments on this article.

Anonymous said...

Zendejas is no fool. She only speaks to the board because, afterall, they are her bosses until 2020. I do wish she would stand up with the real facts, no matter who goes down on the board or at BISD. If you know her, you should know that she will not jeopardize her career over some stupid idiot like Elizondo or anyone else on the board. Zendejas does need to sing like a bird and end all this ratas careers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zendejas save BISD !
I do wish she would stand up with the real facts, no matter who goes down on the board or at BISD.




Anonymous said...

Why does the Sup support Elizondo with all of his shady background? What's her gain in all of this? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Oh be quiet Cindy the hood rat Elizondo. People learn from their mistakes with your hubby Carlos el dedo Elizondo, you all were the biggest mistakes to Brownsville. Jessica has my vote over these loser family that now are hating on her for doing her job, putting away trash like Carlos and Cindy the hood rat Elizondo. Good riddance this family is poison to us all.

Anonymous said...

Stop tooting your own horn Carlos. No one likes or trust you and your wife Cindy aka Caitlyn Bruce Jenner Elizondo. Go Jessica Go.

Anonymous said...

Carlos thief Elizondo couldn't pass the captain test he cheated to pick up his original score of 60 to a 70. Jessica Tetreau is way smarter than the fire thief. Go Jessica Go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(Firemen union brothers) we support
ELIZONDO .to the public he gave us training ,equipment ,leadership,support,safety,and always was the first boot on the ground and the last to leave. That’s a true leader and Chief!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, go, go! Go to Prison!!

Anonymous said...

Jesse weenes calmate tacuache !
No firefighter respects him. The chief did nothing good for the department. He's not on t.v. because the paparazzi are eager to see him, look closely he's under arrest for a reason dumbass, obviously theres evidence of wrongdoing.

Anonymous said...

Coke-head bimbo waitress Jessica’s Tetreau at a loca club takes on a married man to defeat the woman of a local business man kalifa. I used to party with her and the Asian owner in back room office at AK’s you know who I am ,member now——Jessica !!!!

Anonymous said...

I voted tetraue and I’m from the district she blockwalked my neighborhood once,to never be seen again I live in landolakes on skiview next to Kate presas Garcia we will never vote for her again.she has done not one thing for our neighborhood.
Vote No

Anonymous said...

Cindy and Carlos Elizondo are the most hateful couple in Brownsville. Cindy is arrogant and worthless and she knows that nobody likes her at BISD. Everybody at our school knows she's a two face backstabber, just like her husband. We wish they would just go away, anywhere but here.

Anonymous said...

And drones! You forgot the drones!

Anonymous said...

@ January 30, 2018 at 1:44 PM

Why does it have to be El Pelon or J.T. Can't the COB do any better than that.

People please stop voting for Characters that have poor Charactor.

The COB does not need either, it needs professionals that know how to run a business and balance a budget, not someone who is an empty suit or skirt with no anticlerical experience.

Anonymous said...

Carlos and Cindy Elizondo are a match made in hell. Though both are the same animal, Cindy is the worst of both evils she learned from the best Carlos mother inlaw the wicked witch of the west Marylou two face backstabber Huerta. If you see this family of crooks walking towards run for the hills. They are either going to rob you or record you. This is a venomous family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 1:15 - those must have been wild times.

Ive got time for a few of those stories, she won't share these on her social media, so please do share.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there is a hater towards CINDY jealousy is so little girl shit make you need a cock to make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is Jesse Weenes still with the department? When is he going to be fired like his idol Elizondo. All he does it bitch and whine, move over and let the department hire a real man to do your job. Fucking waste of tax payers dollars paying your salary pussy.

Anonymous said...

I love watching a pretty woman at work you keep up doing what you do CINDY,most of these slobby overweight fat woman are two-faced and miserable.our department loves having you around !!!����������

Anonymous said...

People of Brownsville
if you want a bag of Bud(kush)just ask the guys at tetraue kalifa car wash on paredes they hook it up fat.(10 gram)

Anonymous said...

Ok you got your 5 seconds of fame now back to the people who count and have real issues.

Anonymous said...

Go !!!!! ELIZONDO Go!!!!!!!!!!! ELIZONDO Go!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy, speaking of cock, what about the incident with you and all the jockeys at pace hs. Should I continue. I bet you thought your old classmates had forgotten about the famous baseball pitcher from pace hs., member little girl, you member.

Anonymous said...

This comment is so Cindy Caitlyn Bruce Jenner Elizondo. Always backstabbing and making fun of all women including her close friends. Remember Cindy when you came running crying because people didn't like you in school? And you were asked why and you responded crying no one likes me because I'm too pretty, too pretty. You are so full of yourself, pathetic loser.

Anonymous said...

Yes I can also smell you Douche bag.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes and a RAT , that has had alot of people recorded. What a leader is a pile of shit. Hey Carlos it's about that time... I have to go and take a Carlos...

Anonymous said...

Yes go Elizondo, Go be someone's back door BETTY!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson for Mayor!
Hip hip hooray!

Anonymous said...

"I can also smell you douche bag".....again, FAG for saying that. You must sound like a very fat pussy in person.

Anonymous said...

We have fought this fight as long, and as well as we know how. We have been defeated There is but one course to pursue; We must accept the situation. - Robert E Lee.
