Wednesday, January 17, 2018


By Juan Montoya

Were you one of the Brownsville Independent School District employees who believed the administration that your answers to the Region 1 so-called "Climate Survey" would be kept confidential?

Well, guess again.

The administration under Dr. Esperanza Zendejas instructed librarians to track the employees who come in to do survey.

They were to assign them a computer and then write down that number by their name. Each campus has their own number so the main office (and school principals) knows where concerns come from. All main office and cab folks have to use board the room.

So suppose you answered a question having to do with the caliber of administration at your school (or main office) and answered that frankly on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, your principal rated a -5. That administrator would not only know who made that comment, but could also take steps to make sure you stay on the same rung of that ladder, or chop off its legs altogether.

Whoever thought of using this method to obtain information from its staff and employees crafted it in a way that revealed the identity of the responder, his campus, and when he took it and where. If you responded sincerely and truthfully, God have mercy on your soul.

But, if on the other hand, you heaped effusive compliments on your principal, administration and superintendent, the climate survey becomes a brown-nose survey and your chances of promotion just suddenly got better.   


Anonymous said...

This like everything else about this Supt and board is an attempt to give the illusion of transparency and competence .
Half planned initiates, and leader who clearly favors men and a board that condones this behavior .
Everyone out in November
Nobody is fooled- parents swarm for their right to exercise school choice

Bisd once the pillar of progress and leaders in the field is nothing more then a feeding ground for corruption, deception, and backdoor deals

People and families are jumping ship

Everyone out in November

Anonymous said...

Don't fill it out fukit

Anonymous said...

The BISD Superintendent and the BISD Trustees are as crooked cork screws. The corruption and need for control are manic. The fear of losing jobs keeps the faculty members and employees from questioning their superiors. The members of the administration have gained their positions by kissing ass, and are part of the problem. This survey, carried out in accordance with Supt. Zendejas' requirement, is like having a suggestion box in her office. No truth in this survey; thus the survey is worthless!

Anonymous said...

ANY BISD survey done on line CAN be done from home, from the public library or from a computer in Russia. It does NOT have to be done at school. If employees are told it has to be done at school, they are not smart enough to question, then they deserve what they go through.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

What do you expect from BISD? One of the Board members records elected officials for personal and political gain. I hope you voters remember that shit when these fuckers run for office again.

Anonymous said...

Have charter schools build 20 more schools and sucks away 25 thousands students from BISD and in the end, have charter schools take over all educational duties for Brownsville. Brownsville taxpayers don't have to pay any school taxes and companies can come in because the BISD is the highest taxing in Brownsville which is preventing businesses from coming into our city.

Anonymous said...

Esperanza no vales nada. Tus papas se averguenzan de tu vida en estos momentos. Que lastima de education porque no aprendiste nada de valor en tu vida. Pobre BISD. Por Favor retirate antes de que the retiren.

Anonymous said...

Gestapo, SS and SD tactics. Next how to salute the trustees and the sup. Heil your majesties clicking your heels and yelling at the top your lungs!!!

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of chicken shits we have at BISD Admin you want input from employees but then you want there names fuck you with that intimidation bullshit.teachers and staff rise up they aren't shit you have the numbers you hold the power they just want you all to live in fear.

Anonymous said...

A good salary keeps everybody quiet.

Anonymous said...

Someone should check with TEA if this kind of employee surveys are legit or pure bullshit. Many employees complained that when they walked in to take survey, they felt like they were being tracked, laptop number and time survey was taken. Folks at the main office live in fear of being moved around. Some top admins love the gossip and there are a few lap dogs running around the main office keeping their masters informed of petty gossip. Lunch time is the best time to see the masters and their lap dogs wagging their tail. Follow the money, unfortunately the BISD is like the Trump Administration, being run by some masters that don't like to do shit and don't know shit, but just follow the money. Corruption all the way.

Anonymous said...

If they are so perfect, why is the bisd making a new AA paid position to hear and handle complaints? Someone is getting their big income tax refund. Word is that the HR is flooded with complaints and grievances. So now then need additional personnel to keep up. Man, how many clerks would they be able to hire with that one position.

Anonymous said...

Bisd legal department is now bigger then ever. Under this board majority and Supt the Bisd has lost more kids , increased class size, decreased instructional positions and tripled the size of district legal dept

Clean house in Nov.

Anonymous said...

The piece does not indicate if the respondents were instructed that the survey was anonymous. As such, BISD would be in no violation. In fact, employees would have zero expectations of anonymity making the recording of names irrelevant and completely actionable if BISD chooses.

Anonymous said...

Compadrismo, nepotism and cronyism...will be the downfall of B I S D....and it applies to the City of Brownsville too...incompetence and "gente sin ⚾��⚽��" to do the right thing and take responsibility.

Anonymous said...

They are all going to church to baptize their sons and daughters so YOU can call their illegal dealings Compadrismo pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Hold on! On June 26, the board approved $13,760 dollars be paid to Region I for developing, administering and providing results to BISD. If Region I was in charge, how does it come back to putting the blame on the district's administration. Those who complain about surveys or don't even fill them out are those who have something to hide or have a guilty conscience for not doing their job and wish not to be found out. If you are doing your job by the book, hide no more! Tell it like it is because you can point a finger on the culprit. stop running to the unions who are just trying to recruit your dues.

Anonymous said...

Region One? Another bunch of crooks, ask Ruben Cortez who happens to be linda Salazar's son who happens to be another crook?
