One thing you can count on when it comes to our representatives at the state level: If there is a dollar to be made from their positions of public trust, they will grab it.
We saw it in our esteemed state senator Eddie Lucio Jr., and we have seen it in his son Eddie Lucio III. Rene Oliveira is cut from the same cloth.

In Sen. Lucio's case, it was he who convinced the commissioners of the Brownsville Navigation District that they should change engineers for the Bridge to Nowhere from Brown & Root to Dannenbaum Engineering.
The result? The disappearance of $21 million from the port taxpayers, $100,000s in Lucio's pocket as a consultant, and no bridge.
He did the same thing in Willacy County with the construction of private prisons. He convinced the county commissioners to go with the companies for which he was consulting and three commissioners ended up going to jail for taking bribes. Lucio ended up with, you guessed it, mucho money in his pocket as their "consultant."
Lucio III just happens to be on the The State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) Advisory Committee that advises the Texas Water Development Board on the administration of SWIFT funds.
The committee reviews the overall operation, function, and structure of the fund at least semi-annually and advises the board on any water related matter. That committee has not met since March 2017.

TEDSI, another consultant firm for which Lucio works, regularly bills the Hidalgo Drainage District # 1 for their work and include compensation for Lucio III as a partner in Beatty Bangle in the $10,000s. In inner circles of South Texas water and drainage personnel he is known as a "Water Rata."
He was also chosen as the city attorney for the City of Rio Hondo.
Oliveira is not much different. He is on the "consultant" list for Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, the largest delinquent-tax collection firm in the state. In his role as their "consultant," Oliveira passed through a bill in the house that allowed the company to increase their take on the collection of delinquent taxes by 2.5 percent, making them millions at one bold stroke.
His firm is not much different. Take, for example, the recent settlement of the settlement stemming from San Benito's lawsuit against companies involved in the construction of the $17 million water plant.
The media reported that a total of $2.8 million in attorneys’ fees and another $1.06 million in expenses bit into what was a total $9.02 million settlement in favor of the Resaca City. Of that San Bene was paid $4 million and a defendant agreed to perform $3.1 million in services aimed at putting the water plant back into operation.
The settlement stems from the lawsuit filed in 2014, in which the city argued the water plant did not properly operate. City commissioners met in closed session with City Attorney Ricardo Morado to discuss the settlement’s disbursements.
Attorneys’ fees and expenses took about $3.8 million of the total settlement amount. And do you know who Morado works with and how much they were paid? The settlement paid $1.29 million to Morado’s firm, Roerig, Oliveira & Fisher of Brownsville; $1.29 million to Arnold & Itkin of Houston; and $188,219 to Beck Redden & Secrest of Houston.
City Commissioner Esteban Rodriguez said he had questioned the Roerig, Oliveira & Fisher firm’s involvement in the lawsuit because Morado serves as city attorney. “It concerned me at the time,” Rodriguez said. “Now, it’s already settled.”
And so the likes of Oliveira and Lucio 1 and Lucio 3 continue to gorge themselves on the misfortunes of their constituents with not one bit of remorse. Lucio III and Oliveira are up for reelection this year. Will they continue using their public trust to feast on the rotting carcass of the Valley's economy like so many maggots?
'm voting for Rene! But keep typing that shit, Montoya. See you in March, guey.
Nobody cares, puto. All of these guys will win and win and win.
The Mayor and city commission of San Benito are so Gullible.The City Attorney should have never been involved in that matter knowing his relationship to ROERIG,OLIVERA & FISHER. Smells very FISHY AND SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED BY THE the FBI OR TEXAS RANGERS. No wonder the city is going nowhere.
(Rigo Bocanegra)is running for county commissioner and is in favor for (oliviera)and (lucio)he as a fireman choose and supports these two Ratas and he will do it again.
This is third world corruption at it's best. The elections are fixed so that these so called wanna bees can manipulate and get monies for these big companies. I am "ALMOST" certain that all these are covered by Dannenbaum Engineering .
Juan, if you take Bob Sanchez side you will lose readers. Any fool can see that Bob is a loser. he won't even come close to Eddie Trevino, so why give him any publicity? Screw him!!!!
Why have you not name dropped Arturo Alonzo yet? He's clearly the best choice from all these toads, perverts and religious sycophants you've talked about.
"Iraq Veteran. Latino. Democrat for Texas House District 37. Let's build a stronger RGV juntos! #StrongerTogether #VetsDoItBetter #JuntosHacemosMas
Brownsville, TX "
Please shit up and go to your porn blog orange hair Eduardo Paz Martinez. You are not welcomed here orangutan.
We will not tell you again orangutan Eduardo Paz Martinez. Get out and go to your filthy blog orange hair loser.
Go post your anonymous stupid rehtoric on your abandoned blog orangutan Eduardo Paz martinez. That orange hair combover is a turnoff ,
The Mayor and City Commissioners of San Bene are incompetent. Pure and simple. Shame on Morado.
naco el hijo y naco el papa
Just because what anonymous at 2:57 said I will not vote for Trevino nor Sanchez. You don't threaten anybody not to vote for another candidate, and because he's doing that I can bet a lot of voter will not vote for Trevino.
Someone needs to report that San Benito mess to the TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION.It All smells like when you FIRST OPEN A BAG OF CHICHARRONES.YUCKI,YUCKI YUCK.Mayor and COMMISSION start doing what you all were elected to do and PROTECT THE TAXPAYER'S MONEY.EVERYONE WANTS TO BE A LION TILL IT'S TIME TO DO WHAT LIONS DO BEST.
Like a friend of mine said over in the Southmost area about these three hoodlums, rene, eddie jr y eddie el turd, Pura Quacha
Is that who posts all the moronic juvenile posts?
What a dick!
58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1027 (1982-1983)
Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse: A Practical Guide to Fighting Official Corruption. Every citizen of this community should have this book by Heinonline.
Water Rata needs to be exposed. Put in a FOIA to Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 for them to cough up on how much Lucio III has received as a sub to TEDSI since 2013. Over 5 years, I'm sure the Water Rata has raked in a good $250,000 or MORE! DROWN THE RATA
Juan did you that nice article about Godfrey garza over in hidalgo county mmm guess who was one of the engineering firms ? Yep Dannebaum once again millions of dollars on the border wall project years ago omg these corrupt folk are everywhere
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