Friday, January 26, 2018


By Juan Montoya
At the risk of getting into a wrestling match with a tar baby, we want to answer former city commissioner Charley Atkinson's objections to our post on a fundraising account under former city manager Charlie Cabler.

Cabler was exclusively in control of the City Manager's Fund which was funded by twisting the arms of vendors with the city and other local groups and institutions including banks, attorneys, and the PUB and the port of Brownsville.

To date, that fund has more than $318,000. Since Cabler was in exclusive control of the fund, it awaits the hiring of the next city manager. Artkinson, said he "started this fund as a city commissioner so the city could subsidize youth activities like football, soccer, volleyball and baseball. We raised lots of money from vendors, families, local companies and individuals who supported youth sports."

Apparently, Atkinson has been out of the loop for a spell because the fund did not just fund youth sports, but it also funneled money to golf coaches in the Rio Grande Valley, semi-pro sports teams in Harlingen, and generous gifts to Texas Exes so they could distribute to their alma mater graduates, etc.

And the frequency of "voluntary" contributions to the fund by the likes of G.M.S. which had the five-year, $60 million contract for industrial and commercial waste pickup, give it a "quid pro quo" character that gives it a an unmistakable smell of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."

Ditto got engineering and architectural companies who do business with the city.

When we made our information request we were not goaded – as Atkinson claims – by "City Commissioner Ben Neece and Texas Board of Education candidate Tad Hasse" (who he believes) to be "two clowns (who) should be lucky not to be sitting in jail, let alone having a seat on the city council or competing as a candidate for state office.

"The more these clowns piss people off, the faster they will be out of office," he rants. "It's just the nature of the beast. I would rather raise the money for youth sports than do what City Commissioner Rose Gowen did and make taxpayers fund her food market, which she was financially involved with when she ran for city commissioner. All this shit needs to stop. The Mayor has lost his way. I supported him in the past, but things have gotten bad. He has let the St. Joe Mafia milk this city long enough."

"Montoya is a good man," Atkinson generously states. "But he needs to fact check before he thrashes a good man like Cabler...Transparency is key to rebuilding a city that desperately needs fixing."

We agree with Charlie on that. In fact, we can point to a number of things that might have been fixed along time ago if the other Charlie had been "transparent."

1. He should have stopped former Fire Dept. Chief Carlos Eizondo from continuing to steer patient transfers away from the city's EMS to a private company in which he has a personal interest. Even after the police chief and its investigators wrote him with their concerns, "Charlie" let it continue until the city commissioners – through an audit – uncovered the scam

2. He should have called attention to the fact that former city attorney Mark Sossi was moonlighting with the City of Mission after he had promised the city commission – and the city administration – that as a full-time employee he would work exclusively for the city. Instead, it took the city commissioners calling attention to this fact and terminating Sossi by a majority vote. Where was "Charlie"?

3. He should have put a stop to Mayor Tony Martinez from participating in discussions in executive session over a piece of property he needed to make his property more marketable and sell it at a hefty profit to the RGV Rural Legal Aid. Not only did Martinez participate in the discussion over the property, but he actually signed it over to himself. Where was the good man "Charlie?"

4. Need we go on?

Having what amounts to a "slush" fund at any one person's control is basically not a good municipal government practice, whatever Atkinson says. We stand by our story. 


Anonymous said...

Is this going to be another elizondo episode? Does charlie C. still have the authority to issue checks like elizondo did? Has anybody checked on this? When was the last time charlie c. wrote a check out of this fund? Does anybody know? Better lookout for that deputy dog ex finance director. He's the enabler in this type of situations. He need to be investigated SOON!

Anonymous said...

Better check Pete Gonzales he also might have a slush fund, he's been there over 50 years.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Editor. The below quote was written by Eduardo Paz Martinez on his blog. He copied a story and placed it on his dead blog.....he copied the story from Bobby Cervantes' blog. It's a story he took from Captain Bob's blog and critiqued it. First off, are you the only original blog in Brownsville? And second, don't Paz and Cervantes hate eachother? Bobby calls Eduardo Paz Martinez "typing monkey" among other things....and Eduardo Paz Martinez calls Bobby Cervantes "blimp", among other things. Seems Paz is using the same tactic Cervantes uses....printing nice things and making him secure....burying the hatchet if you will....only to bury it In their back at a later date. I am anxiously waiting to see how Cervantes, or the "blimp as Paz Evers to him, will react to his weird extension of the peferbial olive branch. All that can be predicted for sure....if their history has taught us anything is that they will be at each others throats again soon.

Paz is promising to give Cervantes a space on his blog exclusive to his postings. Didn't he do that with poor captain Boob only to ram it up his captain ass? Watch out Bobby, this guy might be a bigger snake than you!

[Editor’s Note:…The Republic welcomes city Blogger Wightman-Cervantes with the hope that he will help our readers understand the legalities that often swirl around our local public servants and the city’s stories. Mr. Wightman-Cervantes has not always been a friend of The Republic, but, here, we acknowledge the value of his legal skills. In future columns, we will offer Wightman’s writing in a feature we will call: “The Law.”…]

Anonymous said...


Charlie Cabler was a City Manager who worked at the will of the City Commission. He does advise his 7 bosses on issues that may come back to bit e the city but at the end, the Mayor and City Commissioners are his boss. The City Manager Golf Tournament was started under my watch to help the youth of Brownsville. Little League Baseball teams have benefited from this City Manager fund. Out local youth football teams benefited from this fund.Sure companies who do business with the city were invited to participate and why not. These businesses make a lot of money off the city so why not accept checks to benefit kids. I never used that money for my personal use and neither did Cabler. Anyone that knows Charlie Cabler knows that he supports youth sports. There is a process to access these funds. If a commissioner or Mayor put pressure on the city Manager to fund college golf players then yes it was wrong. The next City Manager needs to take control of this fund and make sure it goes to the Youth of Brownsville. Montoya it comes down to counting up to four. When the majority of the commission wants something then its pretty much a done deal or you face retaliation. Charlie Cabler does not hire the City Attorney, the Commission does. Charlie Cabler was not over Sossi so he couldn't do anything about it even if he wanted to. You write,"he should have stopped the Mayor" but when he has his four votes and the City attorney is helping the Mayor then there was nothing he could do. Look, the make up of the city commission has individuals who are there for their personal financial gain. The FBI and the US MArshals are all over this town and rightfully so. Checks and Balances are null and void right now with no policing of this Commission.

Anonymous said...

And MOntoya, who is WE when you say "we beg to differ". You have a mouse in your pocket?

Anonymous said...

When someone dares to question the ethical practices of anyone, one should actually know the man/woman personally. How dare anyone try to compare Mr. Pete Gonzales to any politico in COB or community. This gentleman has been there for 50 years because he has done his job and has done it efficiently and with honesty. This man will not take a paper clip that does not belong to him. If you take to time to study his records, you will be amazed at the quality of professional knowledge that this gentleman reports and documents. No one should have the audacity to slander him and a rightful apology is needed from blogger at 12:11 PM states! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Hahahalol...This is the same Atkinson who should be in jail for all the sports park kick backs he got from vendors and contractors! Freakin idiot with a fat mouth.

Craigy said...

I once wrestled a tar baby on the toilet once. It ended with a huge plop and my asshole was sore for the resf of the day. True story.

Anonymous said...

Hermaphrodites United. In McAllen

Anonymous said...

Hermaphrodite and Maria United now. That is cute

Anonymous said...

As a lawyer I don’t see anything wrong,if he had the AUTHORITY to issue checks?
You make no point!

Anonymous said...

Well, not to be disrespectable, but just where the F__K was Pete Gonzalez while all this corruption is going on? Is he MIA? If he has been there 50 years then he "SHOULD" be very much aware of all the past and present corruption going on. If he is just there to occupy a space he needs to go. By the way, if he is indeed just there to fill a space then he really is committing a fraud, (under false pretense). Remember that it's not for being a good servant, but by the his good works that should be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Oh and we need to believe your assessment because your a lawyer GTFOH you guys are the main part of the problem in this city.The campaign slogans in brownsville should be JUsT SAY NO! TO LAWYERS.

Anonymous said...

If the monies were for kids then why the hell is so much money left sitting there.Thats what you want us to think yea right wasn't born yesterday buddy.

Anonymous said...

To: 12:11 and 6:12

Where there is resistance to a simple request, then there is the appearance that something is wrong and want to continue to hide something.

I read no reference from post 12:11 to a comparison to any local politico. I guess you and Gonzalez are stating that local politicos are corrupt and that he is not, and there was no accusations of any ethical practices. Why get so defensive only raises an eye brow.

Any politico and/or public servant would be more than happy to say yes to a request to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine any facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth.

Anonymous said...

"IF", that was the question, and "IF" did he continue to write checks after his departure. Simple. As a lawyer this should have been a "NO-BRAINER".

Anonymous said...

To 5:30pm:

What alternative reality are you living in?

Your assumptions and conclusions are ridiculous. The commission is the check on a runaway City Manager, and it did its job and he's gone. Now you'll see progress for everyone, not his "buddies" and donors. If there was so much benefit...why is there still so much money in the account. Check on what the expenditures were.

Sossi empowered Charlie to get away with all this crap, he didn't stop anything, you moron. He empowered Elizondo to get away with his corruption. They are both gone and should be.

Your evaluation skills are as fucked up as the city WAS.

Anonymous said...

The more you dumb ass citizens keep doing what the city commissioners say and follow the more us lawyers are needed.

Anonymous said...

He has been gone for a few months it builds up when there is no one to manage it,and for Elizondo he seems to be the only one that’s not corrupt because the way I see it is that the city can’t handle the overload of calls to service the community of emergency and non-emergency calls.splurging on overtime and tired emergency services that the city has to send a fire truck to over see accidents with no way to transport injuries to hospitals. As I see it now he had the right to look for help anywhere here had to.when it’s your ass on the line I know for a fact you would want the same for self or a loved one.

Anonymous said...

I’m going to open records request if your children or teams were getting money you ugly puto. Vas a ver pendejo! And then I’m going to give it to Juanito Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Typing hermaphrodite

Anonymous said...

What is really corrupt is the Fire Union. All those guys at the top need to be fired so the good firefighters can do their job right. The union leaders run a muck and don't even put in a honest days work. They campaign on duty and take advantage of their position. I do thank Gowen and the Mayor for sticking up to these morons. THey need to spend more time working and less time politicking and traveling on the city dime.

Anonymous said...

Did you donate?
No your cheap ass just complains,So if you don’t donate then don’t complain about the money just know it’s there and make good use of it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pete, if you bother to read this blog, please consider that the person who wrote that if you knew something was corrupt, a person with your strong ethical moral values, should report it to the proper authorities. You gave your life to work for COB to have someone question your integrity, and maybe it is best that you do consider retiring now and enjoy life. All the good you have done goes unrecognized so why bother? Those of us who know you well would love to spend some time visiting and enjoying life. Think about it Pete and tell them to "take this job and shove it!"

Anonymous said...

To: 1:45PM

Don't count your chickens before they hatch, it just might come back to bite you on your ASS. According and the outlook for is to happen is not so bright. Just look at their track record.ignoramus, imbecile!!!

Anonymous said...

To poster 1:45pm:

I thought he resigned was not fired is there a difference that some people don't understand? Typical, now the commission is taking credit and saying he was a runaway city manager. I think the monkey here is the whole city commission and the mayor. Remember HE walked away with almost half-a million dollars ALL TAX MONIES FROM THE POOREST CITY IN THE NATION". Is this progress for everybody?

You mean the city attorney has the power to "EMPOWER" any city employee? If that is the case then why do we as citizens NEEED them and why do we need a city manager?

Your condescending comments are as you say “FUCKED UP”.

Anonymous said...

to post 1:45

Empowered - give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
"Sossi empowered Charlie to get away with all this crap"
The city attorney does not have the authority he must rely on the mayor and commission for approval. So you are saying that the mayor and the commissioners are stupid?

If that is the case then the city is still fucked up not was, as you say!

Anonymous said...

If the FBI were to interrogate Gonzalez he would sing like an orchestra full of canaries.

Anonymous said...

To January 27, 2018 at 10:58 PM

Excellent suggestion bye bye

Anonymous said...

Do it before the FBI comes knocking.

Anonymous said...

Search him before he leaves he might take a paper clip.

Anonymous said...

To poster at January 27, 2018 at 10:58 PM

This person would give a rat's ass about you. He wouldn't even talk to you. If you are not at his level of education or financial status forget it. Believe me I know.

Considering how you wrote your small comments you are nether. You wouldn't get to the front door.

Anonymous said...

Cablar, a city employee, had a slush fund ? Atkinson is too stupid to understand that such a slush fund is illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong.

Anonymous said...

To: January 28, 2018 at 1:57 PM

If what you say is true about a slush fund what happened to the finance dept and their squeaky director deputy dog that has been there 50 years and it got past him?

Anonymous said...

58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1027 (1982-1983)
Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse: A Practical Guide to Fighting Official Corruption. Every citizen of this community should have this book by Heinonline.

Anonymous said...

IT;s not a slush fund idiota. if the monies are earmarked for the youth of Brownsville. It serves a purpose. There is a lot of money in there because not anyone can receive this money. There are rules and guidelines that have to be followed. The haters will always be there but to come down on Cabler for something I created is just plain wrong. The families and youth who have received help from this fund are appreciative because many didnt have the means to help their kids get to state tournaments. My job here is to let you all know and to have facts. The haters will continue to hate. What I don't want to see is the new city manager give the commission access to this fund to assist in pet projects they may have that do little to help our youth. Cabler resigned because the Mayor and Commissioners in the majority advised him that they were going to let him go. They at least warned him. That's what happens when the main four don't want to be policed.

Anonymous said...

Yep FBI should put a spot light on Pete's face and make him start talking he knows all the ins and outs of this commission especially da mayor.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson is a pendejo like if his words hold any weight, you blew it dude just go away.

Anonymous said...

To poster at January 28, 2018 at 4:26 PM

You just gave the the mayor and la qhisquis an idea on how to spend the money. Bike Trails. If you want people to believe you why are you hiding and posting as anonymous?

Pat Ahumada said...

Anonymous 4:26 PM is a pendejo. The monies collected by the city manager is extortion at the very least. It also shows he had no ethics, because he is suppose to abide by a high standard beyone reproach, meaning no favortisim or tit for tat perception in his dealings. The city manager is suppose to support all entities, not just one type or kind of entity and should not be getting involved by creating a slush fund that is not part of the city budget overseen by the commission as a whole. This goes to show, Cabler was Atkinson's lap dog and Atkinson conspired with Cabler to extort money from vendors, because Atkinson could not raise money on his own and needed Cabler to do it for him. Keep in mind Atkinson signed the illegal city manager contract that gave him a golden parachute, when he was and is an at will employee by city charter.

The truth always comes out sooner or later, this proves how the commission worked and how they city manager was controlled by Atkinson and why Atkinson was so toxic on the commission. This also goes to show how
Atkinson had free reign at the sports park with no over sight by management and it went over budget. Cabler covered up for Atkinson, Cabler removed he auditor and had the audit fixed to absolve Atkinson. Atkinson felt beyond reproach, because he wanted to be mayor by controlling the commission and always fighting making us all look bad.

What can you expect from a chicken shit person with no ethics or integrity. Both Cabler and Atkinson were two peas in a pot. Like the DA's office told me, these people wanted to have me removed because they did not like my politics, which was at a higher standard and was the reason for trying to frame me. Pete Gonzalez has no back bone, nice buy, but no backbone. Atkinson controlled Cabler. So it was easy to frame me with the help of Carlos Garcia and Luis Saenz, but like I said the truth comes out sooner or later. Their actions are corrupt and are being exposed as such. This was a slush fund, hopefully the FBI will indict these people some day.

Anonymous said...

The FBI can indict these people with the help of the deputy dog. We all know he has no backbone. He's not a nice guy he's a two-face.

Anonymous said...

Pete acts mancito but its all bullshit get him to talk and all the dominos will fall at city hall he's the money man finance director, he can't play stupid with that position.

Anonymous said...

He is very efficient because he refuses to give pay raises to low level positions. He gets letters of commendations for that.

Anonymous said...

Check who does the audits for that department, and who gives them the contract.

Anonymous said...


Pat Ahumada said...

Tu y el la cancion del cheke, demuestra lo pendejo que eres. Jajajajajaja pero bien pendejo!!!!@@

Pat Ahumada said...

Tu y el la cancion del cheke, demuestra lo pendejo que eres. Jajajajajaja pero bien pendejo!!!!@@

Anonymous said...

el cheke fuiste al banco y lo depositaste,en el banco te grabaron fecha y hora que depositaste el cheque a tu cuenta AHORA DIME QUIEN ES EL 'PENDEJO',RATERO, LADRON. QUE NO TE COMPROBARON ESO ES OTRO PEDO pero que el cheque fuiste al banco y lo depositaste es cierto.

Pat Ahumada said...

El pendejo eres tu. Porque sabes que yo no hice la ficha de deposito pendejo, fue el cajero. Preguntale a Pete Gonzalez como fue a dar el cheque conmigo y porque destruyo el record de registro de quien recojio el cheque. Tambien pendejo, sabes que el veredicto fue no culpable. Dime que es tu coraje? Que es tu demonio de odio? Dime, porque eres cobarde y no te enfrentas a mi, por que me tienes miedo? Tu eres como Danache y todos, son ratas y quieren apartentar lo que no son. Vientan piedras y esconden la mano. Yo tengo bien puestos como los hombres y me enfrento a pendejos como tu, charlie cabler. Pete Gonzales, Atkinson, Valadez y maz sin temor porque sostengo lo que digo. Y tu te escondes como la mierda que eres y lambiscon.

Anonymous said...

Charlie had his fingers in the till his elbow got caught, he and Larry Brown of the Airport robbed the city blind.
