Tuesday, January 2, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Heriberto Montalvo, Jr.'s troubles started when – as a driver for an EMS unit with the Brownsville Fire Dept. – he wrote Carlos Elizondo up with his superior Cesar Pedraza for leaving a him a dirty ambulance and he had to report him.

At the time, Montalvo, a16-year veteran firefighter, never knew that one day Elizondo would be catapulted over him and others, including senior officers, and appointed as fire chief May 2016 by then-City Manager Charlie Cabler.                                                                                                                                                                  His deputy chiefs were Jarrett V. Sheldon (wearing Cowboy jersey # number 8 in photo with Montalvo wearing #21 in happier times) and Ernesto Estrada, a firefighter pal of Cabler's who was allowed to be deputy chief over more-experienced officers after the city wrested the concession from the union in contract negotiations.                                                                                                                                    However, Montalvo's troubles with Elizondo stemmed to that day, and then to the time he ran against Elizondo for a position as trustee of the Firefighters Association Local #970. During that election, Montalvo reported his fire gear stolen from his car at a fire station in a report with the Brownsville Police Dept.                                                                                                                                                    However, Elizondo started going around the fire station saying that Montalvo – or Herb, as his fellow firefighters called him –  and spun it into a story where he claimed he had carelessly lost it and then began an investigation to get coworkers fired. His gear was eventually found in  ditch and returned to him.                                                                                                                                                                                                        That followed another incident where Pedraza and Elizondo wanted to take over the honor guard that Montalvo had organized. "Herb" was a one of two members of a team that was responsible for funeral ceremonies soon after his twins died soon after they were born. He said that experience made him understand the importance of bringing comfort to the families of firefighters who had passed away. 

He spoke to then-chief Lenny Perez and he was allowed to start a team called the Honor Guard which became a significant part of the department and was used for many ceremonies, funerals, and other events. Pedraza, who became part of that team, did not think he had to follow Montalvo's directives and quit the team. Elizondo, who had become union president, joined him to start another honor guard that excluded Montalvo.

One of the reasons Montalvo had incurred Elizondo and Pedraza's wrath was because both officers had asked him for use of the honor guard for events having nothing to do with its purpose, including political rallies when Elizondo was running for the Brownsville Independent School District. Disappointed and depressed at seeing his initiative taken over by the officers, Montalvo withdrew from the guard and focused on his duties as a driver of EMS and fire vehicles.

Then, on June 6, 2016, about about a month after Elizondo was appointed chief by Cabler, a fire erupted on West Elizabeth and Montalvo, the driver, was ordered by his supervisor – Lt. Rigo Bocanegra – to tend to the fire vehicles and provide support to the team suppressing the fire. Elizondo arrived on the scene in civilian dress with Deputy Chief Ernie Estrada. Montlavo acknowledged him with a nod, but did not shake his hand as Elizondo had wanted.

(Montalvo said that the anxiety created by Elizondo and Estrada after they took over the department had caused his hyperhydrosis condition that made him sweat profusely when he got excited to become worse and he stopped shaking hands with people and to wear headgear to absorb the sweat.)

"He became furious and quoted fake rules and regulations and ordered me to salute him in public like a soldier does an officer," Montalvo recalled. "I saluted him and he kept berating me on not following this fictional order to salute officers."

When his supervisor Bocanegra intervened to ask what the matter was, Elizondo told him that he should order Montalvo to "bunker up" and join the others fighting the fire. This incident led to Montalvo filing a complaint with the city's Human Resources Department where both Elizondo and Estrada denied ever making the statements and the incident was swept under the rug.

Things came to a head on Sept. 5. when Montalvo and other firefighters were ordered to attend a class on a new protocol for handling medications on EMS calls and Elizondo noticed that he was wearing a beanie. Montalvo was taking the class when Elizondo happend to pass and called him out into the hallway and ordered him to remove it becaue it did not comply with department uniform regulations.

Even after Montalvo removed the beanie and returned to class, the incident escalated to the point where Elizondo called him into his office to meet with him, Sheldon and Estrada. Montlavo asked for aunion rep and a Human Resources representative to witness the proceedings but them became alarmed and left the building. Elizondo – with Estrada and Sheldon supporting him – charged Montalvo had disobeyed a lawful order from his superior.

Montalvo was offered a demotion to firefighter after he was suspended and when he refused claiming the men had lied, was terminated from the department. Not even a recording that he says proved his version of the events was enough to save his employment.

Duruing the mediation that followed, the two deputy chiefs supported Elizondo's version of events and the Hearting Examiner Richard R. Brann on June 19, 2017 reluctantly upheld his indefinite suspension. But he said he was recommending – although it was not binding – that the city not let go of a 16-year veteran firefighter and that it rehire him at the lower firefighter position so as not to lose his experience and the investment made by the municipality in his training.

"The hearing officer is mindful that we are dealing with a 15-year employee with a generally positive  record as a competent firefighter. Alsio, it seems likely that on the day in question Montalvo was not functioning up to his normal level due to emotional circumstances that , while not objectively justified, appear to have been sincere...the Hearing Officer will offer the observation and recommendation that in view of the circumstances...(the city)...might again consider offering to rehire or reinstate Montalvo as a firefighter subject to the same conditions as (were) offered previously."

Brann left the decision to Elizondo's and (now Sheldon's) sole discretion.

Image result for carlos elizondo arrested, brownsville
Elizondo has been fired by the city after his grand jury indictment for theft of firefighter union PAC monies. Estrada also left the city. Elizondo faces more investigations by the Cameron County District Attorney into matters related to his alleged steering of medical transfers from the city's EMS to a private ambulance company linked to him personally.

Sheldon is now fire chief but might feel uncomfortable rehiring Montalvo because of his personal role in his termination. The acting city managers (Pete Gonzalez and Michael Lopez) could recommend that Montalvo be rehired and city commission members could suggest his reinstatement to the acting managers and to Sheldon.

Cabler,  facing criticism over the debacle at the fire department under Elizondo and his pal Estrada, also left with a $219,000 "retirement" golden parachute.

Firefighter union president Jorge Lerma said the union had fought and was successful in to returning those members who had been suspended or terminated by Elizondo and his deputy chiefs. Only Montalvo remains as the only loose end of Elizondo's reign. Currently, he is serving as a volunteer firefighter wit the La Feria Volunteer Fire Dept.

Will the city commissioners and the administration undo Elizondo's acts that resulted in the city losing a 16-year veteran firefighter over a petty personal vendetta and depriving him of his career?


Anonymous said...

While the details of this story are highly dramatized and flat out wrong in some areas, it does remain a fact that Mr. Montalvo was indeed treated unfairly and wrongfully terminated by someone who turned out to be the biggest crook in the city. It would be nice to see the city make good on this mistake.

Anonymous said...

Carlos and Ernie finally gone? So long muchachos!!!

Anonymous said...

Well we will see how Elizondo's case turns out. Maybe like Tony Yzaguirre's case, era muncho PEDO PAQUE CAGARAN AGUADO.

Anonymous said...

1. To be wack. Worthy of being mocked. Weak, chumpish, and generally to be avoided. 2. Mocking term of friends and/ or enemies. It's origins lie in New York City, and with a national commercial campaign by Burger King where it stated "Don't be a herb, get the Whopper." In it Herb was a combination of a nerd and a moron.

Anonymous said...

Juan can you look into possible publishing the salary of fire dept employees. From sources I have Lt. Lerma and a chief guerrero have made over 120,000 and over 135,000 for guerrero this yr. How is this possible with a job that requires a high school education. As a tax payer I am all for someone making a living wage but those salaries are outrageous when the median income is just shy of 26,000 in Brownsville. Can you please look into this. You seem to be the only blogger that actually wants to hold the city accountable.

Anonymous said...

He dug his own grave, herb needs to stop being a little bitch.

Anonymous said...

Damn get over it already. The cops make way more than us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Salary figures such as those are not standard. If they are even true, they can only come from someone working excessive overtime. A firefighter in California recently came under scrutiny for making over $300,000 in a year. When investigated, it turns out that he had worked over 300 24-hour shifts that year, working so much overtime that he almost never went home. That's working the equivalent amount of hours as having 3-4 full time jobs. If you are unhappy with this phenomenon, maybe your time would be better spent advocating for the city to increase staffing so that there is less overtime available.

You should also know that your average job in the "median income" range doesn't have the extreme health risks (death/injury/cancer rate etc.) or the amount of specialized training needed (i.e. more than just a "high school education" is required) that working in the Fire/EMS service does.

Anonymous said...

They test out for PD and FD every year son, open to the public. Customs and Border Patrol also. You need a HS education, plus a 2 year paramedic course and a 6 month Fire Academy. Hope to see you during the Civil Serivce entrance exam! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Such fragile egos you have. Extreme hazards lol. The only hazard I have seen is the obesity in that dept. Typical fireman mentality give me more we need more staffing we need more money. How about less staffing. Are all the stations needed. Every time I pass a station the fire truck is nicely parked in the garage. The ones I see up and down are the ambulances, and police cars. I'll leave it at that with this over 10,000 - 12,000 a month for a public servant pay is outrageous. Since you dispute that those figures are real I guess I'll do a freedom of information act request and see what info I can confrim. I'm sure the public would like to know just how much you are making. Now get back to work since you are probably reading and replying to this while your working. I mean avoiding all the super hazards at your super dangerous job.

Anonymous said...

Typical fireman someone brings up how much you all make and there is always one with the take the civil service test reply. Such tiny worlds your little brain lives in. Why would you assume I want to be a public servant. Did it ever cross your mind people could be successful without the city government tit. As far as your rigorous training that applies to the newer hires from what I understand all the ones making the ridiculous pay were not required to have these certifications. I'm done I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep because I'll never be a super heroic bravest fireman. I'm just a lowely typical tax payer that you seem to look so down upon. Good day.

Anonymous said...

Stop your crying you sound stupid and jealous.YOU have no idea what the job entails your just mad because you hate your life and job and your ex- wife so suck it up and better yourself fking hater. SAS!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see you run in to at least one burning building. I bet you would shit your pants granted we don't have as many house fires as a bigger city dose but it only takes one incident to get seriously hurt. But if you think it's so easy I invite you to take the civil service test. And go in to a burning building with us.,,,,How much would you pay to have fire and EMS go render Aid to your family members,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:38 and 8:11 you two Fancy Boys continue to do whatever the hell makes you happy! We'll continue to serve the good people of Browntown while you pattyflippers cry and whinge like little children! Story as old as time, there are earners and there are you guys, it's in the Wealth of Nations but I'm sure you two jabronis already knew that since y'all are the enlightened ones over at the ol' Chicken Fry Place. Not happy of where you are, work hard until something positive happens in your life, rinse and repeat... THATS HOW WINNING IS DONE!

Anonymous said...

That combination of spite, arrogance, and 5th grade grammar just reeks of a certain former city employee who was recently handed the public spanking of a century by the firefighters he is now trying to slander. "Oh, but I'm just a concerned taxpayer!" Lol. Maybe you should be less concerned with the firefighters right now and more concerned with the police.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It starts with the media and snake politicians know this and they run with it. Making a mountain out of a molehill. Is what they do, but how much does a life cost? They risk their lives every time they put their uniform on and besides that they are always on call. I have never known of a fireman hesitate to do his job. That's what they get paid for. In my opinion they don't make enough...

Anonymous said...

Risking their life to save you is not looking down at any body fool. Pay your taxes on time and sleep tight knowing somebody out there is looking out to save your rear end.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Elizondo IF you have done something wrong MAN UP AND FACE THE MUSIC.

Anonymous said...

Good Riddance to both.

Anonymous said...

So you ridicule those that actually had the aspiration to do something to help others? Freaking crybabies. If your not making what you want than why don't you do something about it. Better yourself instead of crying about it on some blog.

Anonymous said...

So the city finally fired Elizondo? He is no longer on paid leave?

Anonymous said...

BISD is playing games !!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was about Herb? How did you whiny ass little boys get so far off topic?

Anonymous said...

Shit happens

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the department continues to keep pussies like Jesse Weenies on payroll. He can't take a call without crying about it like a big giant pussy. Ass kissing has got this vato to stay on the payroll for this long. Just wait until they go through all of Elizondos shit and find Jesse Weenies everywhere. Stop saying you're a fire fighter you pinche wanna be.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you want a decently run fire department or a decently run anything else, you need to go North of the Checkpoint.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the article of the fire on Christmas Day. The reason it burned down was Jorge Lerma like always with his hands in his pockets. Just ask the family that lost their loved one. Yes, an elderly female that was bedridden and Jorge Lerma, was to scared to go in and save her. Jorge Lerma waited until some true firefighters arrived on scene and found that th elderly lady was still on her hospital bed, but know with 3rd and 2nd degree burns. Jorge Lerma you are a spineless bastard!!! Why don't you grow some balls and do your job. Pinche Cobarde!!!

Anonymous said...

This story is full of shit you say that Elizondo started rumors about his(Montalvos) epuipment then they found it in a ditch.these stories of Elizondo are bogus and becoming boring to me and my readers change the channel.

Anonymous said...

For decades I've heard people tell soldiers "You guys don't get paid enough for what you do." I've heard the same said to Cops and Firefighters. It looks like if people believe they are getting paid enough they don't like it.If that wasn't bad enough, you have to lookout for bad Chiefs, bad City Managers and Politicians who see you as a theat. Smells like CRABS at every level.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:20 Jan 3

You must be a pinche gringo. Go back to Europe pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Nice strategy. Use a flamethrower to those that actually have the spine to stand up to corruption. False comments on a blog will never keep a Fire Thief out of prison. All those on administration that have a huge lack of backbone never had the cojones to disclose the corruption. Instead they rode along allowing the citizens of Brownsville to be raided.

Hopefully the City Commission will take great care in hiring a respected fire administration instead of the embarrassment we the citizens have today in upper leadership.

Anonymous said...

This was hard to read. Your grammar sucks.

Anonymous said...

Ok margarito

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. What we need is Mario guerrero as chief. He almost passed paramedic school. He will get things running smoothly. The epitome of integrity that man is.

Anonymous said...

Another entitled firefighter why do you assume that because I question your salary I am no successful. So What you are saying is the citizens of Brownsville are beneath you. As the the patty flipper comment talk about condescenibg. My father was a "nothing patty flipper" he pushed us to be better and go to college. His patty flipping paid the bills and to his children he was a hero on our eyes. Be grateful for what you have but don't look down at others. It's been eye opening to see what the members of that dept think of the public. As for border patrol not doing anything tell that to agent Brian Terrys family.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to twist the public against the fire dept ,issues yes but they still serve at any time any place.It looks like the only person writing negatively is you trying to belittle the men and women of the fire service.Its not there fault your dad was a patty flipper. we all feel your pain in your writings, not sorry for you though.

Anonymous said...

Anything north of the check point is coward.

Anonymous said...

Keyword he ALMOST passed. He’s an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I agree Every time I put that uniform on I know it could be my last. I'll save your life but not kiss your ass. I don't owe you people anything.

Anonymous said...

Great comment Anonymous 6:14 telling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head bro you all dont owe anybody shit.Some people are just jealous dicks. keep answering the calls and may God protect the firefighters allways.

Anonymous said...

Every time my husband puts on his uniform and goes to work for the Brownsville FD, I pray it will not be the last time I see him. My biggest fear is opening my front door and seeing someone from the FD standing there to tell me he's not coming home. He loves his job, will gladly give his life for others, and does the best he can. Most firefighters just want to do the job they worked hard to earn and not deal with the infighting from a few who are dragging the department through the mud. Hopefully this crap ends soon....

Anonymous said...

A call into the FD station is for help a call into PD station is for protection. Both calls are life threating to both stations. Non of the persons answering these calls never hesitate!

Anonymous said...

You are innocent until proven guilty. You have to remember that he was a firefighter and as such I don't think Elizondo ever hesitated to do his job. I just wonder how many people he saved? He is accused of a crime but only the courts can decide. An event like this brings out the worst in people and that's just plain shame.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend that WAS a firefighter after he retired he suffered from smoke inhalation. No body could help him. There is no cure. He sadly passed on. But I remember his stories he used to tell. Always proud of the job he did and the people he helped. He was very proud of that. I can't help but feel sorry about the comments I have read here. It really breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

When you wake up in the morning and put on your clothes to go to your job. Do you think, this could be the last time I do this, will I be back to see my wife and children, my parents? Does your job includes losing your life, hazardous to your health, possibility of burning to death, or losing your life by smoke, builds falling on top of you. Lose your co-workers for the same reason. Do you have the intestinal fortitude to do this day in and day our for 20 years?

Anonymous said...

Awww snap!

Anonymous said...

What does it mean when you say awww snap?

an exclamation of dismay or disbelief, surprise, or joy; a euphemism for 'oh, shit'; also snap. Oh, snap!

Just in case...
