Friday, February 2, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: We received some photos of a late-model car (Ford Mustang?) that had been left abandoned in the middle of the frontage road off U.S. Highway 77 a little after 2 a.m.

Judging by the damage to the car, it seems to have struck something at a great rate of speed. The most obvious impact is on the front driver's side that took the brunt of the impact. The other damage is to the front on the passenger's side.

The airbags were deployed, but there were no people around the vehicle when one of our readers came across it in the fog. Police told our reader at the scene that "I think we know about the driver.")


Anonymous said...

That is a "horrific" crash? Puhleeeeeeeese stop drinking, Montoya!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Quick, someone check if Jose Perez is OK! We all know how much he loves his drinking and driving ;)

chon said...

maybe this car belong to state rep rene oliviera lol.

Anonymous said...

The fuzz can't draw your blood, if you are not there. I left because I was confused after the wreck. I had a concussion pues.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it was the same driver who "stole" Cornholes and led police in a chase or the time when it hit a car and ran on the frontage road. If the cops can't find the owner with the license plate records, something is surely wrong, don't you think? Preguntenle a Elia? She knows the law!!!!

Anonymous said...

To Juan, a pinche catfight is "horrific." Beer makes you see weird shit.

Anonymous said...

Probably Elia's kids

Anonymous said...

How dare both of you bloggers blame Elia's little angels? It could have been her, you know, because her kids are perfect. Pobres huercos, que vida para
los pobres - they didn't have any idea what they were getting into, right?

Retired LEO! said...

Where is the LP Montoya? Us, desktop investigators need to run the LP!

Former LEO of the Valley said...

Huh, just run the LP's or the VIN? Or, is there another cover up in the works? And we wonder why there is corruption?
