Tuesday, February 13, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Andres was watching a pool game at la Carta Brava Monday night.
Gaspar was slicing a new guy apart and had lost the first two games at $1 a piece bet on purpose, but just barely. Now they were playing for real money, $10 a table.

It was masterful the way Gaspar had played the newcomer, but also a bit boring because he had done it so many times before.

"Last pocket," Gaspar, the winner, had said before the game. "Cantaditas no guevas." (Call your shots, no slop.)

At about that time his barfly buddy El Chino sidled up to him at the bar. He ordered his usual Natural Light and asked Andres whether he had signed the petition.

"Cual petition?," he asked Chino.
"The one that asks pinche Trump to release El Memo. I signed it over at Brownsville Cafe on International. La tiene Javier tambien en El 1,2,3. I just came from the Sportsman and everyone is talking about it there, too. I even heard at George Gavito's El Barril that Filemon Vela has said he also wants Trump to release el memo.""

"Release cual memo, guey?"
"Memo Gonzalez, bro. El bato que vive en la Ringgold por la 4(21)."

Oh," I thought you were talking about the Democrats'," Andres said.
"Nombre, Memo no vota," said El Chino. "I don't think he's even registered to vote. Como que Democrats? Que no se de cuenta Trump porque se le cae el canton peor al pobre carnal." 

"Te encerrado, Memo?," Andres asked. "I just saw him last week at La Movidita. Por que lo encerraron?

"Nobody knows, but the cops picked him up for P.I. and then the ICE guys nabbed him at the jail in the morning," El Chino said.
"ICE?," "Memo no gotte papers, o que onda?"

"Es mojarra and nobody knew," El Chino has answered. "I grew up at la 421 and went to school with him en la Faulk and I didn't even know que era de lotrano."

"Shit, one of his kids went to school with mine at Hanna," Andres had replied. "How long had Memo been here?"

"Since he was a kid, maybe five or six," said El Chino. "Sus jefes brought him from Mata when he was a kid. He went to Canales, then Faulk and Brownsville High School."

"So he's Dreamer, o que?," Andres asked.

"Dreamer my ass," El Chino said. "Se le durmio ell gallo. He never signed up. Pero te habla bien el ingles. De chavalones nos ivamos a Mata a agarrar la peda y nunca hubo pedo. Ahora con Trump 'ta pelón."

"Pinche Trump," Andres said under his breath as he took a sip of his tarro. "Next time I go to the Brownsville Cafe or to Javier's I'll make sure I sign it."
"Pinche Trump," El Chino agreed.


Anonymous said...

suelten el memo, pinche trump culero.

Anonymous said...

I saw Bobby WC at egly elementary.
I guess that lawsuit or whatever he's writing about special ed is for that school.

Anonymous said...

Well, Trump did release El Memo, not apparently it wasn't in Spanish, so nobody down here read it. He will release El Memo 2, as soon as the Dems remove the sensitive material that identified our intelligence sources and methods. The material was put in there by the Dems, so bullshit articles like this could be written.

If the Dems take out their bad shit, it will be release. If they don't, it won't be released. This is all in the Dems control.

Anonymous said...

Its a 10 page rebuttal to a 4 page memo... that shit ain't right.

Democrats are screwing everything up... Schumer and Pelosi need to go.. Trump seems to outsmart the politicians at their own game.

Not a big fan of Trump - the only thing I am liking at this point is the economy booming, but just calling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that so many people in Cameron County express concerns about the operation of the federal government, and especially how much they dislike Trump. But, when it comes to local corruption in government these same people say nothing. Are these whiners afraid to speak out against local injustice and corruption. Most are ignorant of the federal government operations and seem to accept local corruption as a part of daily life and Hispanic culture.

Anonymous said...

Democrats SUCK and the Party continues to say its on the side of the poor and as a result of the Obama administration we have millions more poor today than 8 years ago. All Americans are "Dreamers", not just those that came here illegally and after 20 years have never sought citizenship. The Democratic Party has let most poor get even poorer and take advantage of their ignorance for votes.

Anonymous said...

Agarraron a Guillermo!? Ese pinche Memo es bien caga palo. Que le dejen encerrado. Trump!! Dont release El Memo, he’s a bad

Anonymous said...

Voy para el tanampa a firmar esa peticion para que suelten a Memo. Eso si esta aqui, alomejor ya lo deportaron para mejiqles. Pinche Memo yo tambien no sabia que es un mojarrete.
