Tuesday, February 27, 2018


By Jim Barton
The Brownsville Observer Blog
Putting it bluntly, while stating the obvious, all newspaper endorsements are not equal.

Corpus Christi native, but longtime Brownsville resident Tad Hasse found his campaign for the State Board of Education endorsed by the newspaper with the largest
circulation in District 2, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, while his inexperienced opponent, Eric Garza, garnered support from the Colorado County Citizen, a weekly published in podunk Columbus, TX, population 3,500.

In endorsing Hasse, the Caller Times cited the City of Brownsville Information Technology specialist's experience as a teacher and scout leader, but also noted that his primaries opponent, Eric Garza, had an association with "a Koch brothers-funded front for pushing public funding of private and charter schools."

(The Caller-Times Endorsement reads: State Board of Education District 2

Democrat: Michelle Arevalo Davila (over Brownsville native Ruben Cortez). The Corpus Christi teacher and Mathis school trustee has a doctorate in bilingual education among her list of degrees. Former board of education member Mary Helen Berlanga endorsed her over the incumbent.

Republican: Charles "Tad" Hasse (over Erik Garza). The Brownsville IT specialist has taught high school math and is a longtime Scout leader. His opponent is a former leader of the LIBRE Initiative, a Koch brothers-funded front for pushing public funding of private and charter schools.")

Young Garza had difficulty writing a basic platform statement for a voters' guide produced by the League of Women Voters. Problems with sentence structure, grammar and conflicting statements rendered Eric's statement almost unreadable.

See if Eric sounds like someone qualified to serve on an education board with his statement below:

"Invest of dollars from the Texas Permanent School Fund should be spent in a responsible manner that holds districts accountable for how they spend their dollars for instruction and not for higher level administrative salaries and costs."

What is an "invest of dollars," Eric? The word invest is, of course, a verb, not a noun as Eric tried to use it in a sentence. This would not be an issue if young Eric wasn't running for a seat on the Board of Education.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if he gets elected, he can buy some shoes to replace those nasty ass ones he wears. his co-workers are too afraid to tell him the truth, you dress like a homeless guy. His breath stinks, his IT skills are worthless. Change your shoes!

Anonymous said...

The fact that Ruben Cortez is a high school dropout is not important.

Anonymous said...

Go Tad!

Anonymous said...

Tassee sounds like a decent Republican from the old days. Before the party sold out to the NRA, gun lobby, Kock brothers, phony religioun peddlers. What is left of them, a couple morons still backing Trump, a few Hispanics who'd turn their grandmas over to be deported for a $500 campaign contribution. That's all the GOP offers, sellouts n money chasers

Anonymous said...

Ruben Cortez cannot relate to the other people on the Education Board. He is the son of Linda Salazar and cousin to the Reyna Brothers, who run the Sheriff's office for the incapable Omar Lucio. These people serve only themselves and love the public tit. If they didn't have a public job, they would be on the streets. Just say no to Ruben Cortez and his family.

Anonymous said...

If he's a republican that means he endorses their platform, and we all know what that means. Hillbilly republicans do the same they not only turn their grannies over to the cops but marry their sisters, just like their president.

Anonymous said...

Tad Hasse is the only republican candidate wit the right qualifications my vote goes for Hasse

Voices of the Coastal Bend said...

I would say, without much knowledge of this election, that the Corpus Christi Caller-Times endorsements should be ignored. The paper is morally compromised, as it is of questionable honesty and integrity. They have harmed Corpus Christi in innumerable ways.

Anonymous said...

Just like the Brownsville Herald. Must be something in the water.

Anonymous said...

Dangling Modifiers
