Monday, February 12, 2018


By Jim Barton
The Brownsville Observer.blogspot
Judge Rodolfo "Rudy" Delgado was arrested at his home in Edinburg Friday by the F.B.I. with nothing revealed yet as to charges. (Actually, it was taking bribes for court decisions favorable to the briber or his clients.)

In 2010-11, Delgado, a crony of the ultra-slimy Gilberto Hinojosa, was selected as a substitute judge in the Ernie Hernandez-Ruben Pena voter fraud trial.

At the time, this blog reported two distinct incidents during the trial, both weakly handled by Delgado, allowing the status quo on the use of politiqueras and the mishandling of mail-in ballots to continue. Here is a snippet from our 2012 report:

"Four prominent Brownville politiqueras were identified and received trial subpoenas: Norma Hernandez(Ernie's wife), Herminia Becerra, Amadeo Rodriguez and Margarita Ozuna (not to be confused with political activist Maggie Ozuna). All four went into hiding! Three process servers and one detective could not locate the witnesses so critical to the trial.

Here are Ruben Pena's discouraging opening remarks at the trial:

'Herminia Becerra, Norma Hernandez, Amadeo Rodriguez and Margarita Ozuna. . . . we immediately issued out trial subpoenas for them, and through today we have not been able to find a single one of them They are not to be found. They, as I predicted, are hiding . . . . . . These individuals are very critical to this case. They are the individuals who, for the most part, obtained almost a majority of the mail-in ballots, along with the applications. Without their presence, without their testimony, our case is going to be very hampered and very limited.'

Of course, these four can be seen around town prominently at many political events. Certainly, Ernie Hernandez knew where his wife was. But, the four politiqueras had no interest in the truth or having their day in court and cowardly went into hiding. In a way, it made perfect sense. If you have absolutely no respect for the election process, why would you respect the judicial process?"

Not only did the four politiqueras, including Ernie Hernandez's wife Norma, make themselves scarce for the trial, witnesses willing to testify about the mishandling of their mail-in ballots were surreptitiously sent home early. Here is more from our 2012 report:

"Then, during a break in the trial, Ernie Hernandez sympathizer Sylvia Garza-Perez, it is alleged, sent home the critically needed voters waiting to testify about their stolen votes. Delgado stated in his ruling that, while he believed those who had testified, the sheer numbers were not enough to overturn the election. Of course! The needed witnesses had been sent home! A missed opportunity to right the Cameron County electoral ship!"

Epilogue: As we hear the actual charges against Judge Rudy Delgado today, we can recall the role he played in Brownsville and Cameron County in fostering a continued environment for voter fraud.

FWIW, we heard later that the four politiqueras, including Ernie's wife Norma, were holed up in a condo on S.P.I. during the trial.


Former LEO of the Valley said...

About time! Now, go after the other Power Rangers in Hidalgo County!

Anonymous said...

Yawn! Same ol, same ol stuff. Ignorant Valley people vote crooks into office and are shocked when they turn out to be crooks. That is life in the Balley!

Anonymous said...

When you have a proven crook that is protected on the ballot, and when you don't have genuine opponents running for the position. Now we have two people challenging Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, his days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira's days are over !!!!!!
