Monday, February 26, 2018


By Juan Montoya

The city's Audit and Oversight Committee has voted to hire nationally-recognized accounting firm Price-Waterhouse to conduct a thorough audit of the accounts under the control of former City Manager Charlie Cabler.

Under city policy, Cabler was authorized to make purchases up to $35,000 without having to go before the city commission for aproval.

Cabler also controlled the so-called Benefit Youth Recreational Program funded through donations to his annual City Manager's Golf Classic. When he retired, the city commissioners approved several budget amendments to the general fund, most notably a $335,000 "payout" to Cabler.

He was cut a $219,000 golden parachute final check by the city when he resigned early October 2017 amid scandals and terminations that included former Brownsville Fire Dept. Chief Carlos Elizondo, Asst. Fire Chief Ernie Estrada, and City Attorney Mark Sossi.

The difference between $219,000 and the $335,000 transferred covered other costs including retirement, FICA, health insurance, etc.

Eizondo was indicted by a grand jury for theft and Sossi violated his promise to the commissioners when he was caught moonlighting with the City of Mission after he had promised the commissioners he would work exclusively for the city if he was employed as a full-time employee and not on a contractual basis. That would make his child eligible for the city's health insurance and comply with a court order, he said.

Today, the fundraiser fund total stands at $318,160 sitting in Acct. # 01-9115848. The future of that sum, now that Cabler is gone, is in limbo.

According to city sources, commissioners authorized the city administration to negotiate the cost of the audit with the accounting firm.


Anonymous said...

How many years will it take to find out how deep Charlie Cabler had his fingers in the till. This will be another cover up as Cabler has a thick black book.

Anonymous said...

In the rest of the USA a Benefit Youth Recreational Program with a $318,160 balance should be administered by the Parks and Recreation Dept.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a mess cabler left behind, but then also look when other previous city managers left the messes they left behind too, so who's fault is it at the end of the day? Mayor & City Commission why you ask? Cause they always hire from within the toilet bowl and not a new comer from the outside, that's why, maybe Brownsville needs a bottle of Mr. Clean or ajax or fabuloso, good day.

Anonymous said...

Cabler was a scavey dude always wanted free food ,if there was free food at any function sumbitch was there no bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Guess who is on the committee?

Pete deputy dog, because he's been there 50 years, Tucker his prodege, because he's pete's understudy, elzondo, because he's chief, cabler because he's also chief, La Chisquieda because she's an expert in spending city funds the others are secret members and are out of town for about 8 to 10 years. All approved by the major and city commission. Chisquiada voted for herself which is illegal but who cares.

Anonymous said...

Scavey! Now there is a word I have not heard for some time.

Anonymous said...

Check out his milage claims and his personal expenses? And who authorized the payment.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, no definitions found.

Anonymous said...

You had to be there to no bro its over your head but thats ok.

Anonymous said...

When the audit prove that there are millions missing, it will be hidden for years before it is made public.

chongo said...

hey even if its proven that there is money missing the da saenz will not take any action just look at what happen I la feria? the old city manager sunny Philip walked away with $3 million dollars and saenz will not prosecute, send it to a grand jury or nada, why mr DA wont you do something about this corruption? Oh I forgot his (sanez) is part of the problem, oh right that's the ticket, amigo de gilberto hinojosa otro trampa deluxe, adios.

Anonymous said...

Pat was right about the city manager, Atkinson, Saenz and all the corruption.That's why they framed him. Pat, keep up the fight and continue to expose these vultures.

Anonymous said...

Si Pat sale gas.

Anonymous said...

Your forgot Sneaky Pete the deputy dog hiding at city hall for 50 year.
