Thursday, February 15, 2018



Anonymous said...

STILL going with Rene, bro!

Anonymous said...

Alex will get my vote. He is a proven public servant who can be counted on by his constituents. He is very intelligent (Graduate of Rice University and Law School in Arizona), honest, trustworthy, dedicated and a proven hard worker for the people he serves. He may be young, but so was Rene 34 years ago. It is time for change. It is time to have a representative who isn't in Austin to serve himself. Vote for Alex Dominguez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rene The black Mamba Oliviera knows that he has the mongoose to contend with, who is letting the Black Mamba bask in his glory, before striking and laying Oliviera bare in front of everyone to see how he will handle the embarrassment as he joins Armando Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

Where did the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera get the money to pay for his pussy palace in Austin. From his pussy account know doubt.

Anonymous said...

Fake smiling required count us out , besides he is with Sylvia garza perez and we the people and staff do not support her

Anonymous said...

Ya parale ese pedito a tus payasitos. Vas a perder si sigen con sus payasadas. La gente esta arta de estas pendejadas. Parale Alejandro y que digan algo inteligente y construtivo.
