Monday, February 12, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: It's not secret that Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner is facing an uphill fight to dislodge District 37 Texas State Representative Rene Oliveira who – with $100,000s in PAC and lobbyists dollars – has held on to the office for the past 34 years. Dominguez is counting on the voters to want an improvement in their lives and those of their neighbors to blacken the oval next to his name. 

Longevity in office by itself guarantees nothing,as the statistics on poverty and income for District 37 so eloquently demonstrate  (Click on graphic to enlarge). Do the voters want a change for the better? Come the Democratic Party primary, we will soon see.) 


Anonymous said...

Dominguez is doomed, bro. Rene gets my vote! Rene is Brownsville and Alex is from la Feria, GUEY!

Anonymous said...

Rene is an asshole and has sold his votes to special interests. Now we have a third Democratic candidate...probably hired by Rene to split the vote; thus indicating Alex is a formidable opponent. Rene has done nothing for his constituents...only sought to benefit himself. Time for Rene to go.

Anonymous said...

¡Viboras los dos! Juan, why the free PR for Dominguez? Both Rene and he are up to their necks in special interest $$$$$$. If you're such a great reformer and champion of La Raza, how come not a word about Arturo Alonzo? A veteran, and like B&B (Beto and Bernie) rejecting large special interest campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...

Rene "Ribbit" Oliveira, it is time to retire.

Anonymous said...

All will be revealed before the election in full details together with times bank account statements, of money payments under false pretenses, third party statements of sexual misconduct with a clients girl friends. Proof of tax evasion with amounts date and year that paid for health farm treatments. All of this against Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, his term is over as he will be joining Armando.

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez can be from Jupiter and I would still vote for him over Rene Oliveira. I know friends and neighbors that think the same way.
In Cameron County, Democrats are a majority and the majority are a "political mafia". The few good Democrats are smeared if they don't follow the line. Republicans in Cameron county resort to insults towards Democrats instead of gaining the trust of the community with actions that would make them win votes.
Some of us are NOT Democrats or Republicans and vote based on the actions taken by the candidates.

Anonymous said...

Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, has now met the Mongoose with Alex Dominguez who will soon beat the the Black Mamba Rene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rene can do no wrong. ..he will be elected by a landslide. Alex strikes me as dummy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been offered $30.000. For the documents and proof of what I have on Rene The black Mamba Oliviera. I have refused as when I publish the book it will be in print for all to see.then let the people read and then vote for the state representative. This is one fight the Black Mamba Rene will not win. Coming soon "Consville on Border by the Sea"

Anonymous said...

Para February 13, 2018 at 8:41 AM

Your elementary writing skills show that you absconded from learning writing Proficiencies. The early identification and intervention are critical for preventing the long-term negative consequences of your persistent writing problems and did not remedy your elementary writing proficiencies. Abstract Reading difficulties impaired your diagnostic to aid in distinguishing between reading and basic cognitive deficits.

In other words it is highly doubtful that you will publish any type of literary work (in your lifetime). Maybe a police report which is in the level of your writing skills.

Anonymous said...

I have published 3 books and the 4th book Consville on the Border by the sea" gives the details of the money paid with check stubs, statements from women Rene had sex with under threat of exposure, details of sex for defending a woman in court and much more. There are people who edits the books for grammar, spelling, and formating. You don't have to be a brain surgeon to take out a black head, just send me your name and address and i shall send you the pre press release copy. Happy reading.

Anonymous said...

You are not up to date on writing a novel, you get your editorial team to take your work and check it for grammar and spelling, then formatting. You do not think Hilary Clinton wrote her own finished book. Just as you don't have to be a crooked lawyer to have sex with undocumented Mexican woman and sex for defending a woman in court. Or taking money under false pretenses and not declaring it to the tax man or your partners. Or having sex with your clients. Or using cocaine, but you believe that he is qualified for the position as a state representative. We shall see when my next book is released.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are many books that were “written” by people with less than a 1st grade education. If your story is good enough the editorial companies will write it for you. Its really more of a story telling session.

Anonymous said...

Yet we have a well educated university person who has no excuse for the things that he has done, ok i am telling a story of greed, drug taking sexual misconduct of a lawyer, that was carried out by a person who has no excuse for the things that he has done. So I shall tell my story and let the book company do their job.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what would be the best way to get satisfaction, by waiting to see if Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera wins, and let him feel the embarrassing moment standing in the house when he offers his resignation or when he is defeated at the polls. One thing is for sure the people will be told the truth, by reading the published book, from my proven facts of the truth.

chuy said...

Folks esta PELON para que le ganen a rene, he got everything covered- ah under the blanket I mean? lol

Anonymous said...

His blanket with soon disappear, as snakes like the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera like to be in the sun light on display. That is when the Mongoose will strike, and send the Mamba into hiding.

Anonymous said...

Rene will have a rude awaking real soon. he should have never run for re-election. He's family is about to be destroyed. His legacy will be disastrous for his heirs. Those of us who know him, we told him so but, he wouldn't listen. It would have been so easy to ride off into the sunset as a statesman, but, GREED will destroy him at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera is putting on weight as he tries to get in his comfort zone, but Will he be able to except the embarrassment of being exposed and in front of the house and his friends. The best result for The Black Mamba is to ride into the sunset and retire before being exposed as a disgraced lawyer and State representative. Will he handle the embarrassment I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

When you have skin like a rhino and a cocaine filled brain you think your invincible. He knows that if he bows out now, he will loose Space X and his big payday will all be just a dream. Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera is like the dog and the bone, he can see a larger bone in the water. Does he go for the bigger bone or go home with what he has got. You know Ren'e you decide FAME OR FAILURE.

Anonymous said...

Dominguez's proxies are making him look really bad by all those insults they are posting everywhere. The candidate should make a comment that he doesn't condone this type of behavior. Unless that's part of his agenda..
This type of continued insults and abusiveness will win no votes. I had no intention of voting for the incumbent but I just may and for incumbent because of Dominguez's supporters.
We don't need this type of behavior condoned by the candidate.

Dominguez if you read this post STOP IT. This will not help your candidacy.
