Monday, February 5, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Soures in the Brownsville Independent School District say that a planned hearing on Elia Cornejo-Lopez's 13 grievances against the district has been rescheduled at her request.

They also say that the 404th District Judge is going to ask the district administration that it "remove" at least nine staff members involved in the grievances.

Among those nine staff members are teachers and principals and even a golf coach who she has charged in federal court of violating the constitutional rights of her two children.

Cornejo-Lopez filed the lawsuit in federal court that was heard by federal judge Andrew Hanen. At the hearing in his court, lawyers for Cornjeo-Lopez and the BISD told Hanen they had reached a tentative agreement on a substantial number of issues including allowing Cornejo-Lopez to address the board on her grievances.

Hanen instructed the lawyers for both sides to negotiate over the hearing and to report back to him in mid March to see whether carrying the federal lawsuit forward was necessary. Some board members say that although the haring was cancelled for today, they have yet to receive the Cornejo-Lopez grievances.



Anonymous said...

Waste of time - the Mexican Play we've known for all these years. Groan

Anonymous said...

Let's have Ella removed!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So its a personal vendetta against those people, not justice for her children.
If it's justice, place the student in the AP class, give AP credit, isn't that what the whole deal was about? I guess is her way or the high way now.

Anonymous said...

is elia wearing a charro days dress already? clamate girl not yet.

Anonymous said...

When does this lady have time to focus on the job she was was elected to? Why hasn't anyone yet filed a complaint with the Texas commission of judicial conduct. Her conduct and using the court system to for Everytime she doesn't get her way and trows a tantrum. It is extremely bazaar that a judge is out stalking people she has files a suit against to serve them at all hours of the day/night... I'm more than sure that she is using her position as "Judge" to have access to serving people and bullying them every time she doesn't get her way. Based on her actions , I would opin that this Judge Elia Lopez in not of good sound mind and/or stable enough to serve as Judge. She is an embarrassment to the judicial and legal community with her personal actions and bullying of people to that don't do things her way at the snap of her fingers or doesn't like. It's an abuse of her position and it does not show good character and stability of a judge, a person who dispenses justice.. I would hate to be in her court with her show of mental instability. Wasn't this the same judge who's car was also involved in a hit and run or hit and run away from the car a few months ago and she said she didn't know who was driving her vehicle at the time of the accident? It's very hard to believe she didn't know who had her car. Very scary we have a judge like this. But great job Cameron County in electing an instable judge like Elia Lopez. And here we are ready to judge Donald Trump as being a bully and firing people he doesn't like or goes against him, but here we have our own bully on the bench and yet she is allowed to get away with it. Someone in Cameron County needs to file a complaint with the Commission on Judicial Conduct and With the State Bar of Texas regarding the behavior of this judge. Wake up people stop electing these type of people. Cameron County has become a joke and is known for all the wrong reasons. One of the corrupt counties in the State. And the county who elects idiots to positions. Compadrismo. I'm sure the Commission on Judicial Conduct will look into this matter if someone files a grievance against this bully.. I can tell you the first action I will take is vote against this person on next election. This clown is not the type of role model I would like around my children Wake up Cameron County.....

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to give her the Charro Days dates. Looks like she’s wearing a zarape lmao
Elia can drive a Mercedes and it doesn’t change her ugliness. She is an ugly lady inside and out that abuses her so called power. BISD put your foot down and don’t allow her to bully people any longer!

Anonymous said...

You mean Dr.Zendejas !

Anonymous said...

Truth conquers all things.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Elia is UGLY..Please get rid of this woman. She looks like an UGLY PIG.

Anonymous said...

her cheeks are busting at the seams!!

CC Voter said...

Man, that woman gets fuglier everyday! Put her in a pig sty and the pigs would kick her out! Impeach Elia "Corn Hole" Lopez!

Anonymous said...

why are you all being so mean to her - she's trying to look like a double stuffed burrito...she's not hurting anyone, just the fabric on her body...also maybe the burns from her fat rubbing together chill out guys..can't a women be fat and ugly these days? she loves to file lawsuits any chance she gets she needs funds to stuff her piggy figure don't be mad at her...she'll sue you or force you to stare at her uyyyyyyy!!!
